Writing, publishing, book marketing, all offered by experienced authors, writers, and marketers
Creating Conflict in Your Story
Your story has a great beginning—a great hook that will capture the reader instantly. You have an interesting, funny, or mischievous protagonist who will keep the reader engaged. But will it be enough to keep the reader turning the pages to end? Is there something missing?
Children’s stories aren’t what they use to be. Granted many stories of years ago did have conflict, they would not cut it in today’s children’s market.
In today’s children’s writing world, writing must be tight and focused. And, you need conflict. The conflict is an obstacle or roadblock in the road from point A to point B. The protagonist must figure out a way over, around, under it, or through it.
Examples You Can Use to Create and Beef up the Conflict:
Tommy wants more than anything to play baseball, but he’s not very good. The other boys never willingly choose him for their team. How will Tommy overcome this problem?
What if Tommy gets the best bat and glove on the market—will this make him a better ball player?
Kristen’s friends all have new bikes, but she has her older sister’s hand-me-down. Kristen needs to figure out a way to get a new bike.
What if Kristen finally gets a new bike and leaves it unattended at the park. It gets stolen. She’s afraid to tell her parents, so keeps this little bit of information to herself. But, how long can she keep this up.
What if Billy has a run in with the school bully and ever since he’s harassed every day. How can Billy get out of this mess?
So, the way to create and build conflict is to use “how” and “what if” to generate conflict and get your story off the ground and flying.
In the article “What to Aim For When Writing,” Margot Finke advises, “A slow buildup of tension gives good pace. Dropping hints and clues builds tension, which in turn moves your story along. Short, punchy sentences give better pace than longwinded lines."
For chapter books, middle grade, and young adult, Finke advises to keep the reader engaged by ending each paragraph with a kind of cliff-hanger. This doesn’t mean you need a life and death scenario, just something that entices the reader to move onto the next chapter to find out what happens. In addition, to increase your story’s pace in certain sections, use shorter chapters. Chapters with 5-7 pages creates the sense of a quicker pace.
This article was originally posted at:
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author and successful children’s ghostwriter/rewriter. She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Writers on the Move and as well as an author online platform instructor with WOW! Women on Writing.
If you’d like more writing tips or help with your children’s story, check out: Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.
And, you can follow Karen at:
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/karencioffiventrice
Twitter http://twitter.com/KarenCV
Writing Possibilities Abound - If You Persevere
The Importance of Believing in Yourself
Making Your Book Reviews Into Workhorses
Writing Fiction for Children - 4 Simple Tips
5 Places to Keep Goals ... and 2 Places you Shouldn't
The beginning of the year is without a doubt the most popular time to set new goals. Whether you are working toward a career change, want to build a business, or have a content project that you are determined to complete, the odds of achieving your goals increase greatly when you look at them on a regular basis.
But where should those goals to reside ...
Here are 5 places to keep your goals ... and 2 places to avoid.
1. KEEP: On Your Mobile Phone. Create a graphic with your top goals to use as your cellphone wallpaper.
2. KEEP: On Your Computer. If you don't want to post a graphic of your goals on your computer background - and announce them to all who walk by your desk - create a goals document with a shortcut on your computer's desktop. Open the doc and review your goals at least once a day.
3. AVOID: Your Head. You can think about your goals all you want. That's actually encouraged. But you must do more than that. If you can't "see" your goals, unless you close your eyes, then you are missing something.
4. KEEP: In Your Office. Be creative. Post your goals somewhere inconspicuous - perhaps in the corner of a framed photo or written on a desk "toy" - but in your line of sight.
5. KEEP. In Your Wallet. Type up your goals, print it out small, and keep it in your wallet. Then whenever you go to open it, you can see your goals.
6. AVOID: The Bottom of a Drawer. Don't hide your goals. The point isn't to make wishes and hope something comes to fruition. You need to know your goals, since it will increase the possibility of turning them into reality.
7. KEEP: In Your Favorite Place. Where is your power zone? Do you have a special place you like to go to write? A man cave or a she shed? If you love to cook, maybe that place is your kitchen. Fan of yoga? Attach your goals to the corner of your mat. Hang your goals in a place of honor in the location that is most inside your comfort zone.
