5 Items for #GoalTopia Inspiration

To get what you want, you need to know what you want. That's truly the first step in setting effective goals and, as a result, setting yourself up for success.

So, what do you want? To get your book published? Have a syndicated column? Be a very busy - and financially stable - writer? Whatever your goal, think a little bigger. 

Do you want to be a best-selling author? Be the go-to expert on a certain subject that your column is known around the world? Write novels that get turned into films and, every time a sequel comes out, your books find a brand new audience?

What is your Goaltopia? GoalTopia is your ideal destination. It's that magical place where you are achieving your goals and living the life you want. 

Can you see it? Excellent!

Now that you know what you want, let's solidify those plans. Gather a few items to keep at your desk/in your workspace that will keep you focused as you work toward that ideal life. 

Call it a vision board, motivator, or compass, here are five things that will help you keep an eye on the GoalTopia.
1. Visual Representation. You know what you want, but what does that look like? Create some form of visualization to keep on or near your desk. For instance, want to be an award-winning screenwriter? Get an award statue or certificate, and add your name and screenplay title. Working on becoming a bestselling author? Print out a copy of the New York Times Bestseller List, and write your name and title at number 1.

2. Your Future Bio. Write a bio of you living your ideal future life. List out your credits and accomplishments. It can be a few lines, a paragraph, or a page. Just remember to write it in the third person ... and in the present tense.

3. Your Mission. Your mission statement encompasses who you are - your background and what makes you unique, as well as what you want and how you help others. Help can take the form of informing, educating, and entertaining those around you or who can learn from your expertise. The point is this: when you are working toward your goals, and helping others in the process, there is fuel behind you ... pushing you to succeed. 

4. Your Motto. Once you know your mission, shorten it into a catchy three- to five-word that encompasses the spirit of who you are, what you are doing, and why. "Inspire and inform." "Just write." "Go for it." Whatever your mission and motto, refer to them whenever new opportunities come your way. This will help you make informed decisions, so that all your activities are in alignment with you and your goals.  

5. Your Goals. Keep your top five goals in your line of sight whenever possible in order to keep you focused. 

As you strive toward achieving your goals, you want to keep an eye on the prize. When you know what you want - and surround yourself with reminders - you will stay motivated, inspired, and constantly in motion!  

Read more about where to keep your goals... and where not to!

* * *

So, where do you keep your items of inspiration? Please share your thoughts and experience in the comments.

Debra Eckerling is the author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. A writer, editor, and project catalyst, as well as founder of the D*E*B METHOD and Write On Online, Deb works with individuals and businesses to set goals and manage their projects through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online support. She is also the author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages, host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat and #GoalChatLive on Facebook, and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.

Book Review || Persistence by Jordan Rosenfeld

Jordan Rosenfeld is the author of –  A Writer’s Guide To Persistence: How to Create a Lasting and Productive Writing Practice,   Reviewed by Deborah Lyn Stanley

I bought Jordan Rosenfeld’s Persistence book a couple of years ago and it has had a significant influence on my writing practice. I kept a notebook to record the volume of important points that caught my attention in each chapter. The book builds strategically from Chapter 1 through Chapter 25. The journey changed and strengthened my practice.

I particularly enjoyed the process of defining “Why I Write” then developing “My Writer’s Code Agreement”. The closing message is worth keeping; Persistence means you don’t ever give up, you consider no effort wasted, you keep writing, and you go on resolutely.

The Goal of the book is to impress writers with the importance of creating a productive writing practice that will last. It’s a strategic plan that’s consistent, unlocks your direction, and authenticity, for your essential pathway.

I whole-heartedly recommend this book. It’s unique, it’s complete, and it will inspire you no matter what your experience level is.

Thank you Jordan Rosenfeld, much appreciated!


Other books by Jordan Rosenfeld:  http://jordanrosenfeld.net/about/
•    Writing the Intimate Character: Create Unique, Compelling Characters Through Mastery of Point of View by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    How To Write A Page-Turner: Craft a Story Your Readers Can’t Put Down by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    Make a Scene Revised and Expanded Edition: Writing a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    Writing Deep Scenes: Plotting Your Story Through Action, Emotion, and Theme by Martha Alderson and Jordan Rosenfeld

Deborah Lyn Stanley is an author of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts. 

Visit her My Writer’s Life website at: https://deborahlynwriter.com/   

Visit her caregiver’s website: https://deborahlyncaregiver.com/

Facebook: Deborah Lyn Stanley, Writer    https://www.facebook.com/deborahlynwriter/?modal=admin_todo_tour



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Writing Through 2020, Or Not with Terry Whalin

In light of the unprecedented and scary year we've had, we thought it'd be a good idea to share our 2020 in regard to how the year affected our writing and our lives.

