Showing posts with label Grammarly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grammarly. Show all posts

Looking for Love? Better Think About the Words You Use

Online dating services are a HUGE business now. People are looking for relationships, companionship, marriage partners, and even just friendships and they're using these services to find what they're looking for. And, to do this, they need to fill in profiles. This means they need to use WORDS! They need to write effectively.

Well, our friends at, the team behind the popular writing app, partnered with the online dating website eHarmony to determine whether the writing skills displayed in people’s online dating profiles affect their chances of finding romance. Grammarly summarized the results, along with other online dating statistics, in an infographic.

Valentine's Day Grammar 2016 Infographic

This infographic is attributed to

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Can You Speak Yoda? Grammarly Shows You How

Our friends over at have another infographic for us - this one a take on Star Wars.

We’re talking about modifiers (adjective, adverbs, modifying clauses) and objects, Yodified.

How does Yoda handle the following?

Modifiers and objects should be placed within a sentence?

Flexible subject-verb order?

And, do you think Yoda handles auxiliary in negation and lack of contractions?

This is a fun and interesting look at Yoda-speak and the English language. You’ve got to check it out.

Yodify your Grammar Infographic

There's even more information on the Grammarly post, so be sure to check it out!

*This infographic is attributed to


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Holiday Cards - Who Do You Send Them To?

Yep, we're at that time of year and our friends over at has another infograph for us.

Grammarly also included some interesting facts about Holiday Cards:

  • Americans send 1.6 billion holiday cards annually
  • Women purchase an estimated 80% of all greeting cards
  • E-cards have become an environmentally friendly alternative to paper cards
  • Christmas cards originated in London, where Sir Henry Cole commissioned the first in 1843.
  • Two batches totaling 2,050 cards were printed and sold that year for a shilling each.
  • Despite the separation of church and state, it’s customary for the President and First Lady to send White House Christmas cards each holiday season.
  • Calvin Coolidge issued the first official Christmas message to the American people in 1927.

For the sources to the facts, please visit:

Thanks for sharing, Grammarly!


The Magic of Word-Count Graphs
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It's World Teachers' Day

When asked me to share their infograph on celebrating the teachers of the world, I said, "Oh Yeah!"

My younger daughter has been a NYC public grammar school teacher for 12 years. She works diligently to help her students learn the work at hand and become better world citizens. 

Teachers help children become tomorrow's workforce, leaders, and heroes. They deserve our recognition and praise.

According to a Japanese proverb, “Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.” There’s truth in those words, as anyone who has ever had a great teacher will know!

October 5 is World Teachers’ Day, a day to celebrate educators around the world. Teaching is incredibly difficult (and often thankless) work, yet it might just be the world’s most important job. Teachers can and do change lives every day. They inspire generations of students to think, learn, create, and accomplish things they never believed they could do.

There are twenty-nine million primary school teachers around the world, but we still need more. Over three million more, in fact. So, in recognition of teachers and the indispensable work they do, we have created an infographic to highlight their importance around the world:

World Teacher Day

Thanks for letting us share this, Grammarly!

Be sure to check out Grammarly's Plagiarism Checker:


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Grammarly and #GrammoWriMo – Join In

Grammarly has a great idea. If you’re not aware of what is, it’s “an automated proofreader and your personal coach.” And, it corrects “up to 10 times more mistakes than popular word processors.”

But, as I mentioned, Grammarly has a great idea and it goes beyond proofreading. Grammarly is introducing a new take on NaNoWriMo with it’s own verson, #GrammoWriMo.

Here’s the gist of it, taken right from the Sign Up page:

If two heads are better than one, imagine what a whole community of writers can do! Let’s find out together. In November 2013, Grammarly will organize the largest group of authors ever to collaborate on a novel—we’re calling the project #GrammoWriMo.

How cool is that!

When Grammarly’s Nick Baron sent me an email asking if I’d help spread the word, I immediately jumped on board. I love the idea.

In NaNoWriMo each author writes his/her own novel. In #GammoWriMo a large group of authors will create one book. Imagine the collective juices flowing, the muses flying!

If you’d like to join in on this unique writing journey, the submissions cutoff date is October 25th.

To learn more and to sign up today, go to:

This is not an affiliate thing, it’s just a unique idea.

P.S. To keep up with writing and marketing information, along with Free webinars, join us in The Writing World (top right top sidebar).

Karen Cioffi

All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...