Showing posts with label writing tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing tips. Show all posts

How To Support Your Writer


 Contributed by Margot Conor

Yes, I am talking to authors too. We all need to support each other.

It doesn’t matter if you read or write the same genre. Managing to get a book published is a huge accomplishment and it deserves to be celebrated. What I see too often is a lack of willingness to give others the credit and attention they need.

Many authors feel isolated, it is a solitary profession. It is also difficult for them to ask for support, so when they are brave enough to request it, why not do everything they ask?
Let’s go over the why-nots… You think there isn’t enough time. You don’t feel confident or don’t know how and are afraid to ask. You are not tech-savvy. You are afraid of the competition and think that promoting another author will take away from your success.

These are all excuses I have encountered. And while most of them are the result of inexperience the last one is endemic in the creative industries. I tend to follow and support others who have the same attitude that I do, there is enough to go around and we need each other to succeed.
Why and why not?

1. Join their Arc team. You get a free copy of their novel in advance with the promise of writing a review. Please don’t take the free copy and not bother to write a review. Yes, that happens a lot and is rather disheartening.

2. Join their Launch team. This is a group of people who help to advertise the book release by sharing cover art, a blurb, and /or the pre-order form on their social media or newsletters. In some cases, it involves local people who organize physical launch parties or events where the author can talk about their book and get preorders.

3. Get your book club to buy copies of their books, and then invite the author to talk at your meeting.

4. Promote them on your social media. It only takes a moment to like and share a post. If you can leave a comment of congratulations that means more to the author than you can imagine.

5. Author Tube is another place where writers may have a presence. If you are on YouTube, seek them out, watch their videos, “like and subscribe.”

6. Patron sites. I believe Patreon was the first to explore this format. I joined it a year ago, at the same time I signed up on Medium, and SubStack. (I get a lot more engagement on the last two, virtually none on Patreon). Why? Because I don’t have a huge following that I could take with me there. Some authors put all their stories behind a paywall. These are called tiers and they range in price. Joining a tear as a patron gives the author a small monthly donation, and gives the patron access to what they post. But some writers let you join for free, and post articles and stories for anyone to read. My pages on these sites have been free to join. I might put some stories behind a paywall in the future. You may find your favorite authors have a presence on these sites.

7. Subscribe to their newsletter. I suggest this only if you are reading the genre they write or if you know them personally. Authors tend to write a lot about their personal lives in newsletters. Funny things that happen, epiphanies they have, or frustrations and processes that involve their writing journey. They share helpful articles, and short stories, or give you the option to get free books and stories through promotions they take part in.

8. Book reviews are very important for Authors. It gets their books noticed by the algorithms and that means more people see the listing, and that leads to sales. Reviews can be placed on Amazon, Goodreads, and Bookbub. A review doesn’t have to be long. But leaving a few kind words of support means everything.

9. I am, however, of the opinion that if you don’t have something good to say, don’t bother to leave a review. You are likely not an expert paid by a publisher to give a critical review. Neither are you bound by your sense of honor to save others from suffering. So, if the book didn’t resonate with you, refrain from leaving 1-star reviews that will most definitely hurt them.

10. Never review-bomb another author! It will come back to bite you. If you think you need to make others fail so you can succeed, that will not lead to your success. Eventually, others will find out what you are up to, and well, that will get around. Be nice. Pay it forward. Give more than you take.

Join, Follow, Like, Subscribe… Your support is always appreciated. Even authors who seem to have “made it” suffer from doubt and insecurities and are happy to get a kind word of encouragement. They love to hear what you liked or what you connected with when you read their novel.

Please don’t threaten your favorite authors if they kill off a character you liked or didn’t write what you wanted them to. I never knew this was a thing. But evidently, some authors are hounded with threats and mean letters because they didn’t meet the expectations of their fans.

It’s a story, we are dedicated to entertaining you, but it is our story. We will write what we are inspired to write.

We hope that it will plant some seeds of hope, give you moments of joy, or keep you on the edge of your seat. We want your interest and engagement. We hope to write something you can’t put down until it’s finished. We want to share what we love with you, and we hope you will support us in return.

I am going to be completely honest with you. Until I became focused on publishing, I never thought about any of these things. It certainly never occurred to me to write a review or seek out the author on social media, Goodreads, or AuthorTube. I didn’t know that would be helpful or how needed it was. I assumed the publishers did a lot more for authors than they do. But the truth is, writers are dependent on your support. If you love what they write, let them know.


Margot Conor has been writing for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until the COVID lock-down that she had enough time to dedicate to the craft and bring something to completion. Having finished her first novel, she went through the grueling two-year process of editing. Now she has jumped into the author's world with both feet. Margot's debut multiverse adventure novel, Inverse, is now  available on Amazon.

