As a ghostwriter you will come across a variety of clients that may request your ghostwriting services. One of those clients will be ‘the rewrite client:’
Content rewriting is actually a popular project for a ghostwriter. Whether an individual wants to have his memoir rewritten, or a businessman needs to have his business manuscript rewritten, or a business wants articles rewritten for an affiliate or sister site, the client will provide you with a full manuscript or article and request that you rewrite it for them with the same topic ‘intent’.
Sounds pretty simple right? Well, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
For the individual with the memoir you may receive a manuscript that’s very poorly written. You will have to try to determine what the client means in certain instances and this will take lots of feedback. Content rewriting will also mean you’ll need to spin words while still invoking the client’s voice. And, depending on the individual’s reason for writing the memoir, you may have to advise that ‘getting even’ doesn’t really make for a saleable book.
Then there is the businessman looking into hiring a ghostwriter for his business book that he wants rewritten. Again, you may have poorly written content that you’ll have to sort through. And, you’ll have to strive to keep the client’s voice. You’ll also have to verify all the information.
There’s also rewriting articles. A client in need of your ghostwriting service may be the business or health marketer who needs articles rewritten for a sister or affiliate site. This type of content rewriting is probably word-for-word one of the most difficult, unless you become very proficient at it. Depending on the genre you will need to become acquainted with the language, the keywords, and the business or health topic you’re writing about.
For example: assuming you’re requested to rewrite health articles about allergies, you’ll need to know the particulars about allergies. You’ll need to know about indoor allergies, outdoor allergies, environmental allergies, you get the idea. And, the word “triggers” means those substances that will cause an allergic reaction. But if you’re rewriting an article you may not be able to use the word ‘trigger.’
Rewriting and Duplicate Content Criteria
If you’re wondering why you can’t use a particular word it’s because when rewriting any content for online use, it must meet non-duplication criteria. This means that the rewritten article must be under a particular percentage in regard to duplicate content according to search engine criteria.
Why is this so important in regard to rewriting content?
Simple, Google penalizes page rank if it determines your content is duplicated by other sites.
A great tool to check your duplicate content score is WordsFinder Duplicate Checker and Article Rewrite Comparison. According to this site, your score needs to be below 80 percent or you may be penalized for duplicate content. But, your client may request it be below 70 percent. To be safe, you should always aim for below 70.
If the rewrite duplicate percentage is too high, you have to rewrite it, while keeping it coherent and on topic. You’ll need to get it to that safe percentage. This will most likely mean finding synonyms for a number of words. Take the word ‘strategy’ as an example. You might spin it with policy, plan, technique, or other word that has a very similar meaning.
So, while content rewriting may sound easy, it can be a much more involved ghostwriting project than anticipated. Take this into account when quoting a price.
You can find the WordsFinder tool at:
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and author/writer online platform instructor. Get must-know writing and marketing tips at
Interested in becoming a ghostwriter? Check out Karen's new class at WOW! Women on Writing:
Become a Ghostwriter – Start a Money-Making Writing Business
Is Series Writing for You?
Freelance Writing Work – The Possibilities
3 Marketing Strategies Geared to Motivate People to Buy
Writing, publishing, book marketing, all offered by experienced authors, writers, and marketers
Take the Controls, Own Your Website
Who Owns Your Website?
Wouldn’t you rather be the owner and manager of a website for your business?
After growth and stability were established on my artist’s blog, and my skills had developed for managing multiple blogs, I wanted a static website. A website would present my Bio and Resume of accomplishments as well as display my art for sale. As I considered the design, I visited many artists’ websites. I considered ease of layout and available access to information a priority. My intent was to showcase my art to encourage interest, but I wanted an uncluttered, straightforward appearance.
An artist’s blog is fun and lively with lots of inspiring areas of “discovery”. But my website required sophistication and structure.
My husband and several friends worked with website designers to set up their websites. These designers became the managers of the website with certain controlling actions that only they could execute; thus, multiple headaches for the customer. The business owner couldn’t update or make changes for a majority of strategic items.
With my technical skills, I considered that I was able to design, manage and control my website directly. I studied the opportunities available, bought books on website design and took an HTML & CSS code computer class. I evaluated many template setups and talked to a couple of my tech savvy artist friends that had chosen a similar direction for recommendations.
