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Showing posts with label action steps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label action steps. Show all posts
Pick Two Things and Do Them
Do you have a laundry list of writing and marketing things you've had to get done, but just haven't had the time?
Today is the day to start to tackle that list.
Just pick TWO things and WRITE THEM DOWN.
Maybe it's to do a video for your marketing.
Maybe it's to write a new blog post for your author website.
Whatever those two things are that you've picked, take care of them today!
Don't procrastinate.
Before you know it, your to-do list will be manageable.
Goal Setting: It’s Not About Ideas – It’s About Making Ideas Happen
“It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.” —Scott Belsky
We’re into the second quarter of this year. It’s time to think about where you’ve been and where you’re heading. It’s time for ideas.
According to Business Dictionary, an idea is “a thought or collection of thoughts that generate in the mind.”
They’re usually derived from intent, but they can also be unintentional.
Ideas are the foundation of all advancements. And, they’re at the foundation and growth of your business.
While ideas may be the initiating force behind success, they’re powerless without action.
Action is the implementation of an idea. Action is taking deliberate steps toward an end. Action is what makes dreams a reality.
So, how do you turn an idea into an actionable plan?
Four basic steps you will need to take to get started.
1. Create a plan.
First: Take that idea and actually write it down, don’t just type in your laptop or computer, actually write down what you’re idea or goal is. Then you can put it in your computer.
This idea should be considered your long term objective.
Second: Divide your long term goal into short term goals with actionable steps you can take to reach your objective.
Suppose your objective is to boost your social media marketing in order to build a large and loyal following with conversion potential. Divide that into sub-categories. They may be:
• Two to three social media channels to devote more time and effort into
• Who will handle this strategy (if you’re a solopreneur, it’ll be you)
• Time to be allotted to this new strategy
• Budget for this new strategy
• Create user engagement and connections
• Actionable steps needed to accomplish this new goal
Why write your goals and action steps down?
According to an article in Entrepreneur.com, “Warren Buffett has described writing as a key way of refining his thoughts.” And, “Richard Branson once said, ‘my most essential possession is a standard-sized school notebook,’ which he uses for regular writing.” (1)
Along with this, another article, 5 Reasons Why You Should Commit Your Goals to Writing, explains, “Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal-setting with 267 participants. She found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals just by writing them down.” (2)
Writing goals down takes more thought than typing away. This makes you more conscious of what your goals are. It adds, if you will, emphasis to what you want.
So, it’s easy to understand that writing your ideas / goals down is a key to fulfilling your goals.
Finally, keep your goals and action steps front and center. You need to see them daily (throughout the day) as a reminder of your intent.
TIP: Make sure your action steps are realistic and doable. Nothing will squash your motivation and efforts more than not being able to fulfill your action steps.
2. Implement your plan.
Your goal and actionable steps are on paper and in your computer. Now it’s time to actually take action. Follow through and post more to the social media channels. Engage with other users by Retweeting, Following, Liking, Sharing, and so on. Take all the actions you’ve listed in your plan.
3. Keep it up – persevere.
Whatever action steps you do, do them wholeheartedly and regularly. Don’t give up because you don’t quickly see results. Give it time to determine if the steps you’re taking are the right ones for you and your business.
4. Analysis and Revise.
While you do need to give your actions time to generate positive results, you also need to test what you’re doing.
Determine what’s working and what’s not. Then revise your plan accordingly.
Don’t waste time on efforts that aren’t working. Try a different approach or marketing strategy.
Your time and effort will be much more productive if you regularly test your results.
There you have it, four basic steps to creating and implementing a business plan. Take the time to write your ideas / goals down and create and implement actionable steps to help you achieve them.
(1) http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/234712
(2) http://michaelhyatt.com/5-reasons-why-you-should-commit-your-goals-to-writing.html
An Analysis of Twitter Favorites
What is Your Tagline
Blogging – 5 Popular Blog Post and Article Formats
Even Tiny Action Steps can Produce Huge Results
"Someone is sitting in the shade today because
someone planted a tree a long time ago."
This Warren Buffet quote inspires me. It's simple, yet so amazingly powerful.
1. A tiny seed can create something as massive as a tree, even a sequoia tree.
Think of the giant sequoia tree in California, USA. It averages around 26 feet in diameter, weighs around 4,189,000 lbs. and reaches heights of 275 feet. According to Wikepedia, "Record trees have been measured to be 311 feet in height and over 56 feet in diameter. The oldest known giant sequoia based on ring count is 3,500 years old."
The seed of the sequoia tree is 0.16–0.20 inches long, 0.039 inches broad, and 0.039 inches wide.
Hard to imagine, isn't it.