She's spent the last year attending many writing retreats, seminars, and writers' events. She also listened to presentations specifically on the topic of publishing and book marketing. She will be sharing what she learns with the reader. Learn more about Margot at

Writing for Children? 3 Things to Avoid


Contributed by Karen Cioffi

It seems there are still new children’s authors or wannabe authors who don’t take the time to learn how to write for children… at least to learn the basics.

The absolute must-nots when writing for children:

The Picture Book Cliffhanger

A recent client of mine was for a picture book rewrite project with the ending missing, so there was a bit of ghosting involved. The intended age group was four to eight.

I rewrote the story and added a ‘satisfying’ ending with a takeaway only to learn the client wanted it to be a cliffhanger and didn’t want a takeaway.

Well, kind of a cliffhanger. The client wanted the ending missing.

No loose ends tied up. No satisfying ending. No full character arc. No full story arc.

This client scenario was a first for me.

Not wanting a takeaway is one thing, but not wanting a satisfying ending for a young children’s book doesn’t make sense.

The story was to leave the reader to guess what the author had in mind for the ending or create their own.

The author’s intent was to create a series of cliffhangers motivating the reader to get the next picture book.

I tried my best to help the client understand that a young children’s book needs all the elements of a ‘good’ story, especially when seeking a traditional publishing contract.

I understand that in self-publishing a lot of new authors do whatever they want (even though they should produce a quality book), but it’s a different ball game when going the traditional route.

The Perfect Story World

I don’t get too many of these types of authors, but it came up in another recent project.

This scenario is when the author doesn’t want any significant conflict in the story. No real stakes involved.

-No swarm of bees to block a path the protagonist must get through.
-No ferocious fire-breathing dragon blocking the entrance to a cave the protagonist must get into.
-No dangling from a cliff before being rescued.

The author also doesn’t want the characters, even the villain, to have any bad traits.

-No evil Professor Moriarty (Sherlock Holmes’ nemesis).
-No evil Joker or the Penguin (Batman’s nemesis).
-No evil Lex Luthor (Superman’s nemesis).

This type of story is sugar-coated.

Instead of a roller coaster that goes up and down, where the rider has to hold on tight, this type of story is the stationary horse on the carousel, no holding on needed, no real movement involved.

You always want your story to be the one the reader is motivated to hold onto, motivated to turn the pages. You want your story to go up and down and around.

Hitting the Reader Over the Head

Most of my clients have a specific goal for their story. They want to send a message to a child. They know exactly what they want the takeaway to be.

A number of stories have the bullying theme, but interestingly, that’s eased off. Now I get more requests for inclusion, standing up for yourself, and being kind themes.

Some new authors think they have to hit the reader over the head with their message. They blatantly want to tell the reader how the main character grew because he was kind, stood up for himself, or included someone different in her group.

Hitting the reader over the head with the story’s message is frowned upon. The story should convey the message subtly. The reader will pick up on it.

I hope these three absolute must-nots in kid’s writing help you on your children’s writing journey.




Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, working ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

Karen also offers authors:

A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.

The Ghostwriter - What Does She Do?


 Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Ghostwriter


She’s Invisible…She’s Powerful…She Helps People…She’s the Ghostwriter!

What’s the essential characteristic of a ghost?


And, along with being invisible, the ghostwriter is a powerful tool and a huge help to people who can’t seem to get their ideas into readable and publishable stories. Or for people who don’t have the time to write themselves. Or for people who don’t have the necessary skills to write a book.

The ghostwriter is kind of like a superhero in the writing world. She lifts you up and helps you create what you don’t have the time, energy, or skill to do yourself.

She is a modest gal and takes no recognition for her feat. The individual who hires her gets all the credit for the finished product. The ghostwriter gets paid for her services.

In other words, the ghostwriter can be a ‘dream-fulfilling’ superhero.

Okay, maybe not a superhero, but you get the idea.

Moving quietly behind the scenes, the ghostwriter helps turn your dreams into reality.
Wait. Maybe she is a superhero!

What Can She Do?

•    Does your story need a makeover?
•    Do you have a story outline but don’t know where to go from there?
•    Do you have a story idea but don’t know what to do with it?
•    Fiction, nonfiction? Short story, long story? Essays? Speeches? White pages?

NO PROBLEM. There are ghostwriters who can write in any niche.

How Does It Work?

The client (individual hiring the writer) may provide an idea, an outline, a draft, a keyword, or a topic. Or, he may need a piece rewritten.

The ghostwriter does her homework and accomplishes what is requested.

She turns whatever you have into an engaging and publishable story.

Does the Ghostwriter Ever Get Recognition?

It should be noted that ghostwriters sometimes receive recognition or credit. This is something the client and writer decide upon. The cost of the project may be less if credit is given. But, most often, the ghostwriter remains anonymous.

