5 Ways Writing a Book Can Grow Your Business Brand


Writing books might seem like a Herculean task but it can provide impressive results for the growth of your business with minimal effort on your part. These are just five ways you can grow your business by writing a book.

Profit from Book Sales

Financial gains from book sales involve money you can then reinvest into your business fueling growth. Not only can you buy better exposure on the World Wide Web, you can hire people to help you do the tedious things that tie up your time and take you away from the aspect of your business you are most passionate about. Leveraging your time and talents this way alone makes writing a book well worth the time and effort it took to get it written and ready to go.

Gain New Clients before the Book is Even Written

There is a certain amount of prestige that goes along with writing a book. Even if you self-publish your book, you will gain a great deal of respect within the coaching business community simply for having a book available in the marketplace.

This respect leads to new social media followers, email subscribers, and paying clients who need the invaluable service you provide. It all started with a blank page you filled with possibilities for yourself, and your future clients.

Expand Your Expertise

The fact that you’ve written a book on a subject matter makes you an expert in the field as far as most people are concerned. But the value of doing so goes deeper than that. In the process of research of researching and writing your book, you’ve become an expert in your field. You’ve put in the time doing research, expanding your knowledge, and breaking it down into digestible information you share with your readers. That will draw more people to you as a coach and to your book as avid readers look to improve their lives.

Increased Opportunities for Exposure

Exposure comes in many forms. When you write a book, you get even more exposure on multiple fronts. In addition to a wide range of accolades from the book itself, you have the opportunity to tell your story to an even wider audience through book launch parties, Interviews, speaking engagements, book signings, library visits.

Expands Your Reach Allowing You to Help More People Quickly

One-on-one coaching is a time consuming process that only allows you to work with so many people in one day. A book, a series of books, courses from your book and more allows you to help more people with your limited time.

Writing a book won’t solve all the challenges the average coaching business faces. It can be instrumental, though, in helping you to expand your ability to help others while also expanding your own customer base and bottom line at the same time.

 About Rebecca Camarena

I’m Rebecca, the Book Coach that helps memoir and business book authors write, publish and market books that grow their brand. As a best-selling author with her co-authored book Out of My Comfort Zone: Stories of Courage, Perseverance and Victory she helped women share their stories of how they got of their fear zone to excel in their business.

Sign up for my FREE Author Success Email Series and uncover The 3 Biggest Mistakes Aspiring Authors Make (And How to Avoid Them).

Click here www.rebeccacamarena.com



Karen Cioffi said...

Rebecca, thanks for these helpful tips on how a book can grow a business brand. I find the one on helping more people of interest. Writing a book and turning it into a course or even a workshop a great way to grow your business.

Terry Whalin said...


Thank you for these practical insights for how an author can open new doors for their writing through publishing a book. Grateful for these tips,

author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

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