Today, Terry Whalin shares his experience:
By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin
As we end this strange year of 2020, I've turned to my writing more than ever.
I began the year with lots of conferences on my schedule and travel plans. As an editor, I find many authors at these events and they are productive for my career in publishing. In February I spent five intense days at a Book Funnel Bootcamp and learned a great deal plus built this site for my 10 Publishing Myths book.
In March, I traveled to Nashville for a red carpet event with my Morgan James authors and colleagues. The worldwide pandemic was just beginning and my wife questionned whether I should attend—but I did. It marked my last time to travel for the year since my other events were cancelled. On the way home, my plane backed up from the gate and the pilot announced they were closing all of the ski resorts in Colorado. They gave the passengers one opportunity to get off and stay in Nashville. My plane was loaded with parents and children headed to ski and about half of my airplane left the flight and stayed in Nashville—and the airline would have to straighten out their baggage later.
Throughout the months that followed, I continue to find new authors and sign them at Morgan James but I was less active than in years past because of the pandemic. With the additional free time, I turned to my writing and producing books for others. One of those books has been completed and a second one is nearing completion. These books are ones I write for others (and my name may or may not appear on the printed book). It's just one of the pivots that I've experienced during this “different” 2020.
My Writing Tip:
Publishing is still active and books are selling. At Morgan James we published and launched over 200 new titles this year. Editors and agents may be working at home but they are still actively reading and responding to pitches and proposals. I encourage each of us to keep our fingers on the keyboard and keep pitching our projects. The more you knock on the doors, the more they will open for you. There are many opportunities but these opportunities will not come to you. You have to be actively looking for them.

Even with a worldwide pandemic, publishing is still active. Get ideas here for your writing from this prolific editor and writer. (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. His work contact information is on the bottom of the second page (follow this link).  He has written for over 50 magazines and more than 60 books with traditional publishers. His latest book for writers is 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed. Get this book for only $10 + free shipping and over $200 in bonuses. One of Terry's most popular free ebooks is Straight Talk From the Editor, 18 Keys to a Rejection-Proof Submission. He lives in Colorado and has  190,000 twitter followers



Five Ways to Let Words Influence Your Writing Career


By Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the
multi award-winning #HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers
Where is your talent? Pinpoint it and let it shine.
Today we’re going to give ourselves a little gift for the New Year. We’re going to talk about how habits increase our chance at success--or not. Habits are influenced by thought patterns which are in turn influenced by the seeds of our subconscious. Those seeds are words. So reaching for success by changing how we think about words as they relate to our progress in life are often espoused by leaders like psychologists and business leaders like Elle Kaplan, CEO and founder of Lexion Capital, an investment management firm.
To use our talents more effectively we want habits that nurture our better selves. We want our best habits to dominate our world view, but we can also turn habits we consider destructive into positives. We can do that with the power of words; we substitute words that influence us negatively for those that move us forward. It occurs to me that the process may be easier for writers who already aware of and accept the power of words in our lives. We can make a few words (and habits!) that work against us into words (and habits) that work for us—both consciously and subconsciously.
Defensiveness can become curiosity. Curiosity nurtures new ideas, new successes. Curiosity helps in our endeavors to observe details more creatively. Generally speaking, writers have already honed that skill. But curious people also listen more acutely. The asking of questions and the listening to answers are important skills for authors who do public speaking or teaching. Asking questions can get you out of a whole lot of hot water. You may even discover that you have common ground with a heckler!
Envy or jealousy are similar to admiration. When we use the “a” word—admire—instead of letting the little green monster take control of our thought patterns, we begin to see how we easy it is to emulate what we admire. That simple change is a positive pattern for growth.
Turn procrastination into achievement. Tasks, jobs, assignments sometimes feel like burdens. When you focus on hating them, they are destructive. Instead, rearrange your thinking. Think of them as opportunities for learning. Maybe for learning another skill. Maybe that skill will be organizing our time better. You’ll think of others that might be particularly useful to you as you tackle each of your projects with a different attitude.
Turn gut or knee-jerk reactions into level-headed thinking. One way to do this is to avoid making decisions when you are upset, disgruntled, feeling jealous, angry, sad . . . or even overly excited or enthusiastic. This rule has been with most of us since our parents told us not to act until after we have counted to ten. When we substitute the new term for the old, it becomes easier to do. Besides, we now have maturity on our side.
Here’s the most important change. And perhaps the most difficult. How many celebrities have we seen get themselves into trouble because they haven’t turned their success into humility? Success follows as your life-skills improve. Why not tape the word “humility” to your bathroom mirror as a reminder of how to handle success. It will happen. Success fosters more success. And you have the power of words on your side.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson brings her experience as a publicist, journalist, marketer, and retailer to the advice she gives in her HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers and the many classes she taught for nearly a decade as instructor for UCLA Extension’s world-renown Writers’ Program. The books in her HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers includes the third edition of The Frugal Book Promoter and from Modern History Press, The Frugal Editor, which won awards from USA Book News, Readers’ Views Literary Award, the marketing award from Next Generation Indie Books and the coveted Irwin award, and How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically.
The author loves to travel. She visited ninety-one countries before the Year of Covid and has studied writing at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom; Herzen University in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Charles University, Prague. She admits to carrying a pen and journal wherever she goes. Her Web site is www.howtodoitfrugally.com

Writing Through 2020, Or Not with Karen Coiffi & Deborah Lyn Stanley

In light of the unprecedented and scary year we've had, we thought it'd be a good idea to share our 2020 in regard to how the year affected our writing and our lives.

