Showing posts with label office organization tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label office organization tips. Show all posts

Getting Organized

Writers’ come in many shapes and sizes, so are writing spaces. Some are neat and tidy, or chaotic with papers spread on every surface.  My writing friend is so proud and liberated when his desk and office are organized that you’d think it was always that way. However, in the middle of a project, files and papers are scattered in disarray—but not so for him—he knows what is where.

No matter what your style, we need some kind of order to free our thoughts and stimulate our creativity.

We aspire to write daily and need “our space” to do so productively. But, we have a lot of stuff we need to keep where we can find it, and not forget it exists: our research, our reference and reading library, our notebooks and journals, our article clippings, and our inspiration photos.

I’ll admit that when I’m overloaded and need a break, I like to futz around re-organizing and freshening-up my office. The trouble is sometimes I forget where I filed the book, the folder, or the research I need for a project. So, a digital and paper filing plan is essential.

Tips you might find helpful:

•    Make the plan simple, one that’s easy to maintain, and adjustable when you discover something is not efficient.
•    Make a practice of uncluttering your writing area often.
•    Designate a space for pending items—bills, memos, etc., to handle later. Vertical trays, hung on a wall next to your desk might be a workable solution.
•    Set-up a Waiting for Response folder to follow-up on outstanding correspondence.
•    The tools you use every day are for the surface of your desk, but use drawers or closet space for supplies not used daily.
•    The bookcase is not the catchall. Group books by category for ease in locating.

The Bullet Journal: Is a great for organizing your do list and appointment, today and in the future 4-6 months out.

Great Tips to Organize Your Office Space

How to Organize Your Office and Boost Your Productivity 

Deborah Lyn Stanley is a writer of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts. Visit her web-blog: Deborah Lyn Stanley : MyWriter's Life .  “Write your best, in your voice, your way!

Office Organization Tips: How to Get and Stay Organized for Your Freelance Writing Career


by Donna M. McDine

 You’re in the process of taking a writer’s course and the abundance of information thrown your way is filed neatly in your brain. You wish you could say the same for your work space. While all your notes, research, writer’s books, etc., are valuable for your writing career it’s a miracle you can even find your desk under the sea of paper.  It’s imperative that you have the best filing system for your needs! 

1.                  Analyze and Purchase Supplies: First make a visit to your local office supply store and purchase hanging folders, manila folders and folder labels. If you don’t have a file cabinet now would be a good time to purchase one. You could purchase the good old standard metal filing cabinet or a file cabinet on wheels. The file cabinet on wheels would come in handy if you are limited on space and need to remove it from your work area when entertaining.

2.                  Identify Categories: Upon your return tackle the job of sorting your mounds (hope it’s not too deep) of paper into categories. File names:
ü  Agent Info
ü  Character Development
ü  Critique Groups Dialogue
ü  Editing
ü  Commas & Punctuation
ü  Grammar
ü  Point of View; Plotting & Outlining Your MS
ü  Scene & Story Structure, Sensory Details. 

The list is endless. Your filing system will grow over time. While reading articles on writing that you find helpful clip and file the article immediately. This makes for easy referral later.

3.                  Create Your Files: Place all your pertinent papers in the appropriate file. Each manila folder should be inserted into an individual hanging file in alphabetical order for easy retrieval and filing.

4.                  Desktop File: Jan Jasper, author of Take Back Your Time: How to Regain Control of Work, Information, and Technology (St. Martin’s Press) states: “Action files must always be within easy reach – ideally in a small desktop file holder that holds the file folders upright so the tabs are clearly visible. For added peace of mind, make a note in your calendar or scheduling software to remind you of important dates. This combats the “out-of-sight, out of mind” worry and lets you clear your desk without fearing you’ll forget something important”*

[*Conquer Desktop Clutter with Action Files © Jan Jasper; 2001-2007
About the Author: Jan Jasper has been training busy people to work smarter, not harder since 1988. She helps clients streamline work procedures, manage information overload, and use technology efficiently. Her specialty is helping people who've already worked with professional organizers and coaches and are still not able to get it all done. Jan is the author of Take Back Your Time: How to Regain Control of Work, Information, & Technology (St. Martin's Press). She recently completed a North American media tour as the national efficiency spokesperson for IKON Office Solutions, Inc. She has appeared on radio and TV all over North America and is quoted regularly in print. Jan is an adjunct professor at New York University.]

Suggested important files to maintain to keep in your line of sight on your desktop are:
ü  Writing – Follow-up
ü  Writing – Reading
ü  Writing – Research
ü  Writing – To Do
ü  Writing – Work-in Progress
Each file then contains an inventory sheet of what tasks need to be accomplished.  You know your files and needs best, please feel free to revamp the categories to suit your needs.

5.                  Follow-through: Lastly, it is important that you maintain your new filing system daily or at least weekly. This way you will not get piled under the dreaded mounds of paper.

By following these five tips on an ongoing basis your tidal wave of papers will surely cease to exist.

Bio: Donna McDine is an award-winning children's author. Her stories, articles, and book reviews have been published in over 100 print and online publications. Her interest in American History resulted in writing and publishing The Golden Pathway. Donna has four more books under contract with Guardian Angel Publishing, Hockey Agony, Powder Monkey, A Sandy Grave, and Dee and Deb, Off They Go. She writes, moms and is the Editor-in-Chief for Guardian Angel Kids and owner of Author PR Services from her home in the historical hamlet Tappan, NY. McDine is a member of the SCBWI. Visit

All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...