Symbols Add Texture to Your Story

Abi's gold heart-shaped locket.
She never takes it off, even for P.E.

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

Symbols add layers to deepen your story. Symbols can provide a break in the action. Your reader can take a brief respite from the action, then plunge right back in to find out what happens.

What is a symbol? I tested examples of the symbols in my latest work-in-progress, Secret in the Mist, Book Two in my Abi Wunder mystery series, with the Wikipedia definition of “symbol:”

“A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different concepts and experiences.”

Ideas in Mist

Perfect temperature and a full moon: The ghost in the story doesn’t show herself any old time. She waits till the temperature is just right and there’s a full moon. Ah-whooooooo!

Change in time: Abi’s perception of time and space change whenever the ghost is near—Abi's present world halts, and she instantly travels back to the time when the ghost was alive. Spooooooky!

Relationships in Mist

There are many different types of relationships in Mist. Here are the most prominent:

The two main characters, Abi and Jess: Abi and Jess’s friendship is very important to each of them. When a bump comes along—a disagreement—they part ways. Yet, Abi continues their quest even though Jess is mad at her. But they reconcile and their friendship is stronger than ever. My intent in showing various parts of this best-friend relationship is to show how real relationships can be mended even when there is a problem.

Abi and Jess vs Angel: Angel and Jess had been best friends until Abi came along. Angel is rude to Abi and does everything she can to discourage Abi from being Jess’s friend—a symbol typical of a jealous relationship. Angel must learn to accept Abi and not try to keep Jess to herself. Both Jess and Angel must change to make their relationship work. Abi must be friends with both of them.

Abi and Grandma: Abi’s Grandma died a year ago last summer. Abi misses her. She accepts Jess’s invitation to visit to help find the ghost that has been haunting Jess's neighborhood for 100 years. Abi accepts the invitation, of course, for the obvious reason, she wants to see a ghost. But also, she’s hoping that if  ghosts truly exists, then ghosts are real. And if ghosts are real, she will  see her grandma again.

Objects in Mist

Riding boots: In Book 1 Abi ignored physical activity in favor of creating art. She was attached to her flip flops and didn’t want to wear any other type of shoe. Her single-minded purpose was to create art and grow up to be an artist. She meets Jess, who thrives on athletics, and by the end of the book, Abi can run as fast and as far as Jess. 

In Book 2, Abi has given up the notion of wearing flip flops all the time. Jess has invited her to go horseback riding in addition to going ghost hunting. Even though long pants and a long-sleeve shirt are required to ride, and are hot clothes to wear at the end of summer, Abi appreciates the extra layers of clothing needed for the sport, including wearing riding boots.

Unicorn-Cat and Rainbow: In Book 1, Abi named her sketchbook Unicorn Cat and her backpack Rainbow. These names are carried through in Book 2. In Book 3, the last in the series Abi will have grown out of this stage. But in the first two books, my intent has been to show how much Abi values some of her most important possessions. 

Hearts: I’ve saved my favorite symbol for last. A locket that Abi’s grandma gave her before she died, which has her photo inside, is a gold heart. It's Abi's most prized possession. She never takes it off, even in P.E.

If the locket warms to the touch, it means that Grandma’s ghost is near, come to help Abi as she so often did in life. 

Faith, a ghost horse, has a white marking on its forehead in the shape of a heart. My intent is to bind these hearts, the gold heart locket, and Faith’s heart marking, together with Abi’s heart—forever. Having hearts so prominent in this book segues into Book 3, the last book in the series, Secrets of the Heart: An Abi Wunder Mystery.

Also, the locket is mentioned quite a few times in the story, which serves as a thread that binds the story together. Abi held up her hand. “Give me a sec.” It was her locket. It felt warm. She grasped it, and a familiar voice whispered in her ear, "Follow that still voice inside, child. It will tell you what to do." 

Abi glanced around. The only person standing in Jess’s yard—was Jess. And she hadn’t said a word. That’s something Grandma would say, Abi thought. But it couldn’t be her. Could it?