Karen & Deborah Lyn are up next.

by Karen Cioffi

When thinking about what to write for this collaboration on 2020 and the upcoming New Year, I decided to break it into what was horrible about the year, what worked out as blessings, and what I'm hoping 2021 will bring.

The Horrible:

The Pandemic shook our world and it made me realize how precious the simplest things we take for granted are.

Seeing family. Seeing friends. Going to stores. Going to the doctor if needed. Not worrying about receiving packages or home grocery deliveries. Being fearful of ordering take-out (at least in the beginning of the pandemic).

Missing family terribly.

Although, I did see family over the summer, but now we're distancing again, probably until at least the Spring.

The Blessings:

In the summer of 2019, I moved into a four-bedroom house from a two-bedroom townhouse. It wasn't safe for my husband to do stairs any longer and my younger daughter and now 4-year-old grandson had moved in with me the year before. I needed more bedrooms.

The best thing, though, is the house has a large backyard with mostly grass. While having to stay pretty much homebound, my grandson had a ball in the yard over the summer. He even had a playmate come over to play in it. I couldn't have asked for a better set up for what we're going through.

In regard to writing, this was another blessing. In April my business went into over-drive. 2020 was probably my busiest and most productive year ever.

Having so many clients and stories to write, I didn't have time to overly think about things or worry too much. As Carolyn Howard-Johnson said, "Creativity is a blessing." It takes us beyond the world we live in.

As 2020 brought illness and worse to so many, and it brought so much fear, anger, and even hatred, I hope the world is a safer and better place in 2021.

A writing tip for the New Year: Step past your fear. Don't let the 'I'm not a good enough writer' syndrome stop you from going for whatever it is you want to do. Submit to magazines; submit to publishers; submit to agents. Or if you want to self-publish, do it. If you're not a writer, it would be a good idea, though, to read some books on how to write or take some classes before you jump in. 

Karen Cioffi is the founder and editor-in-chief of Writers on the Move. She is also an award-winning author, children's ghostwriter, and online marketing instructor with WOW! Women on Writing and the Working Writers Club. 





Wishing You a Wonderful & Prosperous New Year
by Deborah Lyn

2020 has been a year of hope and worry: prayer and the challenge to stay productive daily. I pushed through my book edits, polishing for publication, and I’m delighted that Mom & Me, a Story of Dementia and the Power of God’s Love, was published in September. It is a memoir to encourage caregivers: current, past and future. It’s upbeat, touchable, and my story.

AlzAuthors is a wonderful non-profit, providing an abundance of resources for caregivers. During the summer, I became an AlzAuthor. A couple months later, I started working with the website director as an Associate member.

I’m grateful for the milestones met this year, and eager for life to return to “normal”.
My success tip for both you and me is to persevere, keep writing, keep getting it out to readers, and enjoy your writing practice.

Deborah Lyn Stanley is an author of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays, and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts. 

Visit My Writer’s Life website at: https://deborahlynwriter.com/   

Words to Live By


Words to Live By - The Three Gates

Sometimes, you read a quote or adage that makes you want to share it. This is one of them and I thought it's so appropriate for the beginning of a new year.

Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates.
At the first gate, as yourself, “Is it true?”

At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?”
At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?”
~ Sufi Saying

While this really doesn’t have much to do with writing fiction, as an author, it’s a great way to live life.

According to Psychology Today,

“Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness. While kindness has a connotation of meaning someone is naive or weak, that is not the case. Being kind often requires courage and strength. Kindness is an interpersonal skill.”

Come to think of it, a children’s books on the virtues of kindness, as long as it’s done subtly!

This post was originally published at: https://karencioffiwritingforchildren.com/2019/10/06/words-to-live-by-the-three-gates/


Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!




With the New Year here, it's a good time to get your story started. 

There are so many 'time' quotes. 

One that comes to mind is: 

 "No such thing as spare time. No such thing as free time. No such thing as down time. All you got is time. Go." ~ Henry Rollins 

Another one is: 

“We all have time to spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it. But, once passed, it’s gone forever.” ~ Bruce Lee 

And a final one I love is: 

“One thing you can’t recycle is wasted time.” ~ Unknown 

I thought this time of year is the perfect time to talk about … time. 

It seems that when the end of the year comes around  and the New Year pokes through, most of us reflect about the things we've done and the things we haven't done. 

I've been thinking about my own children's stories … the ones I've had on the back burner because I've been too busy ghostwriting for others. Hopefully in 2021 I'll find the time to work on my works-in-progress. 

So, if you've thought about being the author of a book, but don't know how to write, or don't have the time, or just don't want to put the effort into it, look into getting help.

 Whether you look into taking some online classes, reading lots of books on writing, looking into hiring a writing coach, or even hiring a ghostwriter, take that to-do off your list. 

Get started today! 




Perking Up the New Year for Authors

  A Couple Bulleted Lists of Ideas that May Perk Up the New Year             Tuning Up for 2025 with Ideas  Old and New By Carolyn Howard-Jo...