With, my homework done it was time to dive into selecting my host network, ULR name and address, and the template to begin! I chose a WordPress template and spent several intense days getting my website designed, loaded, and running. The nerve-racking part was the site is live to the public as soon as you begin–scary thought–so you want the site to look as good as possible right away! Some may choose to lock the website screen to read “Under Construction”, but I didn’t want to take the risk of locking up any part of my website. I followed YouTube tutorials to guide me through the process and to cover all the hidden steps efficiently and effectively.
So, who owns my website? I do! And you can too!
Resource List:
Content Management Systems
• Top 10 Most Usable CMS by Glen Stansberry. This post is from 2009 but still helpful.
• WordPress
• Drupal
• Joomla
• Expression Engine
• Tyler Moore
Deborah Lyn Stanley is a writer, editor and artist. She is a retired project manager who now devotes her time to writing, art and caregiving mentally impaired seniors.
She has independently published a collection of 24 artists’ interviews entitled the Artists Interview Series. The series was also published as articles for an online news network and on her website: Deborah Lyn Stanley - Writers Blog. Deborah is published in magazines. She is a blogger who has managed several group sites including ones she founded.
Wouldn’t you rather be the owner and manager of a website for your business?
After growth and stability were established on my artist’s blog, and my skills had developed for managing multiple blogs, I wanted a static website. A website would present my Bio and Resume of accomplishments as well as display my art for sale. As I considered the design, I visited many artists’ websites. I considered ease of layout and available access to information a priority. My intent was to showcase my art to encourage interest, but I wanted an uncluttered, straightforward appearance.
An artist’s blog is fun and lively with lots of inspiring areas of “discovery”. But my website required sophistication and structure.
My husband and several friends worked with website designers to set up their websites. These designers became the managers of the website with certain controlling actions that only they could execute; thus, multiple headaches for the customer. The business owner couldn’t update or make changes for a majority of strategic items.
With my technical skills, I considered that I was able to design, manage and control my website directly. I studied the opportunities available, bought books on website design and took an HTML & CSS code computer class. I evaluated many template setups and talked to a couple of my tech savvy artist friends that had chosen a similar direction for recommendations.
With, my homework done it was time to dive into selecting my host network, ULR name and address, and the template to begin! I chose a WordPress template and spent several intense days getting my website designed, loaded, and running. The nerve-racking part was the site is live to the public as soon as you begin–scary thought–so you want the site to look as good as possible right away! Some may choose to lock the website screen to read “Under Construction”, but I didn’t want to take the risk of locking up any part of my website. I followed YouTube tutorials to guide me through the process and to cover all the hidden steps efficiently and effectively.
So, who owns my website? I do! And you can too!
Resource List:
Content Management Systems
• Top 10 Most Usable CMS by Glen Stansberry. This post is from 2009 but still helpful.
• WordPress
• Drupal
• Joomla
• Expression Engine
• Tyler Moore
Deborah Lyn Stanley is a writer, editor and artist. She is a retired project manager who now devotes her time to writing, art and caregiving mentally impaired seniors.
She has independently published a collection of 24 artists’ interviews entitled the Artists Interview Series. The series was also published as articles for an online news network and on her website: Deborah Lyn Stanley - Writers Blog. Deborah is published in magazines. She is a blogger who has managed several group sites including ones she founded.
“Write your best, in your voice, your way!”
Writing the Middle Grade Novel - From Start to Finish - Podcast
Every week I have a new podcast for my series, Writing Tips from the Working Writer's Coach at
But this week, I thought it might be fun to post the podcast here, so people who aren't familiar with my podcast could sample it.
This week’s episode is Part Three of a three-part series, Writing the Middle Grade Novel – From Start to Finish - it's JUST 6 minutes.
Click to listen to Part One and Part Two first.
In this week’s episode, I offer some tips and tricks for plotting and writing your novel.
Download the study guide here first, so you can take a few notes as you’re listening.
As the Working Writer's Coach, Suzanne Lieurance helps people turn their passion for writing into a lucrative career.
Let her teach you everything you need to know to build your writing career.
A Writer's Inventory
So many things influence your life and productivity that are out of your control. It's really easy to be accelerating toward the end of the year and wonder what you got done, and get frustrated for not doing enough.
I say, don't be so hard on yourself. If you are on track to accomplish all of your annual goals by the end of the year, that's fabulous. If life got in the way a little too much, take an inventory of all you have accomplished. You will see you have done way more than you think.
1. Make a list of all of your wins for the year off the top of your head. This can include articles, promotions, completed works.
2. Now, give it some thought and come up with more. If you get stuck, ask peers and loved ones ... people who have your back. They'll know.
