Showing posts with label repurpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repurpose. Show all posts

How to Repurpose Your Radio Interviews

By Terry Whalin (

As an author, you want to hire a publicist who has connections to radio and podcast hosts and can book you on those programs.  As an editor, I’ve encouraged some of my authors to book radio interviews. After the interviews, one author told me he didn’t believe they helped sell books. Then I asked some follow-up questions. Did you get the recording from the interview? Are you storing that interview on your website, so it does not disappear? This author was not taking any of those important follow-up actions. In this article, I want to help you increase the effectiveness and longevity of your interviews.

As an author, your publicist will schedule you on various radio programs. These radio programs are wonderful opportunities to talk about your book. The talk show host normally receives a series of interview questions ahead of time. These radio hosts interview different authors day after day on their program. You can’t assume the host has read your book—and you are better off assuming they have not read your book. Instead, they will use the interview questions to speak with you about your book. 

For example, I’ve done more than 50 radio interviews about Billy Graham and my biography. I’m asked the same questions over and over. Yet each time, I answer them with enthusiasm as though I’m hearing the question for the first time. Depending on the radio program, often these shows only cover a certain area of the United States. How do you get more mileage from these interviews?

First, ask for a recording of the interview. Sometimes the radio station will put it on their site after the interview. Other times if you ask, they will email the audio file to you. You have to ask for it or search for it and preserve this audio file.

With this audio file in your possession, the next step is to listen to it. Is it a solid recording? Do you need to cut out local commercials or anything to make it universal and just your interview? I use an audio program called SoundForge for this editing process. Just like Microsoft Word edits words, you can use SoundForge to edit audio files.

I create or check to make sure I have a solid recording of my interview. Next I upload the audio file to my own hosting site. If I just link to the interview from someone else’s site, they are in control and I’ve had these links disappear. When I put it on my own site, I know the interview is always going to be available online and never disappear. You have to make sure you preserve the interview on a site that you control.

The final step is to incorporate this interview into your on-going social media efforts (X/Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn). Here’s an example from one of my radio interviews about my Billy Graham book: The interview was recorded months ago, yet because it was a morning radio show, it sounds like it happened yesterday. The listener doesn’t need to know the real date.

Because I reuse these interviews, people will regularly email me saying they heard my interview and compliment me. I respond with gratitude and never say when it actually happened (not relevant information for that listener). These recordings continue to promote and drive book sales and exposure for my book—long after the interview. Like many of these actions in the marketing area, they do not happen unless the author takes control of the interview (storing it on your website) then continues to promote it.

Promoting your book on the radio or a podcast is important and something every author should actively pursue and continue. In my view, it is equally important what you do with these recordings after the interview. Use these live events for on-going and continued promotion of your book and work. These interviews are essentially timeless and can be used repeatedly if you take action. 


When you record a radio interview, how do you use it for on-going promotion? Get specific action steps from this prolific author and editor in this article.  (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin, a writer and acquisitions editor lives in California. A former magazine editor and former literary agent, Terry is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams and Billy Graham. Get Terry’s recent book, 10 Publishing Myths for only $10, free shipping and bonuses worth over $200. To help writers catch the attention of editors and agents, Terry wrote his bestselling Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success. Check out his free Ebook, Platform Building Ideas for Every Author. His website is located at: Connect with Terry on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

Work Your Simple Plan

By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin

From time to time, I’ve had author envy.  I look at someone’s twitter following with thousands of people or the thousands of subscribers to their blog or newsletter and I wish it could happen to me. Or I read about a bestselling book and wonder why my books haven’t achieved such a level of success. Envy sprouts into my mind and heart and I begin to grow jealous of another author’s success. Then I pull myself up short. I’ve interviewed more than 150 bestselling authors. Repeatedly I’ve learned there are few overnight success stories. Most authors who spring to the top of the bestseller list have been in the trenches for years growing their presence in the marketplace.

Every author has to take action and begin building their presence in the market. I do not believe there is a magic formula, but there are tried and true methods when used consistently will help you.  Recently I was listening to the audio version of Jack Canfield’s bestselling book, The Success Principles, How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. The book is full of insight. Success Principle #13 is Take Action. He writes, “Most people are familiar with the phrase, ‘Ready, aim, fire!’ The problem is that too many people spend their whole life aiming and never firing. They are always getting ready, getting it perfect. The quickest way to hit a target is to fire, see where the bullet landed, and then adjust your aim accordingly. If the hit was 2 inches above the target, lower your aim a little. Fire again. See where it is now. Keep firing and readjusting. Soon you are hitting the bull’s-eye.” (Page 103)

Recently I was meeting with an unpublished author who had written about a 400-page Christian fantasy. He gave me a copy of his novel to read and recognized that he is an unknown writer. Like many people they wonder what steps to take to enter the publishing business and change from being unknown to being known. These steps are not a quick fix and will take on-going time and effort. The good news is with the Internet and regular effort it can be done with a minimal financial investment. Here are ten simple steps.

1.  Pick a good domain name—a dot com. How do you want to be known? Pick that for your domain name. What is your area of expertise? If you write Christian fantasy, select something you can brand and promote. 
2. Get a Hostgator account. Most writers can get along for with a small monthly fee. This system is powerful and inexpensive.
3. On your Hostgator account, start a Word Press blog (not a free one but one you set up). The tools are free and because you are hosting it, you don’t have the restrictions of the free Word Press account. Then post several times a week on your topic that you want to brand.
4.  Start a Twitter account with your brand name and post only on that topic—link to articles about it and other things to draw readers. 
5.  Also post to your Facebook about this topic—automatically repeat your tweets.
6.  Join forums on this topic. At first, watch, and then participate with solid content about the topic at hand—and emphasizing your topic. You will become known as a thoughtful expert.
7.  Eventually begin a newsletter with your blog posts—repurpose them into a newsletter and encourage people to subscribe to it.
8.  Repurpose your blog posts to Internet articles and post to the free articles sites (there are many of them). As you repurpose your material in this way, you will become known as an expert in your particular area of the market..
9.  Get a free copy of my 43-page Ebook, Platform Building Ideas for Every Author. Read this book and take action.
10.  Take action over and over—consistently and regularly to build your brand. It will pay off and you will build your presence and become known.

As you work this simple plan, you will be surprised with the results just like the  bestselling author who took 20 years to become an overnight success. A seemingly innocent event set off the unplanned chain of events propelled the author to recognition. You are the best person to promote yourself but you have to take action. Work your simple plan and it can happen. I’ve seen it over and over.

How are you working your simple plan? Let me know in the comments below.
W. Terry Whalin, a writer and acquisitions editor lives in Colorado. A former magazine editor and former literary agent, Terry is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams and Billy Graham. Check out his free Ebook, Straight Talk From the Editor. His website is located at: Connect with Terry on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn


All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...