Showing posts with label researching the children's magazine market. Show all posts
Showing posts with label researching the children's magazine market. Show all posts

5 Tips for Researching the Children's Magazine Market


by Donna M. McDine

A writer comes up with what he feels is the perfect storyline for an engaging short story and puts it down on paper. The manuscript is edited and revised several times and the writer is thrilled with the outcome. The next step is to submit the manuscript to their critique group. The feedback includes suggestions and ideas to tighten up the story further. One member asks: Where are you going to submit? Your fingers linger over your keyboard, your mind goes blank. Ugh! You’ve missed a critical step; research of appropriate markets. You respond: “I’ll get back to you on that.” Before a writer even develops a storyline into a short story or article, follow these five crucial steps in researching children’s stories market potential:

1. RESEARCH THE MARKET: Obtain the latest issue of Magazine Markets for Children’s Writers’, published by Writer’s Institute Publications,, 1-800-443-6078. This resource book is the most comprehensive directory of the children’s writers market. Beyond the scope of the synopsis of each market this valuable book contains information on how-to research the market; preparing manuscript packets; preparing query and cover letters; and outlines.

2. WRITERS’ GUIDELINES: It is essential for a writer to take the time to attain the most recent writers’ guidelines for a particular publication. It is imperative that a writer reads and follows what the editor requests of submissions. You can obtain many writers’ guidelines through their website or write a letter to the publication requesting a copy of their writers’ guidelines. Be sure to include a self addressed stamped envelope (SASE). If a writer can’t follow the specific guidelines the chance of publication is zero.

3. SAMPLE ISSUES: Beyond reading and studying a particular publications outline in the Magazine Markets for Children’s Writers’, it is equally vital that a writer study past issues at the library or request a sample issue from the publisher. If writing to the publication for writers’ guidelines then would be a good time to request a sample issue. The cost is usually indicated within the outline in the “Magazine Markets for Children’s Writers’. Analysis of past issues will give the writer insight towards subject matter, readership levels, and particular slants of the articles and stories.

4. THEME LISTS: Make sure to find out if a magazine you are interested in submitting to works off a theme list. This is another important point to take into consideration. If you are going to send in an article on dogs for their June issue and the issue is themed around elephants, chances are your manuscript will be returned. Some times it may seem that theme lists would hinder the writer, but you’d be surprised how many ideas cram into a writers’ creative mind when provided with a theme list.

5. HOW MANY PUBLICATIONS: Research at least three possible markets for the manuscript. Keep all notes together. When a response is received from the first publication and if it is a rejection you can easily review the next publication on the list, rather than researching again. Prepare the submission according to their guidelines and mail out.

Once a manuscript is submitted begin a new one. It will keep the mind busy on the new and not focused on the submission out in the mail. Considering, most response times are usually three to four months. Remember with each submission a writer gets closer to acceptance and publication.

Donna McDine is an award-winning children's author, Honorable Mention in the 77th and two Honorable Mentions in the 78th Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competitions, Preditors & Editors Readers Poll 2010 Top Ten Children’s Books, Global eBook Awards Finalist Children’s Picture Book Fiction, and Literary Classics Seal of Approval Picture Book Early Reader ~ The Golden Pathway.
Her stories, articles, and book reviews have been published in over 100 print and online publications. Her interest in American History resulted in writing and publishing The Golden Pathway. Donna has three more books under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing, Hockey Agony, Powder Monkey, and A Sandy Grave. She writes, moms and is the Editor-in-Chief for Guardian Angel Kids, Publicist for the Working Writer’s Club, and owner of Dynamic Media Release Services from her home in the historical hamlet Tappan, NY. McDine is a member of the SCBWI.

Learn more about Donna’s writing career at:, opt-in to her Write What Inspires You Newsletter and receive a FREE e-book copy of “Write What Inspires You! Author Interviews.”

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