- Query image Copyright © 2013 Joan Y. Edwards
"11 Essentials of a Good Query Letter" by Joan Y. Edwards
Does your query letter have what It takes? Does it contain all the essentials of a good query letter? Does it have all the necessary ingredients to cook up a good deal for you?
A great query letter follows the latest guidelines of the editor or agent listed online. Here are 11 essentials of a good query letter:
- Your manuscript is the genre this editor/agent accepts for representation and/or publication.
- Gives the following information at the top right hand side: your name, address, city, state, zip code, phone number, email, websites, and blogs, and date.
- Puts the name editor/agent, followed by name of publisher or agency in the left-hand side followed by Dear and the name of the editor or agent as directed by the guidelines.
- Contains a great selling pitch that leaves the agent or publisher so moved by the story that they can't wait to see your full manuscript.
- Tells why you believe this editor/agent is the right one for this book.
- Compares your story to 1-3 books published by this publisher or represented by this agent.
- Explains why you are the best person to write this story and gives your credentials.
- Asks the question: "May I send you my manuscript?"
- Thanks the editor or agent for considering your work.
- States when you expect to hear from him according to the guidelines.
- Send by email or snail mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) as specified by the guidelines.
Here's my article: "Components of a Good Query Letter." You might enjoy it.: http://joanyedwards.wordpress.com/2011/04/17/components-of-a-good-query-letter/
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2014 Joan Y. Edwards
Thanks for reading this post. Please share what you believe are the essentials of a good query letter.
Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
My Books:
Flip Flap Floodle, even mean ole Mr. Fox can't stop this little duck
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Joan’s Elder Care Guide, Release date June 2014 by 4RV Publishing