The clean slate that goes with January 1 makes it the perfect opportunity to re-examine what you want, re-evaluate your mission, and set your priorities. Just keep those goals where you can see them. It greatly increases your chance of success.
* * *
Where do you keep your goals? Please share in the comments.
* * *
Debra Eckerling is the author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. A writer, editor and project catalyst, as well as founder of the D*E*B METHOD and Write On Online, Deb works with individuals and businesses to set goals and manage their projects through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online support. She is also the author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages, host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat, and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.
But where should those goals to reside ...
Here are 5 places to keep your goals ... and 2 places to avoid.
1. KEEP: On Your Mobile Phone. Create a graphic with your top goals to use as your cellphone wallpaper.
2. KEEP: On Your Computer. If you don't want to post a graphic of your goals on your computer background - and announce them to all who walk by your desk - create a goals document with a shortcut on your computer's desktop. Open the doc and review your goals at least once a day.
3. AVOID: Your Head. You can think about your goals all you want. That's actually encouraged. But you must do more than that. If you can't "see" your goals, unless you close your eyes, then you are missing something.
4. KEEP: In Your Office. Be creative. Post your goals somewhere inconspicuous - perhaps in the corner of a framed photo or written on a desk "toy" - but in your line of sight.
5. KEEP. In Your Wallet. Type up your goals, print it out small, and keep it in your wallet. Then whenever you go to open it, you can see your goals.
6. AVOID: The Bottom of a Drawer. Don't hide your goals. The point isn't to make wishes and hope something comes to fruition. You need to know your goals, since it will increase the possibility of turning them into reality.
7. KEEP: In Your Favorite Place. Where is your power zone? Do you have a special place you like to go to write? A man cave or a she shed? If you love to cook, maybe that place is your kitchen. Fan of yoga? Attach your goals to the corner of your mat. Hang your goals in a place of honor in the location that is most inside your comfort zone.
The clean slate that goes with January 1 makes it the perfect opportunity to re-examine what you want, re-evaluate your mission, and set your priorities. Just keep those goals where you can see them. It greatly increases your chance of success.
* * *
Where do you keep your goals? Please share in the comments.
* * *
Debra Eckerling is the author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. A writer, editor and project catalyst, as well as founder of the D*E*B METHOD and Write On Online, Deb works with individuals and businesses to set goals and manage their projects through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online support. She is also the author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages, host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat, and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.
How to Use Multimedia Fiction to Market Your Book
Contributed by Silvia Li Sam
Authors must adapt to new technologies and trends to reach their audiences in today's ever-changing world. With the internet, there are so many new and innovative ways to reach potential readers. One of the many new trends in storytelling has been multimedia fiction.
What is multimedia fiction? It's a visual short story that adds images, pictures, or even audio to the written word. Websites like Commaful that are dedicated specifically to multimedia fiction have become incredibly popular, and attract more readers every day.
Is it possible to use multimedia fiction to help market your book?
Not only is it possible, but it might also even be the boost you need to actually reach the public you've been aiming for.
Extend your novel's universe
Short multimedia stories are ideal for today's fast-paced world. People tend to have a short attention span, and so offering them shorter options to sink their teeth into is a great way of catching their interest. This is especially true for young adult audiences.
Sharing short stories in a multimedia format can both attract new readers to your books and build excitement amongst existing fans. The wait between books can be a long one and short multimedia stories can be a huge boost in excitement and fan engagement.
This can be true even after a novel’s series is over. JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, for example, releases short stories occasionally on the site Pottermore. She has also released multimedia versions of the previous novels, filled with illustrations and interactive elements.
Multimedia fiction can also help you expand your character's background stories or create new paths and possibilities. Perhaps it could open the chance to write a new book series, if the first one turns out to be a success, focusing on other characters or even new adventures or mysteries altogether. Disney has clearly done well with that with all the spinoff stories and movies they have.
Because many sites that offer micro-stories and multimedia stories are also hotbeds for fanfiction, this is also a great way to get fans to interact with your universe and build fandom around your books. For example, Commaful has a fanfiction page that is dedicated to all types of fanworks around books, movies, and more.
