Showing posts with label holiday gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday gifts. Show all posts

10 Gifts for Writers

Are you still finishing your holiday shopping?  Here’s my top ten gifts for the writer on your list.

·        A gift certificate for a writers retreat - A perfect gift for any writer.

·       ·          Books – Writers are readers, so a good book or a gift certificate to a book store is always a good choice.

·        ·        A subscription to writer’s magazine like Writer’s Digest or Writers and Poets

·        The 2013 Writer’s Market – If you know a writer getting ready to submit their work, this is an invaluable tool.

·        The Frugal Book Promoter by Carolyn Howard-Johnson is the perfect gift for someone who is out there marketing their book.

·       Bird by Bird by Ann Lamott – An inspirational book for any writer

·      A journal – Even if the writer you know generally works on a computer, give them a journal and they are sure to write in it.

·         An electronic reader – Kindle, Nook or iPad.  Eventually, most writers will need to join the digital age.

·         Scrivener - A great application for managing complex writing projects or keeping track of the research for that next project.

·         Voice recognition software – Dragon Naturally Speaking is a great voice recognition program that can help make the writer more productive.

Mary Jo Guglielmo is writer and intuitive life strategist who has helped writers move their writing careers forward.  Combining intuitive insights with practical know-how, Mary Jo has helped clients discover how to chart their course of action and live their authentic path—their True North.   Mary Jo offers Artist Breakthrough Sessions at reduced rates. (Gift certificates are available.)

For more information check out
or folllow her at:  

Cross Promote With Other Authors for Holiday Giving

By Carolyn Howard-Johnson
This is the time of year when you could work up a cross-promotion for the holidays. You could do it with another author (sort of a two-for-one special), or think of something on your own—a discount, a free booklet, etc.

  • Any promotion you choose to do has to be promoted. I'm sure you have things you could do with what you are doing lots of anyway. Your blog, Facebook page, newsletter, Twitter, etc. etc. are examples
  • Make a Web page where readers can pay by Paypal. This can drive lots of traffic to your site, so it’s not a bad thing. It’s even better if they can also pay with a credit card. Only in an emergency, should you ask them to send you a check.
  • You  need to have enough markup in your book to cut the price pretty drastically and still make at least a little money, usually 50%. This unique book paints a revealing picture of America for those foreigners who will benefit from a better understanding of America. Endorsed by ambassadors, teachers and editors, it even examines our culture, customs and language.
  • Start promoting very early. Frequency counts.
  • Someone (probably you) needs to handle the shipping. Work that into your plans.
  • Alternatively, you could put together an online holiday catalog. There are suggestions for services that already do these in The Frugal Book Promoter, but if you’re good with html design, you could work on one of these cooperatively, too. There’s information on that in the Second Edition of The Frugal Book Promoter, too. ( )
~Articles like this appear in Carolyn Howard-Johnson's free SharingwithWriters newsletter. You can subscribe by sending an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to HoJoNews (at) AOL (dot) com. Carolyn will subscribe you and you'll receive a welcome letter with other free promotional ideas in it.  Tweet with Carolyn @frugalbookpromo, too!

A Big Thank You to Our Followers and Subscribers

With the end of the year at our door step, we'd like to take the time to thank you for your support. We do appreciate that you take time out of your busy schedules to stop by and visit with us.

And, we'd like to wish everyone a healthy, safe, and happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous new year.

There are two ways we thought of to show our appreciation and they both have to do with writing and marketing. Well, what'd you think they'd be on? :)

First, we have a new Writers on the Move Holiday Season 2011 eBook from our members, it's on the sidebar as a free gift to you and to all who visit.

The second gift will be in the next A Writer's World newsletter, they'll be an exclusive link to one of my new e-books, Editing Books Like a Pro. Please, DO NOT SHARE the link or the e-book. It is meant as a gift to A Writer's World subscribers and is for sale to everyone else.

I should have the newsletter out by this weekend. As usual I'm running behind. :)

We hope you'll continue to be a part of our writing world in 2012, and we hope to make lots of more friends and followers. We're doing our best to provide informative and practical writing and marketing information on a daily basis. And, we now have webinars as a new informational tool to use to offer more engaging workshops.

Our goal for 2012 is to do our best to bring you fresh and useful information, tips, and advice to help you on your writing and marketing journey.

So, again, have a healthy, safe, and happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.


