I've been eyeing Amazon
Giveaways for a while, now that they work for e-books as well as
physical items. Giveaways help create buzz, cultivate potential
future readers, and possibly earn those much-needed reviews.
So yesterday I decided to
try it.
You can run a giveaway on
any item you like, even if it's not yours, but I did it for my new
e-book. Another idea is to give away prizes that are somehow related
to your book. Then you can change the settings to make it less
public and send the link only to your readers as a sort of loyalty
reward. Various other possibilities make this a versatile tool.
This is how a giveaway
-Go to your book (or
whatever item you want to give away) and click on “Set up a
Giveaway” near the bottom.
-Buy as many copies as you
want to give away (so doing this on a sale day might be a good idea,
depending on your pricing). You can choose from 1-50
copies, which means it's economical to play around and do small test
giveaways. Pay as normal through Amazon. If you're giving
away your own book, you will recoup some of this money as royalties
when the sale goes through.
-Set various parameters,
like if you want a random drawing at the end or if you want, for
example, every 100th entrant to win.
-Decide what people must
do in order to enter. Possibilities include following you on Amazon
or Twitter, tweeting a message, watching a video, or answering a
poll. You can also do it without requiring anything from the
entrants, but I think getting followers or
having people tweet about your book would be helpful marketing tools.
It's a bit unclear how useful Amazon followers are. You
can't see how many you have or contact them directly, but Amazon
supposedly sends them e-mails when you publish new books or have
other big events. Amazon may also ask you to write messages which
they send on to your followers. If anyone has experience with this,
it would be interesting to see in the comments below.
-Create a title for your
-Write a short welcome
message, a message to people once they've entered, and a message to
the winner/winners (maximum 250 characters each). Look at some
other giveaways to see examples of their welcome messages (usually a
snappy contest or product description) and decide what will work best
for you.
-Upload a photo of you (or
your logo, etc). Don't upload your book cover
here, as they'll automatically show the book cover below and
you don't want to duplicate. Something went wrong with my picture,
as it didn't appear when the giveaway went live. Unfortunately
there's no preview.
-Submit it. Mine went
live within a few minutes, though it can take several hours.
your link on your social media, blogs, etc. For legal
reasons, be sure to include wording like “enter for a chance to
win,” not “enter to win.”
For more information, see Amazon's FAQs.
My Experience So Far:

Obviously I wish one of the requirements were to
subscribe to my mailing list, but it still seems a positive thing.
Now I'm going to do a bit of promotion and see what happens.
If you're interested in Alaska, or just want to see how it works, check out my giveaway:
Your Experience?
any of you out there have done Amazon Giveaways, we'd
all love you to share your wisdom in the comments below.