Don't be afraid of trying a new type of storytelling to expand your novel's universe.
Offer snippets from your books
You may also use the material you've already written to promote your books.
Offering potential readers and influencers a sample of your writing can boost your book's sales. This is especially true if you sell an online version since you can add a link directly to the website that offers the full text.
It's essential to select extracts that can immediately catch the audience's attention and make them wonder what will come next. Also, try and use all the multimedia format's benefits to your advantage.
Add eye-catching pictures or photographs, play with the formatting, and make it as attractive as possible. Offering portions of your book with new and engaging short stories can make the potential readers feel a connection to your characters and have them aching for more.
Think carefully about how to integrate multimedia
To really take advantage of the format, aim the pictures you select at the right target audience and genre.
If you write horror novels, then utilize bone-chilling photos and images, to keep the reader on edge. If it's a romance book, then try and find pictures that will fit your character's appearances and the general tone of the story.
Multimedia fiction is more than just the text people read. It's also about visual and audio elements that make the story a whole new experience than traditional literature.
Examine the audience's reactions.
Don’t be afraid to experiment! If a particular attempt doesn't work out as you hoped, try new ideas and see what happens.
Sharing multimedia fiction is a great way to get quick feedback as the stories are short and fun to view. If you have some followers already, this is a really quick way to test out an idea. This will allow you to adapt and improve your style according to what your core audience enjoys the most.
It's free market research, and it will help you both improve your writing skills and discover what people enjoy and dislike about your style.
So, what are you waiting for? There are readers out there waiting! If you like trying new things, multimedia fiction might be precisely what your book needs to become a huge success.
About the Author
Silvia Li Sam is a storyteller, blogger, writer, and social media expert. You can connect with her on her LinkedIn.
Writing Fiction for Children - 4 Simple Tips
Agented Authors Share Tips on Finding an Agent
Platform, Brand and You
Everyone Starts Small So Get Started
Getting the Forever-Review Nudge Your Book Needs
Your Sales Rankings, Your Reviews
The Magical Review-Getting Nudge
By Carolyn Howard-JohnsonExcerpted in part from the third book in Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers, How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career.
You need only a few essentials in your Amazon toolbox to build the traffic crucial for your reviews to be seen—the reviews that will convince readers to buy your book. I believe reviews are the most important tool available—even more important than search engine-friendly keywords across the web. After all, you must have a “convincer” once readers are looking right at your beautiful book cover.

My book—the third in my multi award-winning HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers—How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career helps you get the reviews that influence Amazon’s sales ranking, That ranking influences Amazon’s other logarithms that affect sales across their site!
Amazon sales rankings are dandy little aids for evaluating how your book is selling. Not that you should fixate on that, but having an indicator that your book might need a little sales boost is nice. And—when those ratings are nurtured—they prod Amazon’s algorithms to lead people who read books similar to yours to your Amazon buy page.
The problem is that most authors and publishers know little if anything about how those rankings come about. That isn’t their fault because I doubt if Jeff Bezos, the brains behind the entire Amazon model, knows exactly what his algorithms measure. If they’re anything like the rest of the Amazon site, they change from day to day anyway. You don’t need to know the magic behind them; you do need to know what they are and how to prod them a little:
1. Find your sales ranking (or rankings) on your book’s buy page under “product details.” Often called “metadata,” these details are the specifics for your book like ISBN, publisher, number of pages, etc. Scroll down a bit to find this section on your page.
2. If you have a ranking of 24,800, that means that 24,799 books listed in your category are selling better than your book and that up to millions of books in your book’s category are selling less well.
3. The lower your sales ranking number for your book the better. Sales rankings for your Kindle (your ebook) page will not be the same as the one on your paperback page.
Note: When the pages for your paper book and ebook are digitally connected properly, your reviews and the other sales tools Amazon offers may be the same on both pages. (There should be a link on each page pointing to the other—you may have three, paperback, hardcover, and ebook. But don’t count on it, check!)
4. If you market and promote, your efforts may lower those rankings (lower is good!). If so, celebrate because this doesn’t always happen. Sometimes the marketing you are doing does not improve your rating much or at all, though it should contribute to your overall branding effort.