In other instances, the ghostwriter may reduce his fee for a percentage of the profits from the finished product.

Is Ghostwriting Popular?

According to the article “What is a Ghostwriter?” by Gary McLaren, “Statistics are hard to come by since many people don’t want to reveal that their book or other content is ghosted. But, some industry estimates suggest that up to fifty percent of all non-fiction books are ghostwritten.”

A few famous ghostwriters are:

– Barbara Feinman ghostwrote, It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us by Hillary Clinton.

– H.P. Lovecraft was a ghostwriter for Harry Houdini.

– A.E. Hotchner ghostwrote the autobiographies of Doris Day and Sophie Loren

– And you have series writers like Tom Clancy and James Patterson who share authorship with their ghostwriters.

– Even the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series have ghostwriters.

Confidentiality and the Ghostwriter

Professional ghostwriters will absolutely keep your idea, outline, draft, or other information completely confidential.

If you’d feel more comfortable with that in writing, the ghostwriter will supply you with an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

Hiring One

It may be difficult for a ghostwriter to obtain testimonials from all her clients, so when looking for one, you should ask for samples of her writing in addition to testimonials.

Another tip for hiring a ghostwriter is to check if her site is active and looks professional. Is there a helpful blog?

If you’re interested in hiring a ghostwriter, ask for a brief phone consult or send an email to start a conversation and get a feel for the writer.

This article was first published at





Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

Karen also offers authors:

A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.


Avoiding Writer Burnout


Contribute by Margot Conor

Trying to rush through the writing process can lead to burnout, a common issue among writers. By pacing yourself, setting realistic goals, and acknowledging that good writing takes time, you maintain your passion for the craft.

Burnout for a writer refers to a state of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by prolonged periods of stress, overwork, or creative depletion. It can manifest in various ways, such as feeling constantly drained, lacking motivation or inspiration, experiencing writer's block, or even physical symptoms like fatigue and insomnia.

Common causes of burnout for writers:

Overworking: Pushing yourself too hard without breaks or adequate rest can lead to burnout. This includes long hours of writing, tight deadlines, or taking on too many projects at once.

Creative Pressure: Feeling pressure to constantly produce new and innovative work can be mentally taxing. This pressure may come from internal expectations or external demands.

Self-Doubt and Perfectionism: Constantly striving for perfection or feeling inadequate can contribute to stress and burnout. Writers may become overly critical of their work, leading to a loss of enjoyment in the creative process.

Lack of Boundaries: Difficulty in setting boundaries between work and personal life can blur the lines and result in burnout. Writers may find themselves working at all hours, neglecting self-care, hobbies, or time with loved ones.

Isolation: Writing can be a solitary pursuit, and prolonged isolation from social interaction or support networks can contribute to feelings of burnout and loneliness.

To avoid burnout as a writer, consider the following strategies:

Establish a Routine: Create a balanced writing schedule that includes regular breaks and time for relaxation. Setting specific work hours can help maintain productivity without overexertion.

Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger writing projects into manageable tasks with realistic deadlines. Avoid overwhelming yourself with overly ambitious goals.

Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being by getting enough sleep, eating healthily, exercising regularly, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga.

Seek Support and Feedback: Connect with fellow writers, join writing groups or workshops, and seek constructive feedback. Sharing experiences and receiving encouragement can alleviate feelings of isolation and self-doubt.

Take Breaks and Rest: Allow yourself regular breaks from writing to recharge and rejuvenate. Engage in activities outside of writing that you enjoy, whether it's reading, spending time outdoors, or pursuing other hobbies.

Manage Stress: Identify sources of stress and find ways to manage them effectively. This may involve delegating tasks, saying no to additional commitments when necessary, or seeking professional help if stress becomes overwhelming.

Believe in Yourself: You have taken the first steps on a journey that could have more bumps in the road than you initially anticipated. This means you may occasionally get your ego bruised, or get knocked down. I want to encourage you to get back up, dust yourself off, and tell yourself you can do this! Many people want to write, but never set fingers to the keys or pick up a pen. Some write but never finish anything. Others are so filled with self-doubt they won’t publish their finished manuscript.

Be kind to yourself: Trust that you have something of value and there are people out in the world who will benefit from what you have written. Give yourself a chance. Be brave, take it all the way to completion… be fearless, Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t… be steadfast and resolute, you are a writer!

Be Thankful:

Focusing on the positive aspects of your writing journey can be a powerful way to maintain balance and peace of mind. Accepting that success takes time, and that every writer’s path is unique, frees you from the pressure of unrealistic expectations.

Celebrate small wins, like finishing a chapter, receiving feedback, or learning a new technique, as these milestones are steppingstones toward your larger goals. By shifting your mindset to gratitude, whether it’s for the ideas that come to you, the time you have to write, or the support of a writing community, you can cultivate a positive outlook that energizes and motivates you.