A chill ran down Abi’s spine. Grandma died a year ago right before school started, this time last year. She remembered because she missed the first few days of fifth grade. She fingered her locket, cool now, straining to hear more. But the voice had fallen silent. 

Those hushed words gave Abi faith that her grandma was still with her. As she was in life, and now in death. Abi let the locket fall back in place. Deep inside she said, Thanks, Grandma.

Symbols not only add texture to your story, but they're a lot of fun to create. Look over your story. Make a list of symbols you have found. Make sure your symbols offer deep meaning to your story.

Illustration: By Danika Corrall. I was so happy with Danika's work in creating my website,, I asked her to illustrate Mist. Her illustrations are terrific. If you are interested in learning more about Danika, she can be reached at  

For other editing tips, please visit my article: "Keep Your Self-Editing on Track," January 2024;

Thistletoe Q. Packrat points out
information from his book,
A Packrat's Holiday during
a school visit.

Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me! (2022) and Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Lovers Everywhere (2023). You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at, and on Facebook.

Tips for Creating Subplots in Middle Grade Novels

by Suzanne Lieurance

 If you’re writing a middle grade novel, you want to include at least one or two subplots.

Subplots in fiction are secondary storylines that run alongside the main plot, adding depth, complexity, and interest to the narrative. 


They enhance the main storyline by providing additional layers of conflict, character development, or thematic exploration. 


Subplots often intersect with the main plot at certain points, influencing or being influenced by the actions and events of the primary storyline.


For middle-grade novels targeted at kids aged 8-12, subplots can be a fantastic tool to engage young readers and keep them invested in the story. 


Here are some different types of subplots in middle-grade novels and some examples of published novels that contain these types of subplots:


Friendship Dynamics Subplot


Explore the dynamics of friendships among the main characters. 


Introduce conflicts, misunderstandings, or new friendships that challenge the established relationships. 


Subplots could revolve around resolving conflicts between friends, navigating peer pressure, or discovering the importance of loyalty and trust.


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney


Throughout the series, protagonist Greg Heffley navigates various friendships and social dynamics, including conflicts with his best friend Rowley and attempts to fit in with different cliques at school.


Personal Growth Subplot


Develop subplots that focus on the personal growth and development of individual characters. 


Each character could have their own arc, facing challenges or overcoming obstacles that help them grow and mature throughout the story. 


These subplots could involve facing fears, overcoming insecurities, or discovering hidden talents. 


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Wonder by R.J. Palacio


While the main plot focuses on Auggie Pullman's journey as he enters fifth grade, there are subplots involving the personal growth of supporting characters like Auggie's sister, Via, as she learns to assert her identity and navigate her own challenges.


Mystery or Puzzle Subplot


Introduce a mystery or puzzle that runs parallel to the main storyline. 


This could be a treasure hunt, a secret to uncover, or a series of clues leading to a surprising revelation. 


Subplots involving mystery and intrigue can add excitement and suspense to the narrative, keeping readers eagerly turning pages to unravel the mystery.


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin: 


This classic mystery novel follows a group of heirs as they compete to solve the puzzle of Samuel W. Westing's will and claim his inheritance. 


The subplot involves the characters unraveling clues and uncovering secrets about each other while trying to solve the mystery.


Family Dynamics Subplot


Explore the family dynamics of the main characters. 


Subplots could involve family secrets, sibling rivalries, or conflicts between generations. 


These subplots provide opportunities to delve into themes of family, identity, and belonging, while also deepening the characterization of the main protagonists. 


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson


While the main storyline focuses on the friendship between Jess and Leslie, there are subplots that delve into Jess's complex family dynamics, including his strained relationship with his father and his evolving understanding of his role within his family.


Community or School Events Subplot


Incorporate subplots centered around community or school events. 


This could include a school play, a sports competition, or a town festival. 


Subplots involving these events can bring the setting to life and provide opportunities for characters to interact with a wider range of supporting characters, adding richness and diversity to the story world. 


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling


Alongside the main plot of Harry's first year at Hogwarts and his quest to stop Voldemort, there are subplots involving various school events such as Quidditch matches, the annual Halloween feast, and the end-of-year House Cup ceremony.


