Writing, publishing, book marketing, all offered by experienced authors, writers, and marketers
Write a Romance!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today is the perfect day for a little romance.
So why not try your hand at writing a romantic short story?
If you read romance novels or romantic short stories, you’re already familiar with the “formula” most of them follow.
It’s quite simple really.
The formula is just, “together, apart, together.”
That just means a couple meets and is attracted to each other (they get “together).
But as they get to know each other something happens that pulls them apart (so naturally this is the “apart” component of the formula).
An old flame, an argument, or a compromising situation can all lead to a couple pulling apart.
But, since all romance readers love a happy ending, something else needs to happen in your story that helps the couple get back together.
So, that’s the basic formula - "together, apart, together."
Now...Start Writing Your Own Romantic Story
To start writing a short romance, come up with your main character – usually a young woman.
Put her in a situation where she will meet a young man.
Actually, she may already know the young man, but something will need to happen to cause her to see him differently now, in a more romantic way than she has before.
Now, bring the couple together and let them be happy for a while, until…
Something happens that threatens their relationship and they either decide to take some time apart or they break up altogether.
Just be sure they are both miserable while they are apart.
Next, create something that happens to bring them back together.
Sounds easy, right?
But there is more to writing a compelling romance than just the storyline using this formula.
Your characters must also be engaging and likeable (at least to some extent).
You must include dialogue that rings true and serves to move the action forward.
And, of course, you must use a variety of sensory details throughout your story to bring the setting, action, and the characters to life.
To Get Good at Writing Romance
The best way to get really good at writing romance is to practice, practice, practice writing romance, of course.
But it’s also a good idea to read, read, read the types of romantic stories you wish to write.
Do you like historical romance?
Then read plenty of historical romance novels.
Do you enjoy paranormal romance?
Then read widely in this romantic sub genre.
But since today is Valentine’s Day, spend a little time today coming up with an interesting storyline using the formula I’ve described here.
Then flesh out this storyline to create a romantic short story.
As you continue reading romance, you can always go back to the story you create today and make it better and better until, finally, it’s ready for publication.
Try it!
Suzanne Lieurance is the author of more than 30 published books, a freelance writer, and the Working Writer's Coach.
She publishes The Morning Nudge, a short email for writers and other creative types, every weekday morning.
Get your free subscription now at http://www.morningnudge.com.
4 Social Media Marketing Tips To Being More Productive
There are certain strategies that social media marketers use to make their efforts effective. It’s not enough to simply publish your blog posts to the social channels. You need to have a plan. You need to work the system.
1. Number one is a give-in: you need to know your audience and cater to them.
This goes for any form of marketing – you need to know who your audience is and what they need or want.
It’s pointless to send messages to the technology industry when your platform is on health writing.
It’s pointless to send in-depth SEO marketing posts to an audience that’s just getting their feet wet in the marketing arena.
It’s pointless to send ‘how to find a mate’ posts to an audience who wants to learn marketing strategies.
You get the idea.
Your platform needs to be focused on what your target audience wants.
Along with this, the Social Media Examiner post points out that your audience’s needs may change. You need to keep current on all things pertaining to your industry / niche and with the changing needs of your audience. Keep ahead of the game and help your audience do the same.
Let your audience know you’re the ‘go to’ person in your niche.
I do lots of research to come up with helpful posts for my readers. I also share helpful posts I come across in that research. If you think an article you’re reading will benefit your audience, share it.
2. Build relationships.
Marketing on social networks isn’t just about ‘hit and runs.’ You shouldn’t just post your content and run. You need to build ‘meaningful’ relationships with customers, other businesses, and anyone else within your business realm.
To build these relationships, you’ll need to offer helpful information that is actually useable. You want to inform, teach, and help those in your network.
Along with this, you need to engage with other users. Share the posts of others. Help promote a product or service you know to be helpful. Take the initiative to help others in your networks.
I spend around 30 minutes each day to schedule my posts, share the posts of others, and to engage with others in my social network sphere.
Social Media Examiner says to, “be a giver as you interact” with your audience. “Offer your time, resources, knowledge, encouragement or support.”
This helps build relationships.
3. Making money also needs to be a factor.
While you should earnestly want to help those in your audience, it’s also important to spend your time fruitfully.
Not many can selflessly spend time helping others. Businesses need to make money to survive.
To keep this in the forefront of your social media marketing strategy, promote what you’re selling. Whether it’s a product, a service, a workshop, a presentation, include it in your social media postings.
Now, to do this, you need to upload lots more helpful information compared to promotional content. A standard ratio is 85% useable content to 15% promotion. You might even lean more toward 90/10.