Gratitude helps you recognize how far you’ve come and keeps you grounded, even during the inevitable ups and downs of the creative process.

Share your Gratitude:

With gratitude in mind, once you complete your novel or project and publish, always let your readers know how much you appreciate their support. A personalized thank you note can leave a positive impression and encourage continued interest.

Example (Front Matter): “Thank you for following my work, your support means everything to me. Happy reading!”

Example (Back Matter): “Thank you for reading (Book Title). Your support means the world to me. I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I enjoyed writing it.”

Ask for Support:

When someone has finished your novel and loved it, they are predisposed to speak highly of your efforts. They might tell their friends how much they enjoyed it, but they may not consider writing a review unless you ask. That is why including a call to action is helpful.

Example with a call to action (Back Matter): “Thank You for Reading! I hope you enjoyed (Book Title). Your support is invaluable to me. If you liked the book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, (or your favorite review site). Your feedback helps other readers find my work and supports my writing journey.”


Margot Conor has been writing for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until the COVID lock-down that she had enough time to dedicate to the craft and bring something to completion. Having finished her first novel, she went through the grueling two-year process of editing. Now she has jumped into the author's world with both feet. Margot's debut multiverse adventure novel, Inverse, is now  available on Amazon.

Margot's spent the last year attending many writing retreats, seminars, and writers' events. She also listened to presentations specifically on the topic of publishing and book marketing. She will be sharing what she learns with the reader. Learn more about Margot at

Are There Advantages to Traditional Publishing?

 Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Writer

While almost everyone is hitting the self-publishing road, including most of my clients, some authors yearn to be published through a publishing house.

Before I go on, though, let me clarify what traditional publishing is, as I just had a query from a new author who wasn’t sure about it.

Basically, traditional publishing is when you submit your manuscript to publishing companies that will PAY YOU to publish your book.

If the company thinks your book will be a good investment, they’ll give you a contract. It could take a year to two years for your book to actually get published.

Traditional publishing houses INVEST their money, time, and effort into publishing your book. You don’t pay them for anything!

These companies make their money back, and hopefully a profit, through your book sales.

The term ‘traditional publishing’ is getting confusing because a lot of services are labeling themselves as such while they’re really not.

So, again, if you have to pay a company even a dime, they’re not a traditional publisher.

Okay, back on track.

Four advantages to traditional publishing:

1. Recognition and approval.

When a publishing company thinks your manuscript has what it takes to sell, when they’re willing to back it up with their financial support, that’s validation.

You can jump around yelling, “It’s really good!” You’ve gotten approval from people in the industry.

This is not to say that some self-published books aren’t ‘really good.’ But, if you need personal validation, getting it from a traditional publisher or literary agent is the way to go.

2. You have a team of professionals behind you.

Aside from very small publishers, you’ll benefit from professional editors, book designers, illustrators, and so on, polishing your manuscript till it shines.

Companies that ‘help’ you publish your book (self-publishing services) don’t usually hire a professional staff. I’ve seen terrible editing and illustrations from some of these companies.

Tip: If you’re self-publishing, check out the portfolios of any service or individual you’re hiring to help you publish your book. And review books the service you’re considering using has published before jumping on board. Check the books carefully. If it’s a children’s picture book, check the illustrations carefully, too.

3. You’ll get marketing help.

A publishing house wants to sell your book, that’s how they make money.

While smaller companies don’t do much regarding marketing, you’re listed on their site, which will have its own readership. This listing will broaden your marketing reach.

And, if they attend book fairs and such, you’ll have the opportunity to have your books displayed.
Any little bit of ‘extra’ marketing is helpful.

As the companies get bigger, they offer more marketing help. But keep in mind that whether you’re working with a small, middle, or large publishing house, you’ll still need to promote your own books.

4. Opportunity comes with traditional publishing.

If you’re inclined to take advantage of your traditional publishing credit(s), you can use it to:

a. Write more books and seek traditional publishing
b. Submit articles to magazines.
c. Offer your own writing services.
d. Give workshops.
e. Teach a class (online or off).

Getting a contract from a publishing house or signing on with a literary agent does give you some clout. It’s kind of like a stamp of approval.


Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, working ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

Karen also offers authors:

A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.

Writing Your Character's Internal Thoughts

 Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Writer

According to Masterclass, internal dialogue “can provide deep insight into a character’s thoughts, fear, self-esteem, and general point of view and opinions.” (1)

This allows the reader to get inside the main character’s head. This, in turn, makes the protagonist’s internal thoughts powerful. It helps create a deeper connection between the reader and the main character.

Internalization is called by a number of names, including internal thoughts, internal dialogue, and internal monologue.

This type of dialogue is revealing and personal.