Parallel Adventures Subplot


Introduce parallel adventures or quests that run alongside the main journey of the protagonists. 


These subplots could involve secondary characters on their own quests or facing their own challenges, which intersect with the main storyline at key moments. 


Parallel adventures add depth and complexity to the narrative, while also highlighting different perspectives and experiences within the story world.


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


While Percy's quest to retrieve Zeus's stolen lightning bolt is the central focus of the novel, there are subplots involving other characters on their own quests, such as Annabeth's quest to find and retrieve the stolen Helm of Darkness.


Themes and Lessons Subplot


Develop subplots that explore specific themes or lessons relevant to the target age group. 


These could include themes such as courage, empathy, or environmental awareness. 


Subplots focused on thematic exploration allow for deeper engagement with the material and provide opportunities for readers to reflect on important values and ideas. 


Example of a MG novel with this kind of subplot


Matilda by Roald Dahl


In addition to Matilda's extraordinary abilities and her quest for acceptance and understanding, there are subplots that explore themes of friendship, courage, and the power of standing up to injustice, particularly through the character of Miss Honey.


By incorporating well-crafted subplots into your middle-grade novels, you can create rich and immersive storytelling experiences that captivate young readers and keep them eagerly engaged with the story from beginning to end.

Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer, the author of over 40 published books and a writing coach at

Subscribe to her free newsletter, The Morning Nudge, for writing tips and resources delivered to your e-mailbox every weekday morning. 

You'll also get immediate access to a private Resource Library for Writers.


Authors Need to be Realistic

By Terry Whalin 

Over the years, I’ve met many passionate writers. One brand new writer told me, “My book is going to be a bestseller.” This confident boast intrigued me and I wanted to know more details such as the focus of the book and the publisher. 

When the author said, “Balboa Press” I knew this author was headed for a rude awakening. Balboa Press is a self-publishing company and a part of Author Solutions. From my years in publishing, I knew this company was going to publish close to 50,000 titles this year. For this author to break out with a bestseller would be nearly impossible. To become a bestseller, the book needs broad distribution to online plus brick-and-mortar bookstores who report their sales to a bestseller list. Balboa Press is online, and their books are not sold in brick and mortar bookstores. Also with the large volume of titles each year, it is common publishing knowledge that the bulk of Author Solutions (and Balboa Press) employees are in the Philippines. I’ve seen a number of books from these publishers and their covers are poor (And good covers sell books) and the overall production is not good quality. I hoped this author didn’t spend a lot of money to produce her book. I’ve met authors who have a garage full of books from these companies and have spent $20,000 to produce them (no exaggeration). It is heart breaking to witness such scams and authors need to be careful. 

Here’s three steps to avoid the wrong publisher:

Use Google to see what is online. Type: Publisher name + complaint then read a page or two of the entries. Are the complaints new or old? Are there many entries or a few? 

1. A reality of the internet is every publisher has complaints and anyone can write anything about anyone with it online forever. 

2. Speak with some of the publishers’ authors and ask about their experiences.

3. Read and get professional help on the contract. Make sure you understand it.

These actions will help you avoid many publishing pitfalls. The publisher you select has a lot to do with getting your book into the right places online and in physical bookstores. Some authors believe they can make money if their book is on Amazon. While Amazon is a large part of the book selling market, there are many ways and places that people buy books: bookstores, airports, grocery stores and much more. You want your book to be in the broadest possible number of places to succeed, sell and make money. The publisher controls much of this distribution. 

Because many of these financial details are outside of your control as an author, what steps can you take? From my 30+ years in publishing, it does not happen without the author taking action. No matter whether a major publisher releases our book, or you self-publish, as the author you will bear the bulk of the responsibility to market your book. If they are honest, every author would like to delegate this book marketing responsibility to someone else. 

One of my favorite books is The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. I’ve read this book several times and I’ve also listened to this entire book on audio. Canfield has spent a lifetime studying the principles that people follow to be successful, and I want you to be successful as an author. The first principle in the book says, “Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life.” 

