Showing posts with label ISBN number and bar code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISBN number and bar code. Show all posts

Purchased vs Free ISBN Numbers

In addition to these books, I've published an audiobook
for Secret in the Stars, a coloring book, Botas Altas: Tall Boots
in Spanish, and a hard cover book.

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

    ISBN is the acronym for International Standard Book Number. It is a 10 or 13-digit number that identifies a specific book, an edition of a book, or a book product, such as an audiobook. Since 1970, each published book has been allocated an ISBN. ISBNs were 10-digits long until January 1, 2007, when the ISBN system switched to a 13-digit format. Books with 10-digit ISBNs can be converted to 13 digits. Each separate product—paperback, hard cover, e-book, audiobook, coloring book—are separate editions and require a different ISBN.

    ISBNs are product identifiers used by publishers, booksellers, internet retailers, and other supply chain entities. The ISBN identifies the registrant as well as the title, edition, and format, and is used for ordering, listing, sales records and keeping track of stocks. ISBNs never expire.

    The publisher normally supplies the ISBN. For self-published books, you are the publisher. You apply for the ISBN. Here's how.

Free ISBNs

It is tempting to take advantage of the free ISBN offered by KDP. Barnes and Noble also provides free ISBNs, and will register your ISBN with®. I’m treading into territory I haven’t personally had experience with since I have purchased my ISBNs from Bowker. But information on various forums state that you can publish your book anywhere you like at the same time you publish through KDP. My understanding is that you will need to set up two versions of your book, one with KDP’s ISBN, and the other with B & N’s ISBN. 

    “Wide” distribution of your book means that you distribute through, but not exclusively, IngramSpark, D2D, and B & N and Amazon. If you want to go with a free ISBN check out forums on the topic. One person posted that there is no need to purchase an ISBN because ISBNs are provided free from both Amazon and B & N. One person published about 15 books through KDP which have been picked up by B&N. All books used Amazon’s free ISBNs; all are enrolled in “Expanded Distribution.”  

Purchased ISBNs

    My ISBNs were purchased through Bowker back in 2020 when I published my first book, Secret in the Stars: An Abi Wunder Mystery. I purchased 10 ISBNs @ $295. One ISBN through Bowker is $125. Purchase prices go up from there, mainly for independent or small publishers who publish multiple versions of books. 

Here are some of the reasons Bowker encourages publishers to purchase ISBNs:

  • An ISBN improves the likelihood your book will be found and purchased
  • An ISBN links to essential information about your book
  • Most retailers require ISBNs
  • An ISBN ensures your book’s information will be stored in the Books in Print database
  • ISBNs are the global standard for book identification

The main reason I purchased my ISBNs is so that I could publish “wide.” Also, I thought owning my ISBNs could save me time as I explore different venues for the sale of my books.

Barcodes and QR Codes

Barcodes can be purchased from a company like Bowker. Some companies include a bar code with the purchase of an ISBN. Be careful, though. Since I’ve always used Bowker’s services I feel safe. I’ve purchased a barcode for each book @$25. To get a free barcode, you can use IngramSpark’s book cover template generator, according to online information from December, 2020. You will receive a cover template via email with a barcode on it you can use anywhere. Please refer to this website for information on obtaining an Amazon barcode:

For QR codes, you can google: How to get a QR code. You will find the information you need there. And read my last month’s article on “How a QR Code Can Help Book Sales,”

Even though I plan to purchase more ISBNs from Bowker—10 more now that I’ve used all of the original 10—and it will cost me, I’m thrilled that I’ve published 10 books! It just goes to show, if you keep plugging away on your projects, you will eventually publish. You can be proud of yourself, and also reap the rewards that your books offer you every day.

It was a great holiday season for
book sales. Now it's time to find
different venues, such as book
readings at schools and
books stores, churches,
and community centers.

Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me! (2022) and Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Lovers Everywhere (2023). You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at, and on Facebook.