The main character will not say everything he thinks. It might be too embarrassing, offend someone, or leave the main character vulnerable. Whatever the reason, some things just aren’t spoken out loud. The same as with you and me.

An example of this is from the first paragraph in the first chapter of my chapter book Walking Through Walls:

Wang bound the last bunch of wheat stalks as the sun beat down on the field. Sweat poured from the back of his neck, drenching the cotton shirt he wore. I hate doing this work. He hurled the bundles on a cart. “Father, the bales are stacked. I am going home; it is too hot.”

Granted, today, a twelve-year-old boy might very well tell his parent he hates doing something, but this story is set in 16th-century China. Wang would never tell his father he hated working the fields.

So, the internal thought brings the reader into Wang’s POV.

As internal thoughts are such a powerful writing tool, how do you let the reader know what’s written is the main character’s internal thoughts?

Quotation Marks

I’ve seen drafts from clients who have internal thoughts in quotation marks.

The above excerpt example would read: “I hate doing this work.”

I'm not crazy about this way of writing internal thoughts, especially for children. It’s not clear. The reader could think Wang is talking out loud to himself, or in this context, to his father.

When writing for children, it’s essential to write with clarity. Everything should be easily understood, so it’s best to use quotation marks only for spoken dialogue. This strategy will help keep things clear for the reader.

Italics With Tags

If I used a tag, it would have read: I hate doing this work, he thought.

When it’s easy to understand who’s having the thoughts, a tag isn’t needed.

If there is any question about who is talking, tags should be used.

Italics Without Tags

Aware the reader knows who is talking, I wouldn't use the tag: I hate doing this work.

Not Italicized Without Tags

This style of writing thoughts is not my cup of tea either. It breaks the flow and can be confusing, especially for children. If using third-person POV, it goes from the narrator to the main character’s internal thoughts with no clear indication.

The example above would read:

Sweat poured from the back of his neck, drenching the cotton shirt he wore. I hate doing this work. He hurled the bundles on a cart. “Father, the bales are stacked.”

It jumps from the narrator to the main character’s internal thoughts and then jumps back to narration.

Not Italicized With Tags

This is another style I don’t like. Taking the excerpt from above but using this writing style, it might be clear it’s the character’s internal thoughts because of the tag, but if the main character continues his thoughts after the tag, it could become confusing and make the reader pause.

Sweat poured from the back of his neck drenching the cotton shirt he wore. I hate doing this work, he thought. He hurled the bundles on a cart. I’d better tell my father I’m done. He yelled across the rows of wheat. “Father, the bales are stacked.

I prefer internal thoughts italicized with or without tags, depending on the context. Simplicity rules when it comes to writing for children.




Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.


A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.

8 Elements of Creating Tension in Your Writing


Contributed by Margot Conor

Recently I have been studying conflict. It is something I avoid in real life. I have always been a peacekeeper. A believer that good communication can solve anything. Even though I try to avoid fighting, I’ve observed more than my share of negative interactions over the years. Bickering, vindictive jealousy, intolerant name calling, mistrustful clinging control issues, and physical abuse… I have a fountainhead of momentous experiences to draw from. I just need to pull out the details from those memories and get them on paper.

However, extracting those emotional dramas of my past from the dusty archives tends to provoke some degree of sadness. The damage is etched on my soul, those memories mark you in some definable way, as experienced. Not the sort of experience you might wish for anyone. The repercussions are not as bad as they might be. You could say they are lessons learned, about what to avoid. Thus, a practice of avoidance.

Now, I must be willing to subject my characters to those experiences. From the nuance of manipulation to the full force of a physical confrontation. Let it be bloody, let it be catastrophic, let it ruin them… just enough.

I’m aware that creating tension in a story is essential for keeping readers engaged, and it requires a combination of narrative techniques that work together to build suspense, anticipation, and emotional investment. There is nothing like putting a character that readers have grown to love in danger. If done right they will hang on every word to find out what happens.

I fully understand the importance of making characters suffer so they can grow, just as I have. However, I’m still honing the skill of writing conflict. I’m learning how to weave in arguments and negative drama, though I have to push myself to really get my characters into tough situations. So here is what I have learned about creating tension in my stories…

The idea is to interject enough of these vital elements as you build your narrative to keep your readers interested. The techniques suggested in this article can help you construct a compelling story. Seductive in its ability to hold your audience, captivating their curiosity, so they just need to know what happens next.  

Each technique works in concert with the others, to create a story full of tension. The key is to apply them thoughtfully and with variation, ensuring that the reader is constantly engaged, feeling both the thrill of the immediate conflict and the weight of impending consequences. By layering these through your story, you can craft a dynamic, edge-of-their-seat narrative that keeps readers emotionally invested and eagerly turning the pages.