You don’t want your audience to feel you’re using them for your own gains. Give lots and lots of quality information. Be helpful.
At one point, I posted around 12 to 15 posts of my own posts to Twitter each day. I also share posts of others that I come across in research. In addition, I Retweet and Favorite other users’ Tweets.
I would share 10 to 15 posts of others each day in addition to my own. This is being active and engaging. My connections know I offer valuable information on a regular basis.
This allows me to promote what I’m offering without seeming overly promotional.
Due to a very heavy work load, I’ve had to reduce the number of posts per day, but I am still consistant.
4. Monitor your results.
This is a must for all your marketing strategies. If you don’t monitor what you’re doing, you’ll never know what’s working and what’s not.
Monitoring your results is time well spent. Don’t forego this step.
Even if you don’t want to spend hours on analytics, you can simple monitor your website traffic and its sources. And, you can easily see if you’re getting sales from your efforts.
If you’re not seeing the results you need, change course. Try another strategy.
To read the article at Social Media Examiner, click the link:
6 Habits of Social Media Marketers
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and author/writer online platform instructor. Get must-know writing and marketing tips at http://thewritingworld.com.
And, check out Karen’s e-classes through WOW! Women on Writing:
One Last Edit? Rethink Before Submitting
Email Marketing – 10 Top Reasons to BE Doing It
By-Pass Marketing and Book Selling
5 Ways to Use Video for Promotion
Video is, however, one of the best ways to promote yourself as a writer ... or really as any business professional. You know how important it is to have a picture of yourself on your website so your audience get a sense of who you are? That connection strengthens manifold when that picture comes to life.
Filming is also relatively easy, since most people have a camera - in their mobile phone - at an arm's reach at all times.
Here are 5 simple things you can create on video to promote yourself. And, yes, you can be off-screen for some of them. Even if you are uncomfortable on camera, you can still use videos to stand out in the social media news feed.
2. Do a Quick Live-Video Stream. Between Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope, and Live Streaming on Instagram, you can broadcast whenever and wherever you want on a variety of social networks. Feeling inspired? Jump on-air, share something, and jump off. (I recently recorded a quick live video to promote the fact that my event host planned to live-stream my entire workshop. See tip #4.)
3. Plan a Live Video Event. Create a virtual event, such as a book launch. Then, invite your friends and fans to watch, and interact with them. Ask questions, hold little contests, make it fun. Maybe even read an excerpt from your book. Since live-streaming is no longer solely mobile, you can easily set up your camera, watch for comments, and respond in real-time.
4. Record a Workshop. In January I gave a goal-setting workshop at the LAX Coworking Space. When I arrived, they asked if it was okay to live stream. I was thrilled. Not only could those unable to attend watch live, I now have a great example of my workshop embedded on my speaking page for potential future gigs.
5. Give a Quick Tip or Several. Set an appointment with yourself every week or so to record a few short videos. Offer quick insights or easy tips that showcase your expertise either in your genre or field. If you prefer not to be on camera, showcase images and record voice-over with your tips. This enables you to show people you know your area of expertise through content you create for your blog and social media channels.
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Advice from Writers at the Glendale Chocolate Affair
Melinda Brasher's next book comes out soon! Cruising Alaska on a Budget is a guide for people who think cruising is only for the rich and famous, for those who dream of experiencing the majesty of Alaska for the first time, and for confirmed Alaska lovers who want to save money on their next trip. If this is you, sign up for the mailing list here. Visit Melinda online at http://www.melindabrasher.com.
The Social Media Marketing Smorgasborg
How to Navigate It
By Karen Cioffi
I read a great article by Jeff Bullas and it made me realize that those just entering the online marketing arena, specifically the social media marketing arena, can feel like they’ve been hit by a bulldozer.
There are lots and lots of social networks available for your use whether you’re a marketer, author, or writer. The most popular ones include:
• Facebook
• LinkedIn
• Twitter
• Pinterest
• Instagram
• YouTube
• Snapchat
This is not a complete list and keep in mind that you don’t’ have to use them all. In fact, that would be a mistake.
So, how do you navigate the social network smorgasbord?
1. The first step, and most important, is to decide which networks you should work.
You’ll need to know who your target market is for this one. Research the various networks and determine which sites your audience frequents.
I’ve written about this before, pick around five or six networks to broaden your visibility reach, but choose one or two of those to actually work.
Working a network means to focus on that network. Post to it every day (you should post multiple times a day) and engage with other users.
2. Determine what type of content to use.
In particular, determine what type of information your audience needs to help them move forward in their endeavors.
This step encompasses being helpful to your audience. Become the person who creates and shares useable content and engaging content.