How a QR Code Can Help Book Sales

I have learned to leave the price off of
bar codes that I purchase for my books
(Watch for January's post: Purchased vs Free Bar Codes)

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

A QR Code (quick-response code) is a type of barcode on steroids. A better definition comes from Wikipedia, which defines the QR Code as a two-dimensional matrix barcode. The QR code system was invented in 1994 by a team of researchers at the Denso Wave automotive products company in Japan, headed by Masahiro Hara. The purpose for the invention was to keep track of automobile parts by replacing individual bar codes with a single label containing a  QR Code that provided a greater amount of data. (Wikipedia: QR Code)

Barcode vs QR code

Also according to Wikipedia, a barcode is a machine-readable optical image that contains specific information about the labelled item. A QR code offers much more: dedicated data for a locator, an identifier, and a web-tracker.

How a QR code works

Mainly, smartphones are used to scan QR Codes. However, there are other ways, such as purchasing software like QR Code Studio and using your webcam to scan QR codes. If you don’t own a smartphone, you can find more information by searching “QR Code scanner online free.” Websites are available that can read QR Codes and provide free links. 

Back to smartphones. Android and iPhones make scanning QR Codes easy. Newer smartphones are equipped with built-in QR Code scanning in the camera app. Simply point the camera at the QR Code and a link pops up, which directs you to the embedded content.

Older smartphones and basic-feature phones might not have the built-in QR Code scanning capability. If this is true for you, you will need to use a third-party app to scan QR Codes. Screenshots of QR Codes work as well, as long as the shot is clear. The QR Code will contain all necessary information.

QR Codes and You

You can direct customers to your webpage, your social media, and your website, for example, by loading your information onto your own QR Code. I’m in the early stages of studying the information I need to create my own QR Code—for free. Here is a short list of websites I found in my search:

QR Codes are everywhere. For example, you’ve been to restaurants where you can view the menu by scanning the establishment’s QR Code. But I didn’t think of using a QR Code for my own book sales until I met a YA author who uses her QR Code very effectively.

I observed my fellow children’s author while sharing a table with her at a recent book sale. She mentioned her QR Code to everyone who stopped at our table. She had created a “sell sheet” on half of an 8 ½ x 11 paper, that had her logo, book titles and blurbs, and her contact information. In the bottom right-hand corner she directed customers to scan her QR Code so they could reach her newsletter directly, and encouraged them to sign up. Voila! She told me that was one way she’d been building her base of contacts. I was thoroughly impressed and thought it was a smart and clever way to be in touch with interested readers.

I hope you find the introduction to QR Codes in this post helpful. If you use a QR Code for selling your books, please leave a comment so our readers can benefit from your experience.


Google "QR Codes How to Use to Scan My Website": You will find information and videos on YouTube to help in all areas of using QR Codes

Wikipedia: "QR Codes"

Lobo Lucy visited out book sale 
on Veteran's Day this year.
I wore my husband's Navy
cap to honor his service
and the service of
all our brave soldiers.
Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me! (2022) and Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Lovers Everywhere (2023). You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at, and on Facebook.

Click the links for free coloring pages and a puppet show starring Thistletoe Q. Packrat. While you’re there, get all the latest news by signing up for Linda’s newsletter.  Connect                                with  Linda: FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram

Amazon: A Self-Published Author's Dream

Media Graphic created by 100 Covers
Your manuscript is complete, polished . . . fini . . . ready to hit the big time—and you’ve decided to self-publish your book. Getting ready for publication means your manuscript has been vetted over time with your critique partner(s), a professional editor, and has stood the test of time, meaning during revision you’ve let it sit a few days between revision sessions. Now what?

