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Showing posts with label successful writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label successful writer. Show all posts
How to Write More, Sell More, and Make More Money Writing
Whether you're a freelance writer or an author who wants to write and sell many books, you need to be a productive writer.
That way you can write more, sell more, and make more money.
So here are a few tips to help you get more writing done.
1. Repurpose everything you write.
Try to have at least 3 different ways you can use most of what you write. Blog post, podcast, e-book, e-course, special report, etc.
If you write novels, use excerpts for blog posts and press releases, for example, to make the most of your work.
If you write nonfiction, reslant magazine articles so you can use the same material for more than one publication.
2. Schedule regular writing time instead of just writing whenever you have some free time.
Most people who say they will write when they find the time never seem to get much writing done. Something else always gets in the way.
It's much better to set aside some writing time on your calendar and treat that time like you would a regular business appointment. You'll be much more likely to get some writing done on a regular basis.
3. Know what you need to write BEFORE you sit down to write.
That way, you can get started immediately instead of staring at a blank page.
You’ll also be able to quickly create some momentum.
Think of planning time as different from your actual writing time and schedule time to plan first, then schedule time to write.
4. Block out your time so you allow a specific amount of time for each writing session.
It might take several sessions to complete each writing project, but you'll be less likely to waste your writing time when you know you've only got a certain amount of time for each session.
5. Avoid getting overwhelmed with too many tasks or writing projects to complete at the same time.
This zaps your energy and actually makes you less productive.
Prioritize your tasks and keep just a few tasks on your to-do list each day.
6. Relax and be willing to write awful stuff at first.
You usually need to write the awful stuff in order to get to the good stuff.
Most people only want to write good stuff.
But, ironically, they usually write nothing or very little as a result.
Schedule some time just to write crummy first drafts.
7. Design your writing days according to the way YOU work best.
Some people can switch between different writing projects throughout the day.
Other writers work best if they can spend all day or at least all morning or all afternoon on a single project.
Experiment to see how you work best.
If you start following these tips, my guess is you'll discover even more ways to increase your productivity as a writer.
Try it!
Visit my blog at www.writebythesea.com for more articles, tips, and resources for writers. Get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge and gain free access to my private resource library for writers.
Write for Magazine Publication
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10 Mistakes Made by New and Not-So-NEW Freelance Writers
More Help For New Writers - Handling Rejection
We all
have routines, patterns, and habits. As a new writer, you will be
challenged to make some changes in order to be successful.
It won’t
be easy. It will go against the grain at times and may even hurt.
But just
like pruning will make a healthier plant and produce more flowers, allowing
ourselves to be pruned will make us better and productive writers.
your challenges are, you have to work through them. If you avoid
them, they won't go away and you will slow down to a crawl until you give up
the last 4 years of committing myself to a freelance writing career, I
discovered 3 areas I needed change in order to continue pursuing a successful
writing career.
month I'll talk about rejection. To have our work rejected can be
My first
submissions were contests. I won Honorable Mention in a Christian
Writing Contest and placed 34th in Writers’ Digest.
What a great way to begin a writing career!
With a
whole lot of confidence under my belt, I submitted an article to a publication.
It was nicely rejected and it hit me hard. It went something like this:
"We wanted it to work. But after much review ... "
So we're
told not to give up. But how? If you want to learn and grow, get
ready to be honest with yourself.
Identify why it hurts.
on your niche, writing can be personal. Your story, although implicit, may have made you
Maybe you
think you are better than you are. Perhaps you skimmed through the writers' guidelines
and missed the word count or submitted a day late. Or maybe your cover letter
was poor. The internet makes it easy to find ways to improve.
You're not writing what your passionate about. Sometimes it takes someone else asking you specific questions to narrow down what you're good at writing.
Keep going.
The worst thing you can do is give up. Keep writing. Someone,
somewhere wants what you write. Resubmit your work somewhere else. Write new
articles and stories. Eventually, you will be a successful writer. Remember,
your chances are greater when you keep submitting.
Because I didn't let the rejection stop me, it doesn't affect
me now. I've learned just because one person (or even two or three) are
not interested in what I write, there is someone who is very interested.
If you really need to be convinced, visit Literary Rejections and you will be
Believe in yourself. I know. You started out believing
in yourself and after the rejection, you weren't so sure.
When you work through the rejection, you learn some things about yourself.
If you're passionate about what you write, you will be compelled to
Next month, I'll look at patience – essential for success!
After raising and homeschooling her 8 children and teaching art classes for 10 years, Kathy has found time to pursue freelance writing. She enjoys writing magazine articles and more recently had her story, "One of a Kind", published in The Kids' Ark. You can find her passion to bring encouragement and hope to people of all ages at When It Hurts - http://kathleenmoulton.com
Paths to Becoming a Successful Writer
Becoming a successful writer is hard work. Many months or years may go by before your work is published. Writers take personal ownership of success through diligence and perseverance. It's not easy to work at something regularly for a long time and not receive a monetary reward right away.
But then there are those times in life when we seem to be in the right place at the right time. An opportunity comes along when we weren't expecting it! (or working for it). I think it's a good thing to anticipate those moments.
We know our destination, but what the scenery looks like on the way isn't always predictable. We're human and there is only so much we can accomplish. We have to be careful we don't bury our heads in so much work, we become anxious, frustrated, exhausted, and even depressed when success seems out of reach.
Whatever your belief system, I am sure we can agree, the moments of being at the right place at the right time comes to all of us now and then. A breakthrough, a connection, an idea, someone who knows someone - just "happens" to come our way. It's not luck for a certain few. It's a gift sent to us in different ways and meant to encourage, inspire, and yes, even clear the path for success.
The important part is to remember and be grateful for those moments. It will give you a healthy, balanced perspective.
By all means, work your hardest. But don't forget to revel in the expectation of being in the right place at the right time. Enjoy your path!
How about you? Have you had a moment that seemed to come out of nowhere, helping you succeed in your writing career? What was it and what did it do for you?
But then there are those times in life when we seem to be in the right place at the right time. An opportunity comes along when we weren't expecting it! (or working for it). I think it's a good thing to anticipate those moments.
We're all on a path.
We know our destination, but what the scenery looks like on the way isn't always predictable. We're human and there is only so much we can accomplish. We have to be careful we don't bury our heads in so much work, we become anxious, frustrated, exhausted, and even depressed when success seems out of reach.
Whatever your belief system, I am sure we can agree, the moments of being at the right place at the right time comes to all of us now and then. A breakthrough, a connection, an idea, someone who knows someone - just "happens" to come our way. It's not luck for a certain few. It's a gift sent to us in different ways and meant to encourage, inspire, and yes, even clear the path for success.
The important part is to remember and be grateful for those moments. It will give you a healthy, balanced perspective.
By all means, work your hardest. But don't forget to revel in the expectation of being in the right place at the right time. Enjoy your path!
How about you? Have you had a moment that seemed to come out of nowhere, helping you succeed in your writing career? What was it and what did it do for you?
Kathleen Moulton is a freelance writer. You can find her passion to bring encouragement and hope to people of all ages at When It Hurts -http://kathleenmoulton.com/
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