5. Don’t try to translate a better ratings to the number of books sold. Algorithms are a lot more complicated than that.
6. Sales rankings fluctuate (sometimes wildly) during the day, so don’t hurry to celebrate or panic unnecessarily.
Warning: Do not spend a lot of time checking your ratings. They should be used as indicators. It’s best not to obsess, but if you can’t avoid it, Bookbuzzr.com and others provide services available for pinging ratings to you in your email box.
So, now you know the basics about sales rankings and have an inkling about how important reviews are, here’s your nudge! Learn as much as you can about getting reviews ethically (and free!) using my Great Book Reviews book. It’s fat, but MSNBC has a saying, “the more you know.” When considering the health of your book, that would be rewritten “the more you know about reviews, the better your sales, the better your career-building efforts.”
To get started today, go to your Author Central feature and start poking around.
· Install your author page or author profile if you haven’t already.
Use the build-your list -feature. If you have only one book, that’s OK. Add it.
· If you have first and second editions of a book, contact the Amazon Elves with the contact feature (email or phone) and have them install a widget that points readers from the first edition to the second so they get your best, up-to-date work.
· Now go to your KDP account and find the place that lets you add reviews yourself. Yes, yourself. Choose your best, most prestigious one of under 4,000 words and post it.
· While you are there, note that this feature lets you post more than one review yourself.
· You’ll also see there are other self-post features. You can even add a note from you directly to your prospective reader. You can add a synopsis or pitch from the back cover or flyleaf. You can add endorsements or blurbs (your copy of , How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career will help you do a professional job of getting these by excerpting from everything from your fan email to your reviews.)
And, How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically will also help you keep getting reviews for as long as you want to keep your book alive. That goes for all online reviews including the ones your readers post on your Amazon page, use for their blogs and Goodreads and on and on. I call them “forever reviews.” Forever reviews can be your frugal path to making your book a classic.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson brings her experience as a publicist, journalist, marketer, and retailer to the advice she gives in her HowToDoItFrugally series of books for writers and the many classes she taught for nearly a decade as instructor for UCLA Extension’s world-renown Writers’ Program. The series includes The Frugal Book Promoter, now published in its third edition by Modern History Press, and her The Frugal Editor.
Howard-Johnson is the recipient of the California Legislature’s Woman of the Year in Arts and Entertainment Award, and her community’s Character and Ethics award for her work promoting tolerance with her writing. She was also named to Pasadena Weekly’s list of “Fourteen San Gabriel Valley women who make life happen” and was given her community’s Diamond Award for Achievement in the Arts.
The author loves to travel. She has visited nearly 100 countries and has studied writing at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom; Herzen University in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Charles University, Prague. She admits to carrying a pen and journal wherever she goes. Find her Amazon Author Page mentioned above at http://bit.ly/CarolynsAmznProfile.
Amazon ratings,
Amazon reviews,
book reviews,
frugal book reviews,
getting book reviews,
How to Get Great Book Reviews
Happy New Year
Wishing You and Your Family a Healthy, Safe,
and Prosperous NEW YEAR!
As a thank you for being a loyal reader of our blog and to start the New Year off right, here are three gifts:
A Simple System to Achieve Your Goals
Top Ten Blogging Mistakes
And, here's a great article on steps to help you break bad habits:
Writing - 4 Powerful Steps to Breaking Bad Habits
'Tis the Season to Set Goals
Yay. This method can work the way successful weight-loss programs work: by making ourselves accountable to someone. Why not do this for our writing? As a veteran of years of goal-setting and goal-breaking, I find myself excited and motivated by the prospect of putting my goals in writing and sharing them with my critique partners. This way my projects have an excellent chance of progressing, maybe even being completed.
Here’s what I plan to take to our meeting:
- A 35x24 white board has sat in our garage gathering dust for years. I rescued it, cleaned it off, bought a brand new set of dry erase markers, found my old eraser, and propped it up in my office. The months are listed on the left, projects on the top; goals filled in now and will be updated throughout the year.