1. Foreshadowing:

Foreshadowing is a subtle way to hint at future events, creating tension as readers anticipate how things might unfold. By dropping clues—whether through imagery, dialogue, or small actions—the writer builds an undercurrent of suspense. For instance, an offhand comment about a character’s dangerous habit can signal impending disaster, keeping readers alert as they wait for the consequences. Foreshadowing plants seeds of tension early on, making future conflicts feel inevitable.

2. Conflict and Opposing Goals:

At the heart of tension is conflict. When characters have opposing goals, it sets up a natural tension between them. These goals can be both external (two characters vying for the same job) and internal (a character torn between loyalty and ambition). As each character’s desire becomes clearer, the stakes of the story rise, and readers become invested in seeing how these conflicting aims will clash. The stronger the opposition, the more intense the tension becomes.

3. Raising the Stakes:

A key to maintaining tension is continuously raising the stakes. As the story progresses, the consequences of failure should become more significant. What starts as a simple goal should evolve into something much larger—whether it’s a personal risk, the safety of a loved one, or the fate of an entire community. Raising the stakes ensures that the characters, and therefore the readers, have more to lose with each decision, intensifying the emotional and narrative tension.

4. Pacing:

Pacing plays a critical role in how tension is perceived. Too fast, and the reader feels overwhelmed; too slow, and the tension dissipates. Effective tension builds through a balance of fast-paced action sequences and slower moments of introspection or dialogue that deepen the emotional weight of the story. By controlling the rhythm of the plot, a writer can make the peaks of action more impactful and the moments of calm more unsettling as readers wait for the next twist.

5. Curiosity and Unanswered Questions:

Curiosity drives tension by keeping readers wanting more. By introducing unanswered questions—such as a mysterious backstory, an unsolved crime, or a hidden motivation—the writer keeps readers engaged. The desire to uncover the truth pushes the narrative forward, creating a sense of urgency and intrigue. Delaying these answers, while feeding readers just enough clues, builds suspense, and adds to the tension of the unfolding plot.

6. Balance of Internal and External Conflict:

Tension is most effective when it exists on multiple levels. External conflict might come from the outside world—a villain, a looming disaster, or a ticking bomb—while internal conflict stems from a character’s personal struggles, such as moral dilemmas, fears, or emotional wounds. Balancing these two forms of conflict makes the story richer. The external challenges force the character into action, while the internal conflict adds depth, making their decisions more complex and heightening the tension as the reader waits to see how the character will navigate both.

7. Subplots:

Subplots can add layers of tension by introducing secondary conflicts that mirror or contrast with the main storyline. These subplots might involve side characters with their own agendas, romantic tensions, or smaller personal challenges. When integrated well, subplots create a more complex and dynamic narrative, allowing for brief moments of resolution that temporarily relieve tension before plunging back into the central conflict.

8. The Ticking Bomb or Ticking Clock:

One of the most effective ways to increase tension is through the use of a "ticking clock" or "ticking bomb" scenario. This device imposes a time limit on the characters, creating urgency. The stakes become more intense when characters are racing against time—whether it’s a literal bomb about to explode, a rapidly approaching deadline, or an illness that progresses with every passing day. The ticking clock adds a palpable layer of pressure, forcing characters to make difficult decisions under duress, which drives tension to its peak.

If you, like me, struggle with creating tension between your characters, I hope these suggestions will prove helpful in shaping more dynamic interactions. Tension doesn’t always have to come from grand, external events; it can arise from subtle conflicts in desires, opposing goals, or emotional undercurrents. By focusing on how characters' motivations clash, layering in personal stakes, and using pacing to build momentum, you can create a palpable sense of unease or anticipation. The key is to ensure that your characters’ conflicts feel authentic and meaningful, which will naturally enhance the tension in your narrative.


Margot Conor has been writing for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until the COVID lock-down that she had enough time to dedicate to the craft and bring something to completion. Having finished her first novel, she went through the grueling two-year process of editing. Now she has jumped into the author's world with both feet. Margot's debut multiverse adventure novel, Inverse, is now  available on Amazon. 

 She's spent the last year attending many writing retreats, seminars, and writers' events. She also listened to presentations specifically on the topic of publishing and book marketing. She will be sharing what she learns with the reader. Learn more about Margot at

What is Your Story's Theme


 Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Ghostwriter and Coach

Theme can be a frightening topic. Do you have a theme in mind before striking the first key? Do you write your first draft and then decide what the theme is? Do you have a problem deciding what the theme is, even after you’re in revisions?

In an article, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Theme,” in the Writer’s Chronicle, May 2010, Eileen Pollack discusses theme:

The concrete elements of any story constitute its plot—Character A, in Village B, is torn by a specific conflict that gives rise to a series of concrete actions through which she relieves that stress. The more general question raised in the reader’s mind by this specific character acting out this specific plot constitutes the story’s aboutness—or, dare I say, it’s theme.