This principle applies to the constant wish for every author to have someone else market your book. Are you reaching out to your target audience? Have you identified your target audience for your book? Where are they and how are you reaching out to touch them on a consistent basis? It does not have to be daily but it does have to be regular. Give them great content on your topic and in that process point them to more information inside your book.

One of the best ways for you to take responsibility is to create your own marketing plans. Whether you self-publish or have a traditional publisher to get your book into the bookstore, these plans are important. Whether your book is launching soon or has been out for a while, you need to be creating and executing your own marketing plans. Every author needs a dose of realism combined with consistent action to reach readers.


Authors need to be realistic and combine this realism with consistent action. Get insights from this prolific writer and editor. Get the details here. (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin, a writer and acquisitions editor lives in California. A former magazine editor and former literary agent, Terry is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. He has written more than 60 nonfiction books including Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams and Billy Graham. Get Terry’s recent book, 10 Publishing Myths for only $10, free shipping and bonuses worth over $200. To help writers catch the attention of editors and agents, Terry wrote his bestselling Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success. Check out his free Ebook, Platform Building Ideas for Every Author. His website is located at: Connect with Terry on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

Using Personality Typologies to Build Your Characters


Contributed by Margot Conor

People often have asked me how I build such varied and interesting character profiles. I’m fond of going into deep POV and to do that, I need to know who they are, what they care about, what they seek, and what they avoid. At the heart of those questions is… why?

I build each character with a back history, which may or may not be exposed in the body of the story. They just need to live in my mind, fully formed. I need to feel their pain and touch the private tender things they want to keep secret. I want to know what drives them to do foolish things, what makes them brave or reckless.

I give them complex personalities. To find their hang-ups, and fears, and decide what sort of baggage they’ve brought with them. I need to know what they went through before they entered my story. I have to find the trauma that tarnished them and the promises that gave them hope.

So, you might have a clue by reading the title of this article. I use personality typologies. I don’t use the same system all the time. They are all useful and they vary in complexity. It depends if I am building a profile for a main character or someone who has a brief appearance in the story. No matter how insignificant the role they play I still don’t want them to be a simple archetypical villain or hero.

I also don’t want the villains to be all bad, if there are aspects of their personalities you can sympathize with it makes them more interesting. And of course, if the protagonist doesn’t have flaws, it’s hard to relate to them. They need a journey of discovery. A way to grow with the challenges they face.

Below is a quick look at the systems I draw from:

The oldest typology I know of is Hippocrates’ Four Temperaments. (460–370 BC). A system based on the four humors. A fifth was later added when published in 1958.

Your temperament is considered innate, influenced by genetics. They are often like a parent or grandparent. External factors such as negative and positive childhood experiences also factor in. Temperament is a little different or more basic than personality. It deals with how you move through your life and engage with people and challenges.

Sanguine: quick, impulsive, and relatively short-lived reactions.
Phlegmatic: a longer response-delay, but short-lived response.
Choleric: short response time-delay, but response sustained for a relatively long time.
Melancholic: (Also called “Melancholy”) long response time-delay, a response sustained at length, if not, seemingly, permanently.
Supine: (added later) Describes a person who is a servant and feels that he or she has little or no value.

16 personality types. To use these properly you need to read the full profile for each one, but here is a brief overview: the following descriptions are copied from:

The Analysts:
Architect: Imaginative and strategic thinkers, with a plan for everything.
Logician: Innovative inventors with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Commander: Bold and imaginative, strong-willed leaders.
Debater: Smart and curious thinkers who can’t resist an intellectual challenge.

The Diplomats:
Advocate: Quiet and mystical, inspiring, and tireless idealists.
Mediator: Poetic, kind, and altruistic, always eager to help a good cause.
Protagonist: Charismatic and inspiring leaders, able to mesmerize their listeners.
Campaigner: Enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free spirits.

The Sentinels:
Logistician: Practical and fact-minded, their reliability cannot be doubted.
Defender: Very dedicated and warm protectors, always ready to defend their loved ones.
Executive: Excellent administrators, unsurpassed at managing things or people.
Consul: Extraordinarily caring, social, and popular. Always eager to help.

