Showing posts with label "Author-Reader Engagement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Author-Reader Engagement. Show all posts

Shake it Up: A Creative Writing Activity

Are you itching to start a new project? Want to work on something different? Stuck in a rut? Shake things up.

Here's a fun exercise that will get you out of your normal writing routine and will hopefully help you embark on a fun, creative journey.

 Take a piece of paper and write out at least 50 possibilities. Anything goes. This can range from story ideas, genres, and formats to marketing initiatives (create a contest, start a newsletter, plan an event) and social media options (go live on Facebook, post a quote graphic, update your LinkedIn).

Note: If you prefer, you can type up your list - double-spaced - and print it out.

Now, cut these out into individual strips. Put them in a hat or box. Then, when you have some downtime or scheduled writing time, "shake it up," and choose one. Whatever you choose, you must do.

Here are a few optional rules/variations:

1. You have the option to put the first item back, but you have to do the second thing you pick. And then next three times, you are not allowed to choose an alternate.

2. Divide your ideas into different boxes, based on the amount of time the activity will take, and choose based on your schedule.

3. Separate them into different boxes. One for ideas and another for formats. Pick one from each box, and then you have to write whatever idea you pick into whichever format. For instance, if you choose "blue" and "social media post," you must find a way to write a post on that topic, however you interpret blue. Could be the color or emotion. It's up to you.

No matter what you are working on as your primary project, it never hurts to explore a different genre or format. You never know where new ideas may lead! Good luck and have fun.

What items are going on your list? How do you plan to shake things up? Please share in the comments.

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Debra Eckerling is a writer, editor and project catalyst, as well as founder of Write On Online, a live and online writers’ support group. Like the Write On Online Facebook Page and join the Facebook Group.  She is author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages, and host of the Guided Goals Podcast and the #GoalChat Twitter Chat. Debra is an editor at Social Media Examiner and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.

Author-Reader Engagement

How to Serve Your Niche Audience

 by Debra Toor

STEP 1 Research your niche readers and create their profiles.

Readers' Profiles

1. Professions:
2. Education:
3. Lifestyles:
4. What do your readers care about?
5. What motivates them?
6. What information, tools and resources do they need, but can't find?
7. Do they need to do more with less time?
8. Where do readers go to network, collaborate, find info, and get assistance?
     Examples of online sites
     - professional association blogs
     - trade e-zines
     - Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, Yahoo groups, Google+
     - Twitter Chats, etc.

     Examples of offline sites: 

     - conferences
     - meetings
     - trade shows
     - professional trade print magazines

STEP 2  Research your niche competitors and create their profiles.

Competitors' Profiles

1. How do your competitors fill readers' needs?  

2. Do they provide solutions to obstacles?
3. What service do they fail to provide readers?  How can you fill this void?  Can you provide specific professional expertise?

STEP 3  Combine profile details.  Create a plan and a reader survey.

 1. Design your survey to be brief and easy to complete. 

 2. Ask a select few to provide feedback on your plan.
 3. Focus on tools, resources, and information that they would like to see:

 Some ideas:

 - downloadable worksheets
 - tip sheets
 - checklists
 - handy resource lists 
 - networking venues and resources
 - expertise on specific subjects
 - informative slideshows, infographics, fact sheets, charts, videos, podcasts

Offer an incentive, such as a free copy of your book or a free downloadable resource.

Remember, your blog is your primary forum to engage your readers:

- Make it welcoming, accessible, informative, and entertaining.
- Offer posts that have value and are sharable.
Encourage readers to share their suggestions, opinions and stories.  
- Offer contests with prizes that are on your niche audience's wish list.

How do you connect with your readers?  Inspire other writers by sharing your story in the comments section.

Helpful Links

"Crawling Inside your Customer's Head" by Copyblogger:

"Author Platforms: How to Use a Time Machine to Create Your Author Platform," by Katie Davis, Huff Post: 

Debra Toor is the author of Survival Secrets of Turkey Vultures, an adventure story for grades 4 to 6 that's based on peer-reviewed science. She's also a ghostwriter for a health blog.

All About "Action Beats" in Fiction

 by Suzanne Lieurance   So, what are action beats , you might ask?   Well, action beats are small bits of physical action or description ins...