This description of the elements of a story holds true for any fiction work, including children’s stories. The elements, woven together with theme as the foundation, are what make the reader continue turning the pages… it’s what makes the reader care. 

According to Pollack, “Theme is the writer’s answer to the reader’s rude, So what?” And if the theme is poignant and captures what some or many people actually do, it will allow the reader to recognize the situation and actions. This connection will keep the reader engaged. Hopefully, the reader will be able to take the theme away with them, however subtle it is.

For those worried about the theme affecting the story’s natural flow, Pollack advises deciding on your theme after your first draft. Once you have your theme in hand, go over your story again and again. You can now let the theme subtly permeate your story. Pollack goes on to say, “The most powerful use of theme is the way it allows you to fill in your character’s inner lives.”

Literary agent Mary Kole, in her blog at, also sheds light on the worrisome theme:

When you revise, think about what your work is saying. You’ve got to have a reason for writing it. There should be distinct themes and ideas that you could point to as the center of your book. [. . .] Once you know what these are — and you usually won’t until you’ve started revising — you can use them as a lens. [. . .] A theme for your work should color everything in it, subtly, especially the descriptions.

So, there you have it; after you’ve written your story and are working on revisions, your theme should become evident if you haven’t already gotten it. Using it as a “lens” and filtering each paragraph through it, you should be able to convey the theme to the reader. 





Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

Karen also offers authors:

A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.



The Secret to Writer’s Block: How the Law of Attraction Can Help You Break Through It

 by Suzanne Lieurance

Writer’s block. 


Two words that send a chill down any writer’s spine. 


You’ve got the ideas, the passion, and the will to write, but when it’s time to sit down and actually do the work? 






The screen stays blank, and frustration builds. 


But here’s the thing: writer’s block isn’t a dead-end. 


It’s a reflection of the energy you’re putting out. 


And once you learn to shift that energy using the Law of Attraction, you can bust through those creative blocks for good. 


Here’s how:


Step 1: Recognize the Energy Behind the Block.


Writer’s block doesn’t just come out of nowhere. 


It’s a sign that something’s off with your energy. 


Maybe you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or doubting yourself. 


Whatever the case, writer’s block shows up when you’re out of alignment with your creative flow. 


The Law of Attraction teaches us that what we focus on expands. 

If you’re focused on feeling stuck, that’s exactly what you’ll attract—more stuckness.


So, the first step to breaking through writer’s block is recognizing the energy behind it. 


Are you coming to the page with frustration, fear, or self-doubt? 


If so, it’s time to shift that energy.


Action Tip: Before you start writing, take a minute to check in with yourself. What’s your current energy? Are you feeling tense or blocked? If yes, take a few deep breaths and release that tension before you get to work.


Step 2: Set the Intention for Flow.


Here’s the game-changer: instead of focusing on the block, focus on flow.


The Law of Attraction responds to your intentions, so set a powerful one before you start writing. 


Instead of sitting down with a mindset of  "I hope I can write something today,” shift it to, “I write with ease and creativity flows effortlessly.” 


When you set a clear intention, you’re telling the universe what you want—and you’re aligning yourself with the energy needed to make it happen.


The secret is to believe it before you see it. 


You have to trust that the words will come, even if they’re not there yet.


Action Tip: Create a personal writing affirmation that you can repeat before each writing session. Try something like, “I’m in creative flow, and the words come easily.” Say it out loud, believe it, and let that energy guide you.


Step 3: Visualize Yourself in the Flow.


Instead of stressing about being stuck, close your eyes and see yourself writing effortlessly. 


Picture yourself in the zone, your fingers flying over the keyboard, the words pouring out faster than you can keep up. 


Imagine how good it feels to be in flow—to feel inspired, excited, and unstoppable.


Why does this work? 


Because your brain responds to what you visualize. 


When you see yourself succeeding, your mind starts to believe it, and suddenly, that energy block starts to dissolve.


Action Tip: Spend 2-3 minutes before your writing session visualizing yourself in full creative flow. Get specific—picture the words, the ideas, and the excitement of writing with ease.


Step 4: Let Go of Perfectionism.


One of the biggest reasons we get stuck is because we expect everything to be perfect from the get-go. 


But perfectionism is the enemy of progress. 


If you’re waiting for every sentence to be flawless, you’re creating resistance. 


The Law of Attraction thrives on ease and flow, and there’s nothing easy about demanding perfection from yourself.


Let go of the idea that every word has to be perfect. 


Give yourself permission to write something messy. 


The important thing is to get it out


You can always go back and polish it later, but for now, the goal is to keep the words flowing.


Action Tip: Next time you sit down to write, tell yourself, “It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be written.” Give yourself permission to write a rough draft, and trust that you’ll improve it later.


Step 5: Celebrate the Small Wins.