Virtuoso: Bold and practical experimenters, masters of tools.
Adventurer: Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore something new.
Entrepreneur: Smart, energetic, and very perceptive. They enjoy living on the edge.
Entertainer: Spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic. Life is never boring around them.

To fully take advantage of this system you need to read the full bio for each type. But here is an overview (the following is copied from this site:

The Rational, Idealistic Type: Principled, Purposeful, Self-Controlled, and Perfectionistic
The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive
The Success-Oriented, Pragmatic Type: Adaptive, Excelling, Driven, and Image-Conscious
The Sensitive, Withdrawn Type: Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental
The Intense, Cerebral Type: Perceptive, Innovative, Secretive, and Isolated
The Committed, Security-Oriented Type: Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious
The Busy, Fun-Loving Type: Spontaneous, Versatile, Distractible, and Scattered
The Powerful, Dominating Type: Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational
The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent

Robert S. Hartman, an American philosopher and psychologist, developed the four-type personality system. This system categorizes people into four different types based on their natural tendencies.

A: ANALYTIC: ambitious, workaholic, organized, goal-oriented, perfectionist, impatient, competitive
B: BEHAVIORAL: Easy going, non-competitive, less prone to stress, stable, adaptable non-confrontational, work steadily toward their goals, adapt to changes in plans, flexible.
C: COMMUNICATIVE: Collaborative, calm, rational and logical, thoughtful, and caring, introverted
D: DEDUCTIVE: Sensitive, shy, prone to anxiety and depression, avoidant.

I do a deep dive into these for troubled characters and villains.
Used in modern psychoanalytic diagnosis you can read about it here for an overview:

Psychopathic: (Antisocial), Narcissistic, Schizoid, Paranoid, Depressive, Manic, Masochistic: (self-defeating), Obsessive, Compulsive, Hysterical (histrionic), Dissociative.


Sensation: perception using immediate apprehension of the visible relationship between subject and object.
Intuition: perception of processes in the background, unconscious drives, or motivations of other people
Thinking: function of intellectual cognition, the forming of logical conclusions.
Feeling: Function of subjective estimation, value-oriented thinking
Extraverts: seek greater stimulation, energized around people, think out loud, large social networks, thrive in teams, and crowds, enjoys being the center of attention, values broad experience.
Introverts: Seek less stimulation, recharges with quiet reflection, think before speaking, values one-on-one friendships, favors independence, avoids being the center of attention, values deep experience.

I hope this list helps you find characteristics to build multidimensional characters.


Margot Conor has been writing for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until the COVID lock-down that she had enough time to dedicate to the craft and bring something to completion. Having finished her first novel, she went through the grueling two-year process of editing. Now she has jumped into the author's world with both feet. She's preparing to debut her first novel, which means learning how to promote it. The last year has been spent attending many writing retreats, seminars, and writers' events. She also listened to presentations specifically on the topic of publishing and book marketing. She will be sharing what she learns with the reader.
Learn more about Margot at

Social Media Goals

Social media is an essential part of doing business, whether you are a writer, marketer, consultant, entrepreneur, or all of the above. They key to successful social media is being social ... and setting social media goals.

On a recent GoalChatLive, I discussed social media with Holly Homer, Troy Sandidge, and May King Tsang. Holly is co-founder of Pagewheel; Troy is a growth strategist and podcaster, and May King is the original FOMO creator. The panel talked about the evolution and challenges of social media, along with ways to be more authentic, personal, and engaged.

Making Social Media More Social

  • Troy: Remember, social media is connecting minds, energy, and vision 
  • Holly: We tend to over-complicate everything. Embrace who you actually are and act the same, personal way online as you would interact with people in real life. 
  • May King: Being social is about being you, sharing the upsides and the downsides to your life, engaging with your community, and developing relationships

Watch Our Conversation:


  • Troy: Look at your platform of choice, find someone you haven’t talked to in a while. Share one of their posts, along with your thoughts. Amazing conversations will happen
  • May King: Brag; shout about your achievements, and include the backstory 
  • Holly: Grow your email list 
  • Bonus Goal: Message friends, just to say, “Hi, How are you?” They will be as happy to hear from you as you are to reconnect with them
No matter your favorite social media platform, when online, treat people with the same respect and kindness as you would when interacting in person. A little bit of genuine social interaction goes a long way.