- My goal plans were born on paper, typed up and ready to post on my goal board for the world to see. For my first book, about to be published, I typed up part of my marketing plan (the more detailed plan is kept in a three-ring binder), and to save space, I labelled its parts in phases. At the meeting I can explain the phases from my typed-up version, and throughout the year, as I go along completing my goals, I can erase them from the board and cross them off on paper.
- Most of the goals I’ve set are short-term, aiming toward the long-term drop-dead goal.
Another member found a terrific “Best of My Year” set of questions we can ask ourselves about how we did in 2019, which were recently posted on Emma D. Dryden’s blog, and can be found here:
What excited you this year about your art or writing?
What are you grateful for in the progress you’ve made in your art or writing and your goals?
What did you do this year to propel your story forward and/or to propel your career forward?
What did you do to invest in your art or writing?
What did you do to invest in yourself?
Emma’s last words:
Bring it back to you and your creativity.
That's what matters most.
Hard to do, I know, but worth it.
You're worth it.
(And separate from social media if you have to!)
Let's make a date to meet back here in December 2020 on my monthly post date, the 27th, and see how much we've accomplished. If we take the time to set our goals, put them in writing, and follow through with them throughout the year, I predict we will be pleased--maybe even ecstatic--at what we've accomplished!
Introductory image courtesy of: Pinterest
![]() | ||
Biggie 2020 goal: Use less paper! |
Wilson, a former elementary teacher and ICL graduate, has published
over 150 articles for adults and children, and several short stories for
children. She has recently become editor of the New Mexico SCBWI
chapter newsletter, and is working on several projects for children. Follow Linda on Facebook.
Marketing & Promotion Recap - Happy Holidays!
As authorprenuers, we must market our products; Platform, Brand, and Website provide the way.
Today we’ll recap our discussions over the last several months because this topic is worth repeating.
1) What Does It Take To Promote Your Writing?
It takes Author Platform, Branding, Identifying your audience, an Author Website, and building Connection with your readers. Overwhelming? Yes, but, we must reach folks to read our stuff, so let’s get going.
A Platform, established and maintained, is the action you take to promote your writing. Kimberly Grabas founder of YourWriterPlatform.com defines Platform succinctly. It describes the ways you connect and engage with your ideal readership – the readers who are most receptive to your work. It also denotes your influence, visibility and authority.
Branding is who you are and how you are known. We market ourselves through our branding.
You have a book in you. Write it and get it out there.
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/04/what-does-it-take-to-promote-your.html
2) What Does It Take To Market Your Writing? Great Content
To market your writing it takes focused effort for Author Platform, Branding, and an Author Website. Let’s talk about Great Content today.
We use the internet to research concepts, compare topics and glean information for our work, discover fresh ideas, and to find the best, consistent resources without wasting time or money. We must deliver informative, strategic, and timely content in the same way.
Five Tips:
1. Since we are not entitled to our reader’s attention, deliver content that grabs their interest through text, imagery, podcasts and video, and make it snappy for the scanners
2. If it grabs, it’s likely to spread
3. Use proven structures such as:
*Headlines, and sub-headlines, that command attention
*Focused introductory sentences
*Information that solves a problem
*Limiting the message to one central point
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/05/market-with-content.htmll 3) Create a Strategy that Delivers Great Content
What does it take to promote your writing, be it articles, stories or books? The answer is much more than Sales Pitches and Events. How do you tell your readers or a prospective publisher what you are about? How does your promotional offer benefit the reader? The answers are: your Author Platform, your Branding, and your Website. It’s the way you inform and engage your audience. This week we’ll talk about Great Content, and developing a Strategic Plan.
Points for brainstorming your strategic plan to deliver great content:
1. The WHAT: Writing a series of five, six or ten articles focused on one theme
2. The HOW of delivery is via quality information in text, graphics, video and audio. We are not entitled to our reader’s attention. Deliver content that grabs their interest early, and make it good for the quick-look reader.
3. Change up the presentation by offering an article in text with audio as well.
4. Make it original, relevant and valuable while staying focused on your theme.
5. Also, make it substantial and in-depth even when it requires 1000 words or more.
6. The WHY: Connecting with your audience which leads to engagement and sharing
7. WHEN you build Connection, readers are more likely to follow by taking Action
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/06/create-strategy-that-delivers-great.html
4) Content Curation & Aggregation
You promote and inform readership of the benefits you offer through your Platform, Branding, and Website. Let’s talk about growing engagement by diving a bit deeper through Content Curation and Aggregation.