Gratitude is a powerful tool when it comes to manifestation, and it’s especially useful for breaking through creative blocks. 


Instead of focusing on what’s not working, celebrate what is


Did you write 100 words? 


Awesome, that’s progress. 


Did you sit down to write, even if it didn’t go as planned? 


Celebrate that. 


The more you focus on what’s going right, the more you attract positive momentum.


Celebrating your small wins shifts your energy from frustration to appreciation, and that’s exactly the kind of energy that brings more success your way.


Action Tip: At the end of each writing session, write down one thing you did well, no matter how small. It could be anything from showing up to writing a single sentence you love. Celebrate it and keep building on that energy.


Step 6: Trust the Process.


Finally, trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. 


Writer’s block doesn’t mean you’re failing—it just means your energy is a little off, and that’s fixable. 


Trust that by shifting your focus, setting intentions, and taking action, you’re opening up space for creativity to flow again. 


It may not happen all at once, but that’s okay. 


The important thing is you’re moving in the right direction.


The Law of Attraction works on its own timeline. 


Keep showing up, keep aligning your energy, and trust that the words will come when they’re ready. 


Writer’s block is temporary—your creativity is always there, waiting for you to tap into it.


Action Tip: When you feel frustrated or stuck, remind yourself that this is just part of the process. Take a deep breath, realign your energy, and trust that the flow is on its way.


Writer’s block isn’t a curse—it’s a sign that your energy needs a little shift. 


By using the Law of Attraction, you can turn that block into flow. 


Set clear intentions, visualize your success, let go of perfection, and celebrate your progress. 


The more aligned you are with the energy of ease and creativity, the quicker the words will come. 


So next time you’re staring at a blank screen, remember: the power to overcome writer’s block is already within you. 


All you have to do is unlock it.


Try it!

And for more Law of Attraction tips for writers, get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge with access to a private Resource Library for Writers.

Suzanne Lieurance & Some of Her Books

Suzanne Lieurance is the author of more than 40 books and a Law of Attraction coach for writers at

Are You Ever Too Old to Become a Writer?


Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Writer

I jumped into a writing career in my mid-40s. I was an assistant controller for a manufacturing company before that.

With my accounting background, writing about business and marketing was a natural fit… or so it seemed at the time.

My first gig as a freelance writer was for a company that offered human resources solutions. They had two related (sister) sites; I wrote articles for one site and rewrote them for the other.

Rewriting can be fun but also challenging, as it’s crucial to have the new content pass a duplicate content checker.  

The reason for this is Google doesn’t like duplicate content on your website or your related sites.

Heath writing was soon added to the mix, which was more lucrative than the business and marketing writing.

I supplied an allergy site with about 100 articles per month. I had to hire subcontractors to help with this project.

I also did academic rewriting and editing for health professionals.

Then I decided to add on writing for children.

It seemed like a natural addition as I had written a bedtime lullaby when my first daughter was a baby – to help her fall asleep. I turned it into a children’s bedtime picture book in 2008.

Soon, though, I was stretching myself too thin as you can imagine. That’s never a good thing for a number of reasons.

-You can’t devote the time and focus needed to a particular genre.
-You don’t have a strong platform or brand.
-And, you know the saying: Jack of all trades, master of none. This is definitely not a good thing. It should always be quality over quantity.

I had to decide what genre I would focus on.

Focus is essential to success.

As the children’s writing really took off and grew each year, and I love to bring children on journeys, that’s the genre I chose.

And that’s how my children’s writing career got started.

Another example of never being too old to follow your dreams is a client I worked with a couple of years ago.

I got a query from a woman who had a children’s picture book published by Houghton Mifflin in 1988.

She had a 25,000-word middle-grade story she had been submitting to agents but wasn’t getting any interest. She asked if I’d review it. After a few emails, I learned she was 92 years old!

Ninety-two! And she was following her dream!

She inspired me.

Working and raising seven children on her own during most of their growing-up years didn’t leave room for writing, especially as she had to work. Once she was able, she got back to it, though. She wanted to publish more stories.

After consulting with this client, she turned her middle grade into a chapter book, and I edited it for her. She then self-published. I went on to review and edit several shorter stories for her.

And there are lots of other late bloomers.

The very successful authors listed below also started their writing careers later in life:

Toni Morrison - Age 40
Mark Twain - Age 41
J.R.R. Tolkien - Age 45
Raymond Chandler - Age 51
Annie Proulx - Age 57
Laura Ingalls Wilder - Age 65
Frank McCourt - Age 66 (1)

So, if you’re wondering if it’s too late to start writing, IT’S NOT.

One of my favorite sayings is: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you have the desire to write for children, but haven’t gotten started yet, GET STARTED TODAY!

This article was first published at:



Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

Karen also offers authors:

A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.

All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...