This will help create trust and conversion (getting the person to take a desired action, say signing up for your mailing list).
3. Put it into action.
Start sharing your content to your chosen networks. And, become active on the one or two networks you will be working.
To be active or work a network, you will:
- Share your own content
- Share the content of others
- Engage with others (reply to messages or shares from others; share the content of other users; start a discussion; post relevant video; and so on)
- Monitor your efforts
4. To ease the social media marketing time element, look into automation.
Automation allows you to preschedule posts and it allows you to have your new blog posts shared automatically, among other features.
The service / tool I use is Buffer.com.
An article over at RazorSocial.com, lists the top tools and their features. It’s worth the read: Social Media Automation.
Choose one that will work for you and that fits your budget – some tools are free.
These four tips should help you ease into social media marketing.
To read Jeff Bullas’ article on this topic, go to:
5 Key Steps to Mastering the SMM Landscape
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and author/writer online platform instructor.
You can check out Karen’s e-classes through WOW! Women on Writing: https://thewritingworld.com/your-author-platform/
How Often Should You Be Blogging
By-Pass Marketing and Book Selling
Book Marketing - Engagement and Connection
Two Ways to Format your Manuscript
I fully intended to contact Erika to help me with my formatting needs but decided to Google the subject: "How to format a fiction book," to see what would happen. I clicked on a tutorial by Jill Williamson, an author for adults, teens, kids, and some for the whole family, which she uploaded onto YouTube. I decided to try it.
By splitting my screen with Jill's tutorial and my ms, I went through the steps she explained by pausing, executing, pausing. It took several views to fully understand how to do it all. The biggest
glitch was doing the page numbering right, which Jill warned is tricky. At the end of the video, she invited viewers to visit her website for a more in-depth description. I found the information under, "for writers: jill's writing and publishing tutorials," and after some trial and error, solved the problem. I am proud of how my ms looks now and feel confident it is correct.
It's been an inspiration to discover both of these terrific authors and their websites, chock full of helpful information for writers.
- Golden Box Books offers help in every aspect of self-publishing. Check it out!
- Check out Jill Williamson's video, "How to Format a Fiction Manuscript," on YouTube, and Jill's website. You'll be glad you did.
Illustration: https://openclipart.org/detail/121249/puzzle
For Success, Every Writer Needs to Develop Habits
As a writer, do you have habits? I'm a creature of a series of habits which I've developed over my years in this business. For example, I begin each day spending time reading the Bible. It's a pattern that I've done for many years.
Each year I select a different version of the Bible to read throughout the year. This year I'm reading Eugene Peterson's The Daily Message. It's part of my spiritual habit that feeds into my life as a writer and editor. Your habit for meditation may be different but I encourage you to have some sort of meditation to begin your day.
Besides spiritual habits, I have habits with Twitter. In past entries, I've detailed how each day I'm using tools (mostly free) to grow my presence in the market and community—and also increase my presence on social media. These habits do not take much time but have consistently grown my presence—so they will be something I will continue in the days ahead.
I have a number of other habits in my life—consistent practices and actions. During the last year, I've stepped up my consumption of books by listening to more audio books through Overdrive. Recently I completed listening to the audio book of The Power of Habit by Charles Dihigg. The book explains the science and practical nature of habits including how we form new habits and replace old ones. I found the stories fascinating and informative. Until listening to this book, I didn't know about the history of the creation of toothpaste and how brushing teeth became a habit. If you want to learn about this important aspect of life, I recommend you track down this book through your library (Overdrive like I did) or purchase a copy and read it, then apply it to your own life.
Another resource on habits that I recently read is Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi. I enjoyed the book and learned a great deal from it. Apart from the book Graziosi has created The Better Life Challenge where in 30 days you can transform your life in as little as three minutes. This resources is FREE and you don't have to read the book—but simply take action every day for 30 days. Just use this link to learn more details and sign up to learn through this tool.
The writing life is much more of a marathon than a sprint. I often meet writers who believe that one book or one action will propel them to bestseller status. Sadly this belief is a publishing myth. Repeatedly I hear about writers who are called an “overnight” success because they've suddenly sold a lot of books. Yet when you look into the details, you will normally discover this author has been in the trenches faithfully working for years to achieve such a position.
What skills or habits do you want to develop in the months ahead? Are you taking consistent action to gain the knowledge and insights you need to get there? Tell me about your plans in the comment below and if I can help you, let me know.
Are you developing writer habits? Check out these resources. (ClickToTweet)
W. Terry Whalin is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He is the author of more than 60 books including Book Proposals That Sell, 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success. Terry has almost 200,000 twitter followers and lives in Colorado.
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