• Content Curation is not creating new content; it is the process of searching out, discovering, compiling and sharing existing content for your readership relevant to a specific topic or subject.
o Content Curation’s purpose is to add the value of a broader view and understanding.
o Introduce the content with your own perspective and ideas, then provide a link to the source article via “To read the original article go to: …”
• Content Aggregation is the collection of information for a particular topic with one or more related keywords. >>>
Adding value is the best path to growing your readership and promoting your work.
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/07/content-curation-aggregation.html
5) Platform, Brand and You
Your Platform and your brand, presented via your website, tells readers who you are and what you are about. These three, closely aligned will present a consistent message. Readers will return often to ask; “What do they have for me today?” “What more can I do to build my writing business?”
Your Platform is useful if you are a blogger writing essays, articles, or books. Our success requires visibility, thus we must communicate with our readers. Work to make your message clear and valuable, building trust. As for me, I want people to know where I am, what I offer in the way of writing craft, and the pieces I’m working on. How do they connect with me? My Website.
What’s Brand? You Are! You are your brand. We build brands through words, images and actions—your actions.
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/08/platform-brand-and-you.html
6) Market Your Product
As authorprenuers, we must market our products i.e., books, articles, and niche. Platform, Brand, and Website form the vehicle to make that happen. These, along with your mission statement tell your readers who you are and what you do. Closely aligned they present a consistent message.
Your Platform is a useful necessity for all authors whether you write essays, articles, blogs or books, fiction or nonfiction. Brand is who you are. You are your brand, built by words, images and delivering as promised. Success depends upon visibility. We communicate with clarity and offer valuable information through our websites because Content is King.
Start building your writer Platform now without delay and maintain it to keep connecting with your clients; building a Platform takes time…
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/09/market-your-product.html
7) What’s Different About an Author’s Website?
As authorprenuers, we must market our products. Platform, Brand, and Websites form the vehicle to make that happen. Writers’ need a dynamic website, update or start anew.
• Create a Clear Identity
• Create a vibrant headline with an image that is topic or niche focused and describes what you write and might include an image of your latest book cover, or another highlight of your work
Lots more: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/10/whats-different-about-authors-website.html
8) Social Media and Powerful Headlines
As authorprenuers, we market our work through our website and social media
Delivering great content value for our readers is the goal. So, show them where to find it. Enter—social media.
As you register for social network accounts, pay close attention to building your profile and the name you choose for your account. Using your brand is powerful. Is your name your brand or is your theme your brand? Consistency matters, use it throughout all the social media accounts you create.
Let’s select from the highest rated social networks to promote our writing. >>>
More: https://www.writersonthemove.com/2019/11/social-media-and-powerful-headlines.html
Helpful resources:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s “The Frugal Book Promoter” https://howtodoitfrugally.com/the_frugal_book_promoter.htm
Kimberly Grabas founder of YourWriterPlatform.com defines platform succinctly. Platform describes the ways you connect and engage with your ideal readership – the readers that are most receptive to your work. https://www.yourwriterplatform.com/
Joanna Penn and Marketing: https://www.thecreativepenn.com/marketing/
Deborah Lyn Stanley is an author of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts.
Visit her writer’s website at: https://deborahlynwriter.com/
And her caregiver’s website at: https://deborahlyncaregiver.com/
Facebook: Deborah Lyn Stanley, Writer https://www.facebook.com/deborahlynwriter/?modal=admin_todo_tour
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How to Make Writing Come Alive for Readers and Writers Alike
Carolyn doing what she preaches, spreading the word, having the fun! Connecting to Authors Counts Carolyn Rants About How to Make Reading ...

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by Suzanne Lieurance Many new freelance writers are confused or intimated by sidebars. But that’s usually because they just don’t understa...
Contributed by Margot Conor Maps are a great addition to your book and readers love them. It is a visual assist to the worldbuilding you cr...