Publishing on Amazon is the Likely First Choice
Put your mind at ease. My book, a children’s book for 7-11-year-olds, was published on Amazon less than a month ago, and my experience uploading the manuscript and book covers for both the eBook and paperback, was a positive one. Here’s why:
  • Google the question,“Can I have my book formatted and cover created at Amazon?” and you will see several companies offering these services. Or you can go to your book, and see that your eBook manuscript can be formatted with Kindle Create, and cover designed by Cover Creator. Free tools are also available for your paperback.
  • Since I already had illustrations for the book’s cover and interior, I chose to go to professionals to format the book and create the cover, and I’m glad I did. I’ve received compliments on how professional my book looks. I purchased a combination deal with Formatted Books and 100 Covers to do the work. I sent both companies the documents for the manuscript, interior illustrations, and for the covers for the eBook, the paperback, and now a square cover for the audiobook, which is in the making. For formatting, I sent my manuscript in a Word file. All for one low, reasonable price.
Time to Start the Amazon Learning Curve
I went to Amazon KDP and looked over the material—lots and lots of material—and tried not to be overwhelmed. I decided to print the explanations and put them in a 3-ring binder so I could study them at my leisure. That cut down on screen fatigue and actually gave me reassurance, something to hold in my hand, I suppose.
  • First order of business: obtaining an ISBN number. Amazon offers ISBN numbers for free. “Amazon will auto-generate an ISBN number for your print book and an ASIN number for your digital book, register it with Bowker and and even generate the appropriate EAN barcode for the back of your printed book.” (Google, May 28, 2019) 
  • I chose to purchase my own ISBN numbers so that I own them, and went to the source: I purchased ten ISBN numbers for the rest of this series, including the audiobook, and for future books. Note: Ebooks don’t need ISBN numbers. Bowker offers other services which are worth checking out, including getting on their mailing list for self-published authors. Lots of helpful information there.
A few hiccups
  • You need to decide how much royalty you would like to receive, 35% or 70%. I couldn’t find an explanation to help me decide, so I went for it. I chose 70%!
  • Be careful how you price your book: I had the bar code made, also from Bowker, with a nice, low price on it. Then when it came time to price the book while filling out the Amazon questionnaire, my price was lower than the minimum Amazon requires. So, I had to ask 100 Covers to change the book price on the bar code located on the paperback back cover to a higher price.
  • Insert the correct imprint (trade name) for your book. My attempts weren’t accepted, so I called Bowker, a gentleman answered right away, and he told me to go to and plug in the ISBN number. Voilà! There was my imprint!
What Next?
Once your information is accepted into the system, Amazon says your sales page will appear in 72 hours. Mine appeared in 24 hours. Then it’s time to take advantage of all Amazon has to offer.
  • Apply to Author Central to create your Author page.
  • Apply for “Look inside,” a feature that Amazon creates and displays in about five days.
  • Order author copies right away. I ordered ten, which took about two weeks to arrive as books are Print on Demand. I’ve used five of my copies to send to reviewers (with a gift, or swag, that I created as a thank you--more on swag in a future post), and have kept five to give away or sell. I included a note to the reviewers to ask them if they would pass the book on once they’re done with it, and have gotten a positive response on the desire to do that. I reminded them about leaving a review on Amazon (that’s the only place my book is sold right now). Also, I’m taking Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s advice in her terrific book, How to Get Great Book Reviews, and am sending thank you cards and thank you emails to my reviewers.
  • Karen Cioffi, award-winning author and creator and owner of Writers on the Move, posted her review of my book on Carolyn Howard-Johnson’s very helpful website, Check it out!
  • My first newsletter was emailed to my email list that I’ve been cultivating.
  • Swag (author gifts) was made, which I’ll cover in a future post. Hint: recipients have liked my swag because I have made it useful.
  • An audiobook is on the way from Findaway Voices. If you think you had fun writing your book, wait until you hear a professional narrator read it!
  • For my final hurrah, I have purchased Bryan Cohen’s Amazon Ad School to take the next step in selling my book. And when I find time (uh huh!) I plan to register for the free program to distribute my paperback at IngramSpark. My eBook doesn’t qualify because I signed up with KDP Select, which I think authors need to consider. Try this terrific SPF Community on Facebook for help with deciding whether to go with KDP Select or go wide, meaning you can sell your book in any market. KDP Select is a 90-day commitment to sell only on Amazon (with lots of benefits), and is renewable.
  • A note about Amazon Prime: Having your book included in Amazon Prime is by invitation only.
  • A note about KDP and Author Central's Help Desk: It is great! My questions--and there were many--were answered politely and quickly. Knowing this gave me reassurance.
  • Check out my May post "Help for Self-Published Authors" for more tips on getting started on your self-publishing journey:
I’ve enjoyed every step of the way, from writing the book to arriving at this juncture. The next step is cutting out time each day, or on a schedule, to keep track of my ads on Amazon, continue to expand my email list, continue to look for reviewers, and so much more!

Linda Wilson, a former elementary teacher and ICL graduate, has published over 150 articles for adults and children, and several short stories for children. She has recently become editor of the New Mexico SCBWI chapter newsletter, and is working on several projects for children. Secret in the Stars: An Abi Wunder Mystery, Linda's first book, is available on Amazon, The next book in the Abi Wunder series, Secret in the Mist, will be available soon. Follow Linda on

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