Showing posts with label publishers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label publishers. Show all posts

Searching for the “Right” Fit

By Terry Whalin (@terrywhalin)

Some days the odds of getting published seem impossible for anyone. Literary agents and editors receive several hundred pitches for books A WEEK. The sheer volume of material makes it hard to get noticed by publishing professionals.

Sometimes authors don’t get published because they don’t send in their material to be considered. It wasn’t the case with an author I met last year who had a beautiful, well-written book. She had crafted her story then paid an outside editor to hone her manuscript into a riveting personal story. Week after week she sent her query and pitch to literary agents. Many times, she didn’t even get a response or form rejection letter. Yet she continued to send her material. Finally, the manuscript landed in my in-box and I read it, enjoying the writing. I told this author about Morgan James Publishing who accepted her book and published it. 

Getting your book published is the first step in the process. There are many decisions in this area such as a traditional publisher or self-publish or a hybrid publisher. Every author has to put in the work to explore these options.

Your Pitch Needs to Be Electronic

I encourage every writer to keep growing and challenging themselves to find new avenues to enter the marketplace. As an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing, I know the company receives many submissions. In fact, the company receives over 5,000 submissions a year. Out of that number only about 200 books are published. Yes, that is a high volume of rejection but as editors, we are always looking for the right authors and compelling material.

Every publisher requires the author to send an electronic version of their manuscript or proposal. It is the only way to get your material into the consideration process with an editor or agent. Submit your manuscript to the editor or agent in a format they can read. I’ve met authors who do not type. If you don’t type, then take a typing course or figure out your way around this barrier.

Make sure the format of your submission is not the issue. The reality is every editor and agent receives many submissions. Sometimes things do get missed and we are not perfect in this process. Just make sure it is not your issue before you reach out to someone else.

Follow the editor’s or agent’s guidelines. If you don’t follow directions, then you can’t get considered. Each of us need to follow-up to make sure we are giving the editor what they need. As editors and agents, we receive volumes of material and want to help but have limitations on our own time and resources.

As a writer, you are searching for the right fit for your submission. It will take effort on your part to find this. Good communication is important every step of the way. Sometimes it takes some digging to figure out why I am not connecting with an author. I will reach out to the author and encourage them, in any way that I can, to get their manuscript to me. 

I have good news for you. Editors and literary agents are actively looking for the right books and authors. Writers need to do their research and persist in this process to find the right fit.


If you are searching for an agent or publisher, this prolific writer and editor gives insights about the submission process. Learn the details here. (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin, a writer and acquisitions editor lives in California. A former magazine editor and former literary agent, Terry is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams and Billy Graham. Get Terry’s recent book, 10 Publishing Myths for only $10, free shipping and bonuses worth over $200. To help writers catch the attention of editors and agents, Terry wrote his bestselling Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success. Check out his free Ebook, Platform Building Ideas for Every Author. His website is located at: Connect with Terry on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

Querying Publishers and Agents: 3 Steps

3 Steps to Querying Publishers and Agents

You’ve been slaving for months, maybe years, on your manuscript. You’ve read about belonging to a critique group to help you hone your work and took the advice to heart. You have also listened to the advice about submitting your manuscript to an editor after your critique group is done with it, and after you’ve meticulously self-edited it. Now, you’re ready to begin submissions.

While some authors choose to send queries to a publisher or an agent, there is no reason to choose, send queries off to both. But, there are a few steps you need to be aware of before you actually start submitting:

1. First Impressions

Professionalism, professionalism, professionalism. Yes, be professional. As with any business correspondence, do not use colored stationary, colored text, elaborate font, scented paper or envelope, or any other unprofessional features. You get one shot at making a first impression; don’t blow it on silly additions. And, don’t try to be cute or send a gift. Again, be professional.

2. Research

So, you understand you need to appear professional, but you also need to send your query to the right recipients. You can have the most professional looking query letter, but if you send a query to a romance publisher and you have written a children’s picture book, guess what? You’ll be out of luck.

Research for publishers and agents who work within the genre you write. There are services, such as WritersMarket ( that provide information on where and how to sell your articles or manuscripts. While these services may charge for the service, it is a worthwhile investment.

There are also books that offer the same information, such as Writer’s Market, and Children’s Writers and Illustrator’s Market. If you choose this option, you will need to get the new versions each year. Agents and publishers are changing staff all the time, new companies are popping up and others are closing down, you will need up-to-date information for your query submissions.

3. Content

In the February 2011 issue of the Writer, agent Betsy Lerner explained, “Editors and agents alike enjoy nothing more than being startled awake by a witty or moving letter.” They want to see something special and unique; this is where your pitch comes in.

While you may have taken heed and had your manuscript critiqued and looked at by an editor, you can do the same with your query letter.

You want to give the impression that you are intelligent, so your query letter must reflect that. Get it in the best shape possible, with a great hook, and then send it off to be critiqued.

Publishers and agents receive more queries than they can comfortably handle, so don’t give them a reason to simply reject yours because of unprofessionalism. Give your query and manuscript every possible opportunity for success.

Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children's author and children’s ghostwriter as well as the founder and editor-in-chief of Writers on the Move. You can find out more about writing for children and her services at: Karen Cioffi Writing for Children.

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