Deep Wells
Understanding Your Writing Moods
feel deeply and think deeply. They draw from a deep well of experience, observance, and expression. How wonderful when we are drawing fresh, clear thinking from that well! Thing is, that
deep well can also bring up some silt in the form of muddy, cluttered thinking, too. Feelings of negativity or failure can ensue.
Some of my
best writing has actually come from when I’ve been feeling blue. It seems I am more in
tune with myself and my surroundings. Some of the greatest composers and
artists suffered with moods and even depression.
But the downside is those feelings can work against me, leaving me feeling discouraged, rejected, and finally, a failure. Feelings are fickle and they are not always accurate, truthful, or dependable.
important to know yourself. Feelings may work for you and produce a creative
writing streak, but it may not work for you if you bottom out and give up.
get me wrong. I love those writing streaks! But I occasionally still grapple with
feelings that end up making me feel like a loser. That is when I go with it
until it’s over, otherwise, I may make decisions that I will regret later –
like giving up.
Once and
awhile, someone rains on our parade. Sometimes, a surprise spring snowfall
threatens your long awaited spring flowers. There are times when your
writing isn’t producing. You want to give up. Don’t. Because just as quickly as
that low season came it will leave. Remember that when those times intrude upon
you, they can leave just as quickly.
Here are some further ideas to help:
- Join a writer's group. If there isn't one in your area, find one online. Here is where you will find encouragement. We all need this!
- When you're feeling discouraged because of writer's block, rejection letters, or if you've gotten off track, don't give up. Ride it out.
- Believe that you have a unique voice that people want to read. If you give up, someone will lose out!
- When those times of discouragement come, go with it. Take a break. There is nothing written in stone that you have to produce everyday.
- Be yourself. Comparing ourselves with other writers and authors only stunts our growth. Be confident! Learn all you can about your craft but at the end of the day - you are you.
Kathleen Moulton is a freelance writer and nature lover.
She is married, has 8 children, ages 10-28, and has
been homeschooling for 25 years. You can find her passion to bring
encouragement and hope to people of all ages at