Well, this can easily relate to writing, to content marketing, to business . . . to just about everything in your work and life.
Small positive actionable steps, no matter how tiny, can create massive results. You may think your writing and marketing efforts aren't moving you forward, but think of how long it takes that tiny seed to grow into that tree that gives shade.
2. What you sow today can have benefits for many tomorrows.
Time will pass whether you take action or not. If you have an idea, take action now. Don't wait for tomorrow or until you have more time or until you have more money. Take action now. The benefits may turn out to be bigger than you could possibly imagine.
You may reap the benefits of your writing or content marketing or business efforts far into your future, so take that initial step. Or, maybe it's expansion that you're thinking about, or a new strategy.
Keep in mind though that every living thing needs sun, water, and food to grow. So, when you take that step (plant that seed), be sure to give it the nurturing it needs to become what you believe it can be.
Plant that seed today!
Karen Cioffi is a writer and online platform instructor. She's offering two e-classes through WOW! Women on Writing;
Become an SEO Writer in Just 4 Weeks
Get Traffic to Your Website with Inbound Marketing
(Both classes are in-depth and interactive and will help get you where you need to be.)
5 Reasons Why You Should Use Content Curation as Part of Your Blogging Strategy
Is Facebook Worth Your Social Media Marketing Time? What About Twitter?
5 Tips to Writing Your Author Bio
Make Your Dreams a Reality with 15 Minutes a Day
I had every intention as I flew out to Las Vegas for a conference this week to squeeze in some writing time on the plane--instead I slept. I needed the sleep, since I had stayed up late the night before helping my husband with a project. I can get off track and let other people's priorities trump my own desires. If I let this go on too long, I loose sight of my own goals. When that happens, I reassess my goals and carve out some time in my schedule for my dreams. I use this new found time to take small action steps.
It’s easy to get caught up in the belief that you don’t have enough time to pursue your own dreams. Most writers I know have a day job and a full life. They struggle to squeeze in writing time and believe they don't have the flexibility to write more. Unfortunately, this belief can derail a writing career even before it begins. Jennifer Lawler, author of the Dojo Wisdom series, discusses how a martial artist trains each day, even when he is old and disabled. He accommodates his life for his art. One of my critique partners is a lawyer with a full time job, two active young children, a wife and he still manages to write one hour a day. How does he do it? He gets up at 5 a.m. each morning. He accommodate his life to his art. So how can you accommodate your days for the life you want to dream into being? Even 15 minutes a day will begin the process of transformation. Why? Through those daily 15 minutes, you are informing your subconscious that you are committed to your goal. You will be amazed after a week of allotting only 15 minutes how much you can accomplish. Build it into your routine (e.g. shower, coffee, 15 minutes). If you are ready to change your life, you will find the time.So this week start with small actions steps and create the habit of pursing your dreams. This step may lead you to dreams more magnificent than you could have ever imagined.
Mary Jo Guglielmo is writer and intuitive life coach. In you live near Chicago, check out her latest workshop: Give Wings to Your Dreams.
For more information check out:
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Getting Back on Track from a Writing Vacation
Has your writing taken a summer vacation? My critique group took a hiatus during the
summer and so did my writing life. I
needed the break. Spending time
gardening, camping with friends and cooking over a fire was just what this
writer needed. But now I need to
Did the hiccups of a summer routine interrupt your
writing? Maybe you took a vacation or have
been playing solitaire way to much. If
so, here are four steps to get back on track.
- Connect with your critique group or writing support system—My critique group met tonight. It’s only been two months since we last met, but it was like meeting long lost friends. We mostly spent the time talking about our summer and how we feel about our writing at this juncture. We set a date in September to begin are bi-weekly meetings. Just connecting with this group, starts my creative juices flowing.
- Identify small action steps – Select one writing project and dissect it into manageable pieces to get you started. This is especially important if you are feeling overwhelmed.
- Mind-map your writing life—In the last Writers On the Move blog post, Shirley Corder discusses mind-mapping as a way to stimulate the right brain. For me, mind mapping my writing life is especially helpful when I have been disconnected from my writing. I use the program Freeplane and identify the progress and next step for each of my writing projects. Freeplane provides a visual map for my small action steps.
- Commit to a time to write – For the last few years, I had the luxury to be able to write for long blocks of time. With a new job, I now have to squeeze writing into my life. My plan is to write four mornings a week, before I start my day. I’ll start my day by putting my goals first.
Have you slacked off this summer? If so, how do you plan to reconnect with your
writing life?
Mary Jo Guglielmo is writer and intuitive life strategist. For more information check out www.donorth.biz or folllow her at:
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