And to be sure you don’t miss any posts here, simply subscribe to this blog (RSS feed).

Until next time,

Karen Cioffi
Author, Ghostwriter, Freelance Writer, Editor

Karen’s Books Page:

Karen Cioffi Writing and Marketing
DKV Writing 4 U

Writers on the Move’s Authors’ Books for the Holiday Season

Ring-a-Ding. Ring-a-Ding.

Yup, the holiday season is just about upon us and many, who think ahead and have already started their shopping, are now looking for great holiday gifts for the adults and children in their lives.

Since Writers on the Move has very talented authors who offer everything from poetry to children’s books to mysteries to anthologies to historical fiction to non-fiction how-to books available as amazing gifts for just about anyone and any age, we’ve put together a list of MUST HAVE BOOKS to give you some ideas.

So, please scroll down to the bottom of the list and be sure to click on the links to find out more about each book.

Off we go.

Writers on the Move’s Authors’ Books for Holiday Season Gifts

Walking Through Walls
Children’s middle-grade/young adult fantasy adventure
Amazon Link 
Book Info Link:

Day’s End Lullaby
Children’s bedtime picture book with sheet music to lullaby included
Amazon Link
Book Info Link:

Karen Cioffi


Dancing With The Pen
A collection of today's best youth writing -- this groundbreaking anthology features stories, poems and essays by more than 65 kids and teenagers from all around the world. For each copy sold, a new book will be donated to a disadvantaged child through Write On! For Literacy.

3 a.m.
Award-winning collection of short stories has been featured on the PBS book talk show "Between the Lines" and has been acclaimed by both teenagers and adults.
Amazon Link

Dallas Woodburn, award winning author


State of Wilderness
Book 1 of 50 in the JGDS, 50-state, mystery, trivia series

Ma America, The Travelin' Maven (Elysabeth Eldering)


The Cancer Prayer Book
Self-Help: A wonderful and meaningful gift for a loved one or friend going through the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. It has chapters on Diagnosis and Waiting, Family, Self Image, Healing, Seeking Wisdom, Keeping the Faith, and more.
ISBN: 978-1-4507-2599-6

Terri Forehand RN, author


Children's picture books: These wonderful books keep children laughing and learning with each turn of the page.

Martha Swirzinski, M.A.


Blooming Red: Christmas Poetry for the Rational
 By Carolyn Howard-Johnson and Magdalena Ball
Cover watercolor by Vicki Thomas
"This volume is full of delight." ~ Margaret Fieland, author
Discounted in quantities of 25 or more (for use as holiday greeting cards):

Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Instructor for nearly a decade at the renowned UCLA Extension Writers' Program
The Frugal Book Promoter ( ) :
Web site:


Repulsion Thrust
Poetry: "Wonderful. The work covers a lot of ground while keeping a poetic sensibility, which is hard to do. We need more singularity-aware art." Ray Kurzweil
Buy it at Amazon

Sleep Before Evening
Literary fiction: Marianne is teetering at the edge of reason. “Buy this book. And relish every moment of it.”
Buy it at Amazon

Magdalena Ball


The Golden Pathway
The struggle against slavery with no regard to one's safety - age 8-12


The Women of Camp Sobingo
Historical fiction, WWII era

The Unexplored Heart
Victorian era, Historical romance/adventure

Forces of Nature
Suspense, Natural Disaster

Once a Brat, Always a Brat
Memoir with contributions from other Military Brats

Marilyn Celeste Morris, Author
Buy Link: 


Trouble on Earth Day
Children's picture book by Kathy Stemke
Purchase at

More info on this author and Free monthly newsletter sign up:


Cowgirl Dreams
Western historical fiction: Nettie Brady bucks 1920s convention with dreams of becoming a rodeo star. Based on the author’s grandmother, a real Montana cowgirl
B&N Nook Edition

Follow the Dream
Sequel to Cowgirl Dreams: Life during the Great Depression brings unrelenting hardships and challenges to Nettie’s family and lifelong rodeo dreams.
Kindle edition 

Heidi M. Thomas


We're sure you'll find something from the books above that will be the perfect gift for this holiday season!

You’ll get two e-books on writing and/or marketing if you do!

And to be sure you don’t miss any posts here, simply subscribe to my blog (RSS feed).

Until next time,

Karen Cioffi
Author, Ghostwriter, Editor, Inbound Marketing Instructor

All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...