Showing posts with label hidden messages in stories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hidden messages in stories. Show all posts

Weave Hidden Messages into Your Stories

An early sketch of
Thistletoe the Packrat,
by Nancy Batra

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

The theme(s) in your story needs to be subtle and not stand out; the main theme is what your story is really about. It’s not the characters, plot or even what happens in the story, but the universal idea that runs throughout. Theme works best when readers discover it on their own. Theme is linked to whatever your main character values most. 

Examples of themes in stories include:

  • Friendship: What it means to have a friend and be a friend.
  • Responsibility: Owning up to one’s actions.
  • Overcoming fear: How to face challenges with integrity and courage.

Hidden Messages 

In my stories, in addition to the themes, are messages that I’ve strived to cloak in fun and interesting ways. It all begins with my overall message, “Stories from the Great Outdoors,” which is prominently spelled out on my marketing materials. And yet, children might not realize that each story involves activities that the characters enjoy out in nature— swimming, hiking, running, bird watching, feeding ducks, horseback riding, and bicycle riding—because these "messages" are hidden in plain sight.

Here are examples of some of my hidden-in-plain-sight messages, beginning with the Abi Wunder chapter book series:

  • The ghost in the story is a beekeeper; his interest in collecting honey a reminder of the importance of bees. The story takes places in the country, an experience not available to a lot of children, which might encourage readers to appreciate country living. A sheriff relays the message that police officers have authority, but are friendly and helpful. (The chapter book, Secret in the Stars: An Abi Wunder Mystery, Book 1)
  • A country living setting is explored more in this book. Abi lives in a town about two hours away in an apartment. A family Bible from the 1800s is part of the story in Mist, regarding the family record kept in it. The ghost comes from the 1800s, so her dress and background are explored. (Secret in the Mist: An Abi Wunder Mystery, Book 2
  • Apartment living and the love of grandparents will be integral parts of the story. (Secrets of the Heart: An Abi Wunder Mystery, Book 3),  currently a work-in-progress.

And in four picture books:

  • The story introduces readers to packrats, what they’re like and what their habits are; with information in the backmatter about the Southwest. (A Packrat’s Holiday: Thistletoe’s Gift)
  • A story about a 4-H horse show, with information about 4-H and how to join the organization. (Tall Boots)
  • A story about the discovery of a bird’s nest, which includes ideas about how readers can become birdwatchers. (Cradle in the Wild)
  • The story shows that ducks need to live in a healthy habitat. Readers are encouraged to feed water fowl nutritious food, rather than bread. (Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me!)

Pairing hidden messages with the themes in your stories such as these has the potential to provide readers with the motivation to go out and ride a horse, start a backyard bird sanctuary, or simply enjoy various characters’ positive life experiences so much that they’ll strive to make them their own.


Talls Boots and
Cradle in the Wild
are now available in Spanish

Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Loves Everywhere (2023), Botas Altas (2024), the Spanish version of Tall Boots, translated by Graciela Moreno and Adriana Botero, and Cuna en la Naturaleza (2025), translated by Adriana Botero. You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at, and on Facebook.

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