Purchased vs Free ISBN Numbers

In addition to these books, I've published an audiobook
for Secret in the Stars, a coloring book, Botas Altas: Tall Boots
in Spanish, and a hard cover book.

By Linda Wilson   @LinWilsonauthor

    ISBN is the acronym for International Standard Book Number. It is a 10 or 13-digit number that identifies a specific book, an edition of a book, or a book product, such as an audiobook. Since 1970, each published book has been allocated an ISBN. ISBNs were 10-digits long until January 1, 2007, when the ISBN system switched to a 13-digit format. Books with 10-digit ISBNs can be converted to 13 digits. Each separate product—paperback, hard cover, e-book, audiobook, coloring book—are separate editions and require a different ISBN.

    ISBNs are product identifiers used by publishers, booksellers, internet retailers, and other supply chain entities. The ISBN identifies the registrant as well as the title, edition, and format, and is used for ordering, listing, sales records and keeping track of stocks. ISBNs never expire.

    The publisher normally supplies the ISBN. For self-published books, you are the publisher. You apply for the ISBN. Here's how.

Free ISBNs

It is tempting to take advantage of the free ISBN offered by KDP. Barnes and Noble also provides free ISBNs, and will register your ISBN with BooksinPrint.com®. I’m treading into territory I haven’t personally had experience with since I have purchased my ISBNs from Bowker. But information on various forums state that you can publish your book anywhere you like at the same time you publish through KDP. My understanding is that you will need to set up two versions of your book, one with KDP’s ISBN, and the other with B & N’s ISBN. 

    “Wide” distribution of your book means that you distribute through, but not exclusively, IngramSpark, D2D, and B & N and Amazon. If you want to go with a free ISBN check out forums on the topic. One person posted that there is no need to purchase an ISBN because ISBNs are provided free from both Amazon and B & N. One person published about 15 books through KDP which have been picked up by B&N. All books used Amazon’s free ISBNs; all are enrolled in “Expanded Distribution.”  

Purchased ISBNs

    My ISBNs were purchased through Bowker back in 2020 when I published my first book, Secret in the Stars: An Abi Wunder Mystery. I purchased 10 ISBNs @ $295. One ISBN through Bowker is $125. Purchase prices go up from there, mainly for independent or small publishers who publish multiple versions of books. 

Here are some of the reasons Bowker encourages publishers to purchase ISBNs:

  • An ISBN improves the likelihood your book will be found and purchased
  • An ISBN links to essential information about your book
  • Most retailers require ISBNs
  • An ISBN ensures your book’s information will be stored in the Books in Print database
  • ISBNs are the global standard for book identification

The main reason I purchased my ISBNs is so that I could publish “wide.” Also, I thought owning my ISBNs could save me time as I explore different venues for the sale of my books.

Barcodes and QR Codes

Barcodes can be purchased from a company like Bowker. Some companies include a bar code with the purchase of an ISBN. Be careful, though. Since I’ve always used Bowker’s services I feel safe. I’ve purchased a barcode for each book @$25. To get a free barcode, you can use IngramSpark’s book cover template generator, according to online information from December, 2020. You will receive a cover template via email with a barcode on it you can use anywhere. Please refer to this website for information on obtaining an Amazon barcode: https://www.gs1us.org/upcs-barcodes-prefixes/amazon/barcodes-for-amazon.

For QR codes, you can google: How to get a QR code. You will find the information you need there. And read my last month’s article on “How a QR Code Can Help Book Sales,”  https://www.writersonthemove.com/2023/11/how-qr-code-can-help-book-sales.html.

Even though I plan to purchase more ISBNs from Bowker—10 more now that I’ve used all of the original 10—and it will cost me, I’m thrilled that I’ve published 10 books! It just goes to show, if you keep plugging away on your projects, you will eventually publish. You can be proud of yourself, and also reap the rewards that your books offer you every day.

It was a great holiday season for
book sales. Now it's time to find
different venues, such as book
readings at schools and
books stores, churches,
and community centers.

Linda Wilson is the author of the Abi Wunder Mystery series and other books for children. Her two new releases are Waddles the Duck: Hey, Wait for Me! (2022) and Cradle in the Wild: A Book for Nature Lovers Everywhere (2023). You’ll find Linda on her Amazon author page, on her website at LindaWilsonAuthor.com, and on Facebook.



Terry Whalin said...


Thank you for sharing your experience and this insightful how-to article. Keep up the great efforts.

author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition) [Follow the Link for a FREE copy]

Linda Wilson said...

Thank you, Terry. Same to you!

Karen Cioffi said...

Linda, I'm so impressed with all you've accomplished. I've been buying my own ISBNs from Bowker for years. They went up to $35 each in a pack of 10, but still worth every penny. I just used my last one also and need to buy more. One of the biggest reasons for buying your own is so you're listed as the publisher of the book. If you use free ones, the service you publish under is listed as the publisher or you're listed in some format as self-published.

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