Showing posts with label income. Show all posts
Showing posts with label income. Show all posts

Diversify In An Ever-Changing World

By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin

In the last few weeks our world has gone through unimaginable changes. Many businesses have shut down and we are isolated in our homes to protect us from catching the covid-19 virus in a world-wide pandemic. Possibly your business has closed or you have been temporarily furloughed from your business. What can you do in this ever-changing world?

Years ago I recognized the temporary status of any “job.” Publishing has gone through many changes during my years in this business. One of the key action steps you can take is to diversity your income stream. Where do you earn your money? Is it one place? Then I'm encouraging you to create different ways to earn money. Another way to put it is to use an old cliche: Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

If we've learned anything in recent weeks, jobs and work can be uncertain. One of the best ways to hedge this possibility is to create different streams of income. For example, can you use your book as a springboard to create other information products that you sell online? If you want to know more details, I recommend you listen to this free interview I did with Bob Bly and look at the free Ebook with it.
Can you use your book and create an online course or membership site where you deliver content instruction and insights for your audience? I have a risk-free Simple Membership System product to give you much more detail and insight. Notice my 30 day no questions asked love it or return it guarantee.

Can you use your book to launch a personal coaching program? Your book has made you an authority and now use that influence to begin another aspect of your writing life—coaching. You will have a limited number of people but it can also create a regular stream of income for your business.

The overall key for any author is to create multiple streams of income. This article only gives a few of the possibilities. As an acquisitions editor, I repeatedly see authors focus on their royalties (or they tell me about their lack of royalties). There are many dynamics in play with a publisher receiving and paying these royalties such as the slow rate that bookstores pay publishers—which is something many authors forget. In my view, the royalty focus is the wrong focus. As an author, you can't control your royalty payment. If it comes, terrific. There are many element I mentioned in this article that you as an author can control. Seize those elements for your focus and work on them. It will yield a far greater financial result.

Every author needs to continually work at building their platform and expanding their influence. If you want or need to know more about building an author platform, get my free ebook on the topic. You can do it but it will take effort and initiative on your part. From my experience, it is not a simple one-two-three process but the journey is different for every author. Keep at it and if I can help you, just reach out to me and let me know what you need.

What action steps are you taking to diversity in this ever-changing world? Let me know in the comments below.


One of the best actions is to diversity in an ever-changing world. Get ideas and insights from this prolific editor and author.  (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. His work contact information is on the bottom of the second page (follow this link).  His latest book for writers is 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to SucceedOne of Terry's most popular free ebooks is Straight Talk From the Editor, 18 Keys to a Rejection-Proof Submission. He lives in Colorado and has over 200,000 twitter followers 

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