3. Make a list of all the new people you met this year. Be sure to include a memorable, personal detail.
4. Look through your connections on LinkedIn or Facebook to add to your list.
5. Make a list of all the events you attended this year. Make notes about the ones you liked and the ones you did not, so you have a reference for the future.
6. Look through your calendar to add to your list.
7. Make a list of everything you have written in the last year. Stories, articles, posts, novels, screenplays, non-fiction books. You can even include false starts. Be sure to include a note on your progress or where and when something was published.
8. Look through your computer files to add to your list.
9. Make a list of every adventure you had this year - the good and the bad. This is great fodder for fiction and non-fiction in the future.
10. Look through the list of all you accomplished. And be proud. I am sure you've done some amazing things, even if there are not all you set out to do.
Remember, you have six weeks left to check things off your list and get a few more wins. Don't be discouraged that time goes to fast. Be encouraged byy all you accomplished. And set yourself up to succeed even more.
What do you think? What is your favorite win this year? What do you hope to accomplish by the end of 2016? Please share your thoughts in the comments, so we can celebrate your wins and cheer you on.
* * *
She is the host of the Guided Goals Podcast and author of Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages.
Debra is an editor at Social Media Examiner and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.
The Power of Video in It's Simplest Form
This is a simple 46 second video, taken on an iPhone. While it's a bit crude, it's hysterical. It makes you feel. This is what marketing is all about - you want to hold that reader's attention. You want to make her smile, maybe even laugh-out-loud.
Think about it.
If you had a children's picture book about superheroes, wouldn't this be a cute lead-in? Or, some other short, funny or moving video relevant to your book. Videos are powerful and they don't have to be elaborate to be effective.
And, a bonus of video is it will hold the visitor on your site longer. This is great for your website ranking.
So, next time your planning your book marketing blogging schedule and coming up with blogging ideas, keep these video statistic in mind:
- Video in an email produces a 200-300% increase in click-through rate.
- Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.
- After watching a video, 64% of people are more likely to buy an product.
Start using video in your blog post today!
For lots more video statistics, go to:
3 Marketing Strategies Geared to Motivate People to Buy
Why Specialize as a Writer
5 Ways to Annoy an Editor
Think about it.
If you had a children's picture book about superheroes, wouldn't this be a cute lead-in? Or, some other short, funny or moving video relevant to your book. Videos are powerful and they don't have to be elaborate to be effective.
And, a bonus of video is it will hold the visitor on your site longer. This is great for your website ranking.
So, next time your planning your book marketing blogging schedule and coming up with blogging ideas, keep these video statistic in mind:
- Video in an email produces a 200-300% increase in click-through rate.
- Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.
- After watching a video, 64% of people are more likely to buy an product.
Start using video in your blog post today!
For lots more video statistics, go to:
3 Marketing Strategies Geared to Motivate People to Buy
Why Specialize as a Writer
5 Ways to Annoy an Editor
The Perfect Gift for Authors is Free!
Book Marketing- Knowledge is Power
No matter what you're into, what niche or industry you're in, knowledge is power.
As a writer, author, and online marketer, I'm always reading, taking courses, and joining pros in their membership groups.
The reason?
Book marketing and content marketing are part of the turbulent marketing waters.
Keeping up takes work, time, and it can be expensive.
But, what's the alternative?
If you don’t keep your eye on the ball, you’ll fall behind. Your marketing efforts will lose their effectiveness. This will mean less visibility, less authority, less subscribers to your email list, and less sales.
As a business owner (if you’re an author or freelance writer, you’re a business owner), you MUST keep up with what's going on in your industry.
Granted some industries stay steadfast, but even those businesses must market themselves. This means keeping up with changed or new marketing strategies.
Thus, we go back to the title of this post: Knowledge is power.
So, where did this quote originate?
The 'knowledge is power' quote is attributed to Francis Bacon, in his Meditationes Sacrae (1597).
But, Thomas Jefferson is known to have used it at least twice:
Thomas Jefferson to George Ticknor, 25 November 1817
Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Cabell, 22 January 1820
Other interesting quotes on knowledge:
"Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement."
-Peter Drucker
"There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge . . . observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination."
-Denis Diderot
So, keep learning things that will help you move your business forward.
Karen Cioffi is an award-winning author, ghostwriter, and author/writer online platform instructor. Get must-know writing and marketing tips at
Website Ranking - Basic Metrics (Elements)
6 Tips to Grow Your Readership and Manage Your Content
Your Book – The Best Business Marketing Tool
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