Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video marketing. Show all posts

Book Covers That Sell - The 7 Must-Haves

There's the old adage: A picture is worth a thousand words. Well, that's pretty much what your book cover is about. In a quick glance, it has the power to motivate someone to take action . . . to buy your book.

 And, aside from this, it's usually the very first impression a reader will have of your book.

The cover is one of the most important elements of your book marketing strategy. It's a selling tool.

To help you make your cover the best it can be, here's a video from Derek Murphy from Creativindie. It's a bit lone at 43 minutes, but it has great information and worth the 'watch.' 

What'd you think? Was this video helpful?


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The Power of Video in It's Simplest Form

This is a simple 46 second video, taken on an iPhone. While it's a bit crude, it's hysterical. It makes you feel. This is what marketing is all about - you want to hold that reader's attention. You want to make her smile, maybe even laugh-out-loud.

Think about it. 

If you had a children's picture book about superheroes, wouldn't this be a cute lead-in? Or, some other short, funny or moving video relevant to your book. Videos are powerful and they don't have to be elaborate to be effective.

And, a bonus of video is it will hold the visitor on your site longer. This is great for your website ranking. 

So, next time your planning your book marketing blogging schedule and coming up with blogging ideas, keep these video statistic in mind:

- Video in an email produces a 200-300% increase in click-through rate.
- Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.
- After watching a video, 64% of people are more likely to buy an product.

Start using video in your blog post today!

For lots more video statistics, go to:


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The Power of Video Marketing - A string quartet

Okay, maybe I'm acquiring a bad habit. I watched another video that made me want to share.

I happened across this video on Facebook. I really try to avoid watching videos because they're kind of time consuming. But, this is another great one with a story and marketing elements.

In a few minutes, a really short clip, a story emerged of one-upping, competition, and determination. And, it's all done in a funny and extremely talented and creative way.

I don't know the name of the video, but it was posted originally by Brandon Williams. You'll see what I mean about it's power when you watch it. It's definitely worth the few minutes.

So, how is this great video marketing?

Well, I can think of at least two reasons:

1. If this were a music school. Would you join up if you wanted to learn a stringed instrument?
2. If they had a performance coming up, wouldn't you be motivated to get a ticket?

And, all from the power of a short video clip.

If you watched it, please let us know what you thought of it!

If you're not creating video yet, start today. Create something simple, right from your iPhone or iPad. Get it up on YouTube, optimize it, and publish it.

You can even create a PowerPoint presentation, turn it into an MP4 and put it on YouTube.


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This is a little off the beaten path for Writers on the Move, but it sure is entertaining.

I don't usually spend time watching YouTube video, but a particular video lassoed me in.

I found this piano player who seems to have lightening in his fingers. And, it seems there are piano stations all over the place for anyone to play - in airports, in malls . . .

While this doesn't really have anything to do with writing or book marketing, it's an excellent example of the power of video. It made me stop and watch. Hey, I guess it does have to do with marketing after all. You've got to have something to GRAB the audience with and something that will hook them - keep them in place long enough for you to get your message across.

Try creating a video as part of your book marketing strategy.

Hope you like Boogie Woogie!

I'd be one of those people who stopped to watch!

If you watched it, we'd love to know what you thought. And, of course, please share!


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All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...