Showing posts with label theme. book marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theme. book marketing. Show all posts

Create a Theme for your Author Platform

Thanks to Canva, I've created posters and flyers
that showcase the theme that runs through my books

By Linda Wilson    @LinWilsonauthor

Developing an author platform is a matter of finding the right balance that works for you. Advice given to authors is to experiment with the social media outlet(s) that you’re comfortable with, and expand from there. The important thing is to connect with your target audience. Some of the best advice for you to create an author platform plan can be found in Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s Frugal Book series, especially Howard-Johnson’s The Frugal Book Promoter.

What is an author platform?
According to, an author platform is how an author reaches their target audience. Ideally, authors need to find ways for readers to discover what they can gain by reading your book(s). Will your readers be entertained? Will they learn something? Have you offered them enough for them to want to come back for more? Read more of your books? A good start is to zero in on offering a need you can fill for your readers and find ways to get the word out. “It’s not uncommon for new authors to get a book deal based solely on their social media presence or blogging platform.” ( In a nutshell, here are the four steps Masterclass suggests to create an author platform: 

                • Create a website.
                • Publish articles on online outlets that specialize in your area.
                • Maintain social media accounts and keep the accounts current.
                • Explore other media ventures, such as discussing your craft with other authors on podcasts.

How to Create an Enduring Author Platform 
After posting blurbs and the covers of my books on various outlets such as Twitter and Facebook and making no sales, I had to stop and figure out why. I took a look at the body of work I had developed, four picture books and a chapter book trilogy, some still in development at the time, and unearthed a common thread. Perhaps I’m unique. Probably most authors have an overall plan worked out before they begin writing. But if you’re like me, you might be pumping out material with no common thread in mind. After much soul searching, I came up with a theme for my body of work, the message I want readers to remember after they read my books. Once I put my plan in place, visits to schools, book fairs, and more, have been fun and easy.

           • Decide what you want to impart to children in your works. What is the message you want to send that will remain with them after they finish reading your book(s)?
            • Come up with a sentence that encompasses your message. My sentence is not earth shattering and it sounds so simple. But I looked at my projects, as I said, some in progress at the time, and realized that my biggest desire was to show my young readers that they can extricate themselves from their screens and have fun pursuing outdoor activities. All of my books take place outside. My sentence, which I use in my advertising: Stories that Explore the Great Outdoors.
            • Promote yourself using your theme online and also by making local appearances. What can you offer children? I’ve found my most rewarding experiences are by sharing my books and programs with children in my town. So far, I’ve had great fun doing readings at local outlets, such as schools, libraries, and small businesses. I’ve put together programs that include puppets, collections of natural materials I’ve made through the years; have conducted treasure hunts, and have provided crafts that fit the books’ subject matter—anything that brings children close to nature.
            • Examples of my theme carrying through in my books: My chapter book trilogy, Secret in the Stars: An Abi Wunder Mystery: My character, Abi Wunder, learns that she has good instincts, can solve problems, and can learn to be athletic by swimming and hiking. In Secret in the Mist, the second book in the trilogy, to be published later this year, Abi learns how to ride a horse and bikes all around town.  My picture books, A Packrat’s Holiday: Thistletoe’s Gift, Tall Boots, Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me, and Cradle in the Wild: Each book takes place outdoors and leaves readers with a message, respectively: If you try, you will find the perfect gift for a loved one; with courage you will succeed at your goals; through trial and error you can save animals in trouble; and from a surprising discovery, you can think of a creative way to be a Nature Buddy, a person who understands nature and doesn’t interfere.

When you create programs and activities that revolve around the theme of your works, there you will find your reward. Hopefully, you’ll be making book sales along the way. But the true reward is seeing the light in children’s eyes as they get excited about reading your books and sharing in the activities you’ve created for them.
Here is the theme on a banner made by VistaPrint
 Linda Wilson writes stories for young children. Visit   Linda at Click the links for   free coloring pages and a puppet show starring   Thistletoe Q. Packrat. While you’re there, get all the   latest news by signing up for Linda’s newsletter. 

 Find Linda’s books at  Amazon Author Page.

 Connect with   Linda: FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram


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