Writing, publishing, book marketing, all offered by experienced authors, writers, and marketers
Writing and Marketing with The Muse Online Writers Conference
While you might be thinking you can't afford a week-long conference, you'd be wrong.
The Muse Online Writers' Conference is absolutely FREE!
Whether you're a newbie or your experienced, whether your book is published or your just writing it, whether you're going the traditional route or the self-publishing route, there's something in this conference for you.
I co-instructed a marketing workshop last October with Maggie Ball and the attendees got some great information that they were able to use right away. All the workshops are geared to help you move forward.
The conference starts October 8th and runs through the 14th. So, if you're not registered yet, do it right now - the extended registration ends September 30th. Don't dilly-dally.
Just click on the link (registration is on the left sidebar):
Hope to see you there!
To keep up with writing and marketing information, along with Free webinars - signup for The Writing World newsletter on the right top sidebar!
Karen Cioffi
Multi-award Winning Author, Freelance/Ghostwriter, Editor, Marketer
Writer’s Digest Website of the Week, June 25, 2012
Karen Cioffi Professional Writing Services
How to Find Writing Workshops, Seminars and Conferences in Smaller Markets
Attending a writing workshop is a great way to improve your skills and learn more about the business. Where does one find a writing event?
Some writing events can be found listed on such websites as the Guide to Writers Conferences & Workshops, http://writing.shawguides.com/ and Writing Conferences, Workshops, Retreats, Centers, Residencies, Book & Literary Festivals, http://www.newpages.com/writing-conferences/. Many of these events are held in or near large cities and can be expensive.
If you can’t afford to attend a large or costly event in a location that is a distance away, do not despair. There just might be a quality event that is easier to manage. Google your town/city/area and “writing workshops,” for example. This is how I learned about the seminars I recently attended.
An Author Book Fair & Writers Seminar was held in my area. It was a day-long event consisting of four seminars and book sales, sponsored by the local newspaper. Topics discussed were: writing about local history, character development, writing your memoir, and publishing. Many authors, representing a variety of genres, sold their books to the general public. The cost to attend the seminars, including lunch, was about $50.
A writing event may also be held at and/or sponsored by a college, university, writing group, or library. Earlier this year, I read about an event in my local newspaper. A college in the area held a literary festival with speakers, book signings, workshops, readings, two receptions, a luncheon, and panel discussion, all for only $50. Contact your local institutions of higher learning and inquire about creative writing workshops, seminars, and conferences. The English, communications, or journalism departments are possible organizers of this type of event.
You might also want to try to organize writing workshops in your own community. Contact newspapers, writing groups, community colleges, universities, and libraries. National organizations such as the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and Romance Writers of America might have local networks in your area. Perhaps independent writing groups that meet in your town or city would be interested in helping to plan a writing event.
The following websites list writing groups. I have no affiliation with these sites or groups other than SCBWI.
eBook Crossroads Directory of Writers Associations
Book Marketing and Book Promotion Writers Groups and Authors Associations
There are many opportunities out there for learning and networking. Taking the time to research these opportunities might pay off as you pursue your writing career.
Debbie A. Byrne has a B.S. in Mass Communication with a minor in History. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and is currently working on her first children’s book.
Christmas Gifts for Writers
Writing and Marketing Workshops
Books, Books, Books
That Special Free Christmas Present

A Big Thank You to Our Followers and Subscribers
And, we'd like to wish everyone a healthy, safe, and happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous new year.
There are two ways we thought of to show our appreciation and they both have to do with writing and marketing. Well, what'd you think they'd be on? :)
First, we have a new Writers on the Move Holiday Season 2011 eBook from our members, it's on the sidebar as a free gift to you and to all who visit.
The second gift will be in the next A Writer's World newsletter, they'll be an exclusive link to one of my new e-books, Editing Books Like a Pro. Please, DO NOT SHARE the link or the e-book. It is meant as a gift to A Writer's World subscribers and is for sale to everyone else.
I should have the newsletter out by this weekend. As usual I'm running behind. :)
We hope you'll continue to be a part of our writing world in 2012, and we hope to make lots of more friends and followers. We're doing our best to provide informative and practical writing and marketing information on a daily basis. And, we now have webinars as a new informational tool to use to offer more engaging workshops.
Our goal for 2012 is to do our best to bring you fresh and useful information, tips, and advice to help you on your writing and marketing journey.
So, again, have a healthy, safe, and happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
And to be sure you don’t miss any posts here, simply subscribe to this blog (RSS feed).
Until next time,
Karen Cioffi
Author, Ghostwriter, Freelance Writer, Editor
Karen’s Books Page:
Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing
DKV Writing 4 U
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