Showing posts with label boogie woogie paino.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boogie woogie paino.. Show all posts

Think You're Fast at Typing?

This is a little off the beaten path for Writers on the Move, but it sure is entertaining.

I don't usually spend time watching YouTube video, but a particular video lassoed me in.

I found this piano player who seems to have lightening in his fingers. And, it seems there are piano stations all over the place for anyone to play - in airports, in malls . . .

While this doesn't really have anything to do with writing or book marketing, it's an excellent example of the power of video. It made me stop and watch. Hey, I guess it does have to do with marketing after all. You've got to have something to GRAB the audience with and something that will hook them - keep them in place long enough for you to get your message across.

Try creating a video as part of your book marketing strategy.

Hope you like Boogie Woogie!

I'd be one of those people who stopped to watch!

If you watched it, we'd love to know what you thought. And, of course, please share!


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All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...