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For more inspiration and motivation, follow @TheDEBMethod on Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin! 

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How do you show up authentically on social media? Please share in the comments. 

* * *
Debra Eckerling is the award-winning author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals and founder of the D*E*B METHOD, which is her system for goal-setting simplified. A goal-strategist, corporate consultant, and project catalyst, Debra offers personal and professional planning, event strategy, and team building for individuals, businesses, and teams. She is also the author of Write On Blogging and Purple Pencil Adventures; founder of Write On Online; host of  #GoalChatLive aka The DEB Show podcast and Taste Buds with Deb. She speaks on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.

How to Assure Getting a Book Cover That Sells


Book Cover Tips Your Publish Might Not Know


How to Partner with Your Cover Designer


By Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Award-winning writer of fiction and poetry and
author of the multi award-winning 
#HowToDoItFrugally Series of books for writers



 If you have a traditional publisher, or a publisher who does your book cover for you, do you really need to read this article on what makes a great book cover and the booboos too many authors and publishers make with their covers? All I can tell you is, I wish I had seen it before my first book was released!


And you should know that the wonderful graphic designer who did all my #HowToDoItFrugally books before I found my much-loved publisher for the series, was also one of the “sharingest” friends one could ask for. He was creative and knew his book cover business. But he had another talent more seldom seen among his ilk—he knew marketing. More specifically, he knew book marketing.


So you needed to know that though I learned many of these great book cover tips after falling into a few big puddles on my own (failure is the best of teachers!), many of them came straight from him. I’m so glad he was in my life. But for a short time. Last year he died too young so this “sharing” celebrates him and his best of qualities. I have included a link to one of his covers in this article. Even the font is his, inspired by Times New Roman but combined with some others—some even more ancient--to subliminally appeal to an even broader audience of readers and writers.


So, these are “our” basic tenets, Charles DeSimone and mine, for a book cover that sells:


1. Use a subtitle. It is your second chance to publicize your book right up front. Even books of fiction can benefit from a subtitle.

2. Use another subtitle on the back—not the same one as on the front. How many times in life do you get a third chance? This one helps sell your book to browsers who turn it over in bookstores to read the endorsements. But if it is filled with keywords it also works miracles with those mysterious beasts known as algorithms.

3. Use enticing blurbs on the back, with lots of space between and around them. Use bold typeface, a frame or some other graphic trick to make them stand out.

4. Don't use borders on the books covers. Sometimes the spine doesn't align well in production and it will look like Mondrian painting gone awry.

5. Having said that, use a bright color or one dark enough for your cover to stand out online. White gets lost or looks ghostly on an all-white B& or Amazon sales page.

6. Use big letters on the spine. Make them read up and down if the title isn't too long. 

When it is displayed on a shelf at the bookstore or on a TV host’s bookshelf, the reader won’t have to twist his/her head to see read the words.

7. Author bios needn't go on the back cover of your book. They do equally well in in the backmatter and you'll have more space to convince readers of your expertise or credibility as a writer with those endorsements.

8. An author's picture that tells more of a story than just a head shot is desirable. (If you would like to see an example of this, my picture is with my Great Dane, e-mail me at and I'll send it to you. She is spotted and looks like an overgrown Dalmation so she catches everyone's eye!) Your photo should be taken by a professional. There are little things about shadows and the position of your head that an amateur photographer won't get right.

9. On the front cover, make the title and your name BIG. Look at the covers in bookstores. The real standouts are the ones that aren' t squeamish about shouting out these most important marketing tools. The title is at the top. The authors' name at bottom. Nora Roberts wouldn't put up with puny lettering, so why should you? (This is probably the single most important rule and it is most violated by amateur artists and professionals alike.)

10. Discourage your publisher from using a template. Some subsidy-, partner, or independent publishers make their covers as similar as seeds from a thistle.

