Showing posts with label character attributes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label character attributes. Show all posts

Writers: What are Round and Flat Characters?

In Secret in the Mist: An Abi Wunder Mystery,
horses play an important role, but they 
would be considered "flat" characters.
Illustration by Danika Corrall

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

If you’re like me, you’ve spent most of your time creating “round” characters, unique main characters bursting with personality, flaws, purpose; embarking on an adventure which will change their life and make them grow. Until I ventured upon the term “flat” characters, I hadn’t thought a lot about those other characters. The ones lacking depth, such as the roles parents and grandparents and kids not central to the story play, even siblings. Whichever type of characters you are creating, they need to have a purpose central to your plot, exude personality, and know their place. can fall into the background in order for your main characters to take center stage.

In an article by MasterClass, round and flat characters are described as “Characters in a novel, short story, play, or film can be either round or flat. A round character is nuanced and well thought-out. They usually play an important role in the story. They are written specifically so audiences can pay attention to them for a specific reason.”

In my current WIP, work-in-progress, Secret in the Mist: An Abi Wunder Mystery, my two main characters, Abi and Jess, their friends, and Jess’s brother are round characters: interesting, developed, having wants and needs, evolve and have a purpose throughout the story. 

Some of the main characters’ family members and family members of the minor characters are flat. 

“Flat characters, on the other hand, are more like window dressing. They are two dimensional and lack nuance. Their purpose in a story is usually perfunctory.” Flat characters can be “foil” characters, “embodying the opposite traits of another character, thereby strengthening audiences’ opinions of both characters . . . [the foil character’s] flatness will reinforce to audiences the impressive depth of the round character.”

When Flat Characters Should Make an Appearance

We don’t learn much about Abi’s grandpa, but he is present to drive Abi to Jess’s house for her visit, and at the end, pick her up to go home and listen to Abi promise to tell him all about her adventure. Jess’s mom appears a few times. Mainly, Jess texts her as she keeps track of the two friends’ comings and goings on an app on Jess’s phone.

When Flat Characters Get in the Way

Recently, I critiqued a story by an author whose flat characters were front and center. These characters were the main character’s parents, and were replete with their own story, including their relationship. The plot lost momentum and did not move forward. The entire section needed to be deleted.

You might agree that one of the greatest joys in writing for children is the creation of characters. Now with this new way of looking at our characters, we can make them as globular and as one-dimensional as we want!


Writers on the Move: Make your Characters Memorable My August, 2024 article, “Make Your Characters Memorable,” discusses the traits of “round” characters. 

Danika Corrall designed my website and illustrated Secret in the Mist. She can be reached at 

Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Lovers Everywhere (2023), and Botas Altas, the Spanish version of Tall Boots, translated by Graciela Moreno and Adriana Botero. You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at, and on Facebook.

Is Your Protagonist Multidimensional?

Between your characters and the plot, you develop a story. If the mix is right, and the characters are believable, you can create a story worthy of publication.

While there are many articles about creating believable characters, it's an important topic and reminders are always in order since your characters are a crucial aspect of your story.

So, which is your protagonist?

1. Is your protagonist flat...lacks any type of emotion and action. Like the simple and safe kiddy rides at a children's amusement park...the carousel horse that goes round and round, but does nothing else? Then you have a one- dimensional character on your hands.

2. Is your protagonist a little bumpy...he has some quirks, life and emotion, but no real depth of character or history. Like the carousel horse that goes round and round and up and down at a steady easy pace? Then you have a two-dimensional character struggling to break into the world of believability.

3. Is your protagonist a full-blown amusement park...a roller coaster, full of ups and downs, knowledge, emotion, character, and history? Now you have it—you have a believable three-dimensional character that is strong enough to bring your story through to the end.

Now the question is: how do you create a wonderful, believable life-like three-dimensional character?

There are a number of methods you can use that will help create a believable character, here are two:

1. Create a character sheet or use an index card before you begin.
On your sheet, list all the characteristics, quirks, moods, mannerisms, physical attributes, artistic get the idea. Keep this sheet handy as you're writing your story. If you tell the reader Pete has blonde hair in the beginning of the story, and then you describe it as black, unless he dyed his hair as part of the storyline, stay true to the character. Readers pick up on errors very quickly.

The more detail you add to your character sheet the easier it will be to know what your protagonist will do in any given circumstance. This will take the element of wondering out of your writing process and save time...Pete finds a bag of money next to his neighbor's car. Hmm . . . will he keep it or try to find out if it's his neighbor's? Oh, wait a minute, on your character sheet you wrote he's an honest guy! Simple.

2. Add characteristics and attributes to your protagonist as you write your story.

Write your protagonist's characteristics, quirks, moods, mannerisms, and so on, on a character sheet as your story evolves.

There are some writers who use different methods to create a story. Maybe you're using the 'seat-of-the-pants-method' and your character evolves as your story does. With this method, you want to be sure to note each new development in your protagonist's character or being.

Let's go back to Pete again. Pete scratches a car as with his bicycle. Does he leave a note on the car he damaged? Does he quickly leave the scene? Does he just ignore the incident and goes about his business?

While he's usually honest, he could have a moment of weakness? Maybe he's worried about the consequences.

Whichever one of these actions he chooses will establish another element to his character - be sure to make note of it.

No matter what process you use, remember to add life-like qualities to your character. Readers need to develop a relationship with the protagonist. If they feel Pete is three dimensional and they are drawn to him, they'll be sure to read to the end of your book.

Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author and children's ghostwriter. She is also an author/writer online platform instructor with WOW! Women on Writing. Get monthly must-know writing and marketing tips with The Writing World newsletter.

And, be sure to connect with Karen at:


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