The Secret to Writer’s Block: How the Law of Attraction Can Help You Break Through It

 by Suzanne Lieurance

Writer’s block. 


Two words that send a chill down any writer’s spine. 


You’ve got the ideas, the passion, and the will to write, but when it’s time to sit down and actually do the work? 






The screen stays blank, and frustration builds. 


But here’s the thing: writer’s block isn’t a dead-end. 


It’s a reflection of the energy you’re putting out. 


And once you learn to shift that energy using the Law of Attraction, you can bust through those creative blocks for good. 


Here’s how:


Step 1: Recognize the Energy Behind the Block.


Writer’s block doesn’t just come out of nowhere. 


It’s a sign that something’s off with your energy. 


Maybe you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or doubting yourself. 


Whatever the case, writer’s block shows up when you’re out of alignment with your creative flow. 


The Law of Attraction teaches us that what we focus on expands. 

If you’re focused on feeling stuck, that’s exactly what you’ll attract—more stuckness.


So, the first step to breaking through writer’s block is recognizing the energy behind it. 


Are you coming to the page with frustration, fear, or self-doubt? 


If so, it’s time to shift that energy.


Action Tip: Before you start writing, take a minute to check in with yourself. What’s your current energy? Are you feeling tense or blocked? If yes, take a few deep breaths and release that tension before you get to work.


Step 2: Set the Intention for Flow.


Here’s the game-changer: instead of focusing on the block, focus on flow.


The Law of Attraction responds to your intentions, so set a powerful one before you start writing. 


Instead of sitting down with a mindset of  "I hope I can write something today,” shift it to, “I write with ease and creativity flows effortlessly.” 


When you set a clear intention, you’re telling the universe what you want—and you’re aligning yourself with the energy needed to make it happen.


The secret is to believe it before you see it. 


You have to trust that the words will come, even if they’re not there yet.


Action Tip: Create a personal writing affirmation that you can repeat before each writing session. Try something like, “I’m in creative flow, and the words come easily.” Say it out loud, believe it, and let that energy guide you.


Step 3: Visualize Yourself in the Flow.


Instead of stressing about being stuck, close your eyes and see yourself writing effortlessly. 


Picture yourself in the zone, your fingers flying over the keyboard, the words pouring out faster than you can keep up. 


Imagine how good it feels to be in flow—to feel inspired, excited, and unstoppable.


Why does this work? 


Because your brain responds to what you visualize. 


When you see yourself succeeding, your mind starts to believe it, and suddenly, that energy block starts to dissolve.


Action Tip: Spend 2-3 minutes before your writing session visualizing yourself in full creative flow. Get specific—picture the words, the ideas, and the excitement of writing with ease.


Step 4: Let Go of Perfectionism.


One of the biggest reasons we get stuck is because we expect everything to be perfect from the get-go. 


But perfectionism is the enemy of progress. 


If you’re waiting for every sentence to be flawless, you’re creating resistance. 


The Law of Attraction thrives on ease and flow, and there’s nothing easy about demanding perfection from yourself.


Let go of the idea that every word has to be perfect. 


Give yourself permission to write something messy. 


The important thing is to get it out


You can always go back and polish it later, but for now, the goal is to keep the words flowing.


Action Tip: Next time you sit down to write, tell yourself, “It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has to be written.” Give yourself permission to write a rough draft, and trust that you’ll improve it later.


Step 5: Celebrate the Small Wins.


Gratitude is a powerful tool when it comes to manifestation, and it’s especially useful for breaking through creative blocks. 


Instead of focusing on what’s not working, celebrate what is


Did you write 100 words? 


Awesome, that’s progress. 


Did you sit down to write, even if it didn’t go as planned? 


Celebrate that. 


The more you focus on what’s going right, the more you attract positive momentum.


Celebrating your small wins shifts your energy from frustration to appreciation, and that’s exactly the kind of energy that brings more success your way.


Action Tip: At the end of each writing session, write down one thing you did well, no matter how small. It could be anything from showing up to writing a single sentence you love. Celebrate it and keep building on that energy.


Step 6: Trust the Process.


Finally, trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. 


Writer’s block doesn’t mean you’re failing—it just means your energy is a little off, and that’s fixable. 


Trust that by shifting your focus, setting intentions, and taking action, you’re opening up space for creativity to flow again. 


It may not happen all at once, but that’s okay. 


The important thing is you’re moving in the right direction.


The Law of Attraction works on its own timeline. 


Keep showing up, keep aligning your energy, and trust that the words will come when they’re ready. 


Writer’s block is temporary—your creativity is always there, waiting for you to tap into it.


Action Tip: When you feel frustrated or stuck, remind yourself that this is just part of the process. Take a deep breath, realign your energy, and trust that the flow is on its way.


Writer’s block isn’t a curse—it’s a sign that your energy needs a little shift. 


By using the Law of Attraction, you can turn that block into flow. 


Set clear intentions, visualize your success, let go of perfection, and celebrate your progress. 


The more aligned you are with the energy of ease and creativity, the quicker the words will come. 


So next time you’re staring at a blank screen, remember: the power to overcome writer’s block is already within you. 


All you have to do is unlock it.


Try it!

And for more Law of Attraction tips for writers, get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge with access to a private Resource Library for Writers.

Suzanne Lieurance & Some of Her Books

Suzanne Lieurance is the author of more than 40 books and a Law of Attraction coach for writers at


Terry Whalin said...

Suzanne, thanks for these concrete actions every author can take to get out of stall or writer's block and get into motion. Any one of the various aspects you point out can be a stumbling block. I've learned the hard way that often I just need to sit in my chair with my keyboad and keep moving my fingers or just do it. When I begin, then the words will often flow.

author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

Karen Cioffi said...

Suzanne, thanks for these tips on overcoming or avoiding writers block. The Action Tips are especially helpful. I don't usually get it with clients' work, but I do with my own work. Go figure.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Just in time! My first case ever. Here i am trying that trust thing!!!


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