11. If you are independently published, consider using a real pro for your cover, not your uncle who happens to be a graphic designer but knows nothing about book covers per se. (You might notice that Chaz broke his own white-background rule. Rules are made to be broken for a very good reason. The reason we used it that made his glorious original type face stand out.You know, the one meant to evoke memories for writers.


Unfortunately, Chaz’ website no longer exists but you can get an idea of his work by going to Amazon’s buy page for the second edition of my the flagship book in my HowToDoItFrugally series. The Frugal Book Promoter. It’s at Don’t buy it there, though! Use the Amazon widget located under the title to take you to the more complete and updated third edition designed by Doug West after Charles’ demise.

PS: I bet you want to know the biggest secret to get a great cover design.  Hire a great graphic/artist with book marketing chops, of course, but insist on being part of the process. Feel free to reprint this credited to Chaz and me with this link:



Carolyn Howard-Johnson tries to share something she hopes might save some author from embarrassment (or make the task of writing more fun or creative) with the subscribers and visitors to Karen Cioffi’s Writers on the Move blog each month.

She is the author of the multi award-winning #HowToDoItFrugally. Series of books for writers including the third edition of its flagship book The Frugal Book Promoter and, more recently, the third edition of The Frugal Editor from Modern History Press. Find both (among her others in that series) on the new Amazon Series page. The new edition of The Frugal Editor book was recently updated including a new chapter on how backmatter can be extended to help readers and nudge book sales.

Just How Important are Character Descriptions?


Contributed by Karen Cioffi, Children's Writer

To answer the title question, character descriptions are essential.

It’s these descriptions that give the reader insight into the character and let the reader know:

-What type of person she is
-What his family is like
-What his education status is
-What her hobbies are
-What she’s passionate about
-What she’s afraid of
-What his physical details are
-What his social standing is
-Where she lives

The list can go on to include talents, sports, beliefs, and so much more if the story calls for it.

Just a simple description of a character drawing tells the reader about him. Maybe he’s artistic. Whether he’s talented at it or not will give another element of his personality.

Suppose he’s terrible at drawing but does it anyway. What can that tell the reader about him? Possibly he’s determined. He may march to his own drum, or he just likes it and doesn’t care about excelling in it.

Maybe another character studies all the time and gets all As. Maybe the character studies all the time and barely passes. This gives a big clue as to the ‘character’ of these characters. The one who gets all As is driven. The one who barely passes may not be driven but knows that without struggling, she’ll fail. Possibly, character isn’t as intelligent as the first.

What if a character is always yelled at and put down by his father? Might that help the reader understand the character’s behavioral issues?


-In the first couple of pages of middle-grade Walking Through Walls, the main character Wang, is described as being disgruntled. He doesn’t like hard work. He’s impatient, and he fights with his sister.

Right off the bat, the reader knows a lot about this character. The reader may even be able to see himself in the character. This makes a connection.

-What if a description shows that a character is disabled and in a wheelchair but strives to do everything she physically can, even playing sports? What does this tell you about the character?

-How about a description of a teen character lifting weights? This simple activity, combined with a couple of other details, can tell you a lot about his physical and emotional state.

Maybe he wants to be strong and look good. Maybe he’s physically weak and is being bullied. He may want to be able to protect himself, take care of himself. It could even be the emotional side of it; he doesn’t want to appear weak.

-How about a cross-country runner or competitive swimmer? The first thing the reader may think of is that the character has physical stamina.

Another layer of the character could be the reason why he does such strenuous activity. Does he simply love it? Or does he have ADHD or a depressive personality, and the rigorous routine helps him?

Providing character descriptions will help the reader connect to the character. Hopefully, it will help create a strong connection. It will help the reader form a vested interest in what happens to the character. It will make the reader root for the character and keep turning the pages.

So, the next time you’re creating your character, be sure to think about how you can add descriptions to create a multi-dimensional character that will bring that character to life.





Karen Cioffi is an award-winning children’s author, ghostwriter, rewriter, and coach. If you need help with your story, visit Writing for Children with Karen Cioffi.

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A DIY book to help you write your own children’s book.

Self-publishing help for children’s authors.

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