4 Steps for Easy Content Creation

by Suzanne Lieurance

If you’re like most regular bloggers, you’re always looking for blogging tips, so here’s my best productivity tip: 

Follow These 4 Steps for Easy Content Creation:


Step 1: Plan before you take action.

Many people try to do everything in one step – plan, create the content, post it, etc. 

But you’ll be more productive if you break down things into separate steps. 

And the first step is to plan.

Set aside an hour or so on Sunday evening or Monday morning to plan your content for the week (or you can plan your entire month and set up an editorial calendar for your blog). 

Decide what topics you will blog about, for example, and what information needs to be in your newsletter or other emails that you will send to the people on your mailing list. 

Planning ahead like this each week can save time when it comes to creating your content because you won’t have to spend time wondering what to write about or otherwise create as content when you get to Step 3 of this process.

Step 2: Turn your plan into a schedule.

Once you know the content you will need to create for the week (or the month), the next step is to turn your plan into an actual schedule to get the content created. 

For example, if you plan the content for 2 blog posts each week during step 1, the next step is to schedule time to write these 2 posts. 

If you need to send out a newsletter, then schedule time to create the content for it as well.

Step 3: Follow Your Schedule.

Once you’ve planned your content and made a writing schedule for creating that content, the next logical step is to simply follow your schedule and create your content. 

With all the planning out of the way for the week or month, and a specific time scheduled for creating your content, you’ll be able to create that content rather quickly. 

You won’t have to waste precious writing time trying to figure out what to write about. 

You’ll already know because you planned your content (Step 1), earlier in the week. 

You’ll know exactly when to create that content, too, because you have a schedule (Step 2).

Step 4: Maximize your efforts.

You don’t have to create as much content as you might think. 

You just need to use your content in several ways. 

For example, during this step, when you post to your blog, send an email to those on your mailing list with the headline of your post, a short paragraph describing the post, and a link to the post itself (this email is called a blog broadcast and can easily be set up with most autoresponders).

This not only gives you content for your newsletter or other emails, it also helps drive traffic to your blog. 

Follow these 4 steps and you’ll soon find it much easier to create quality content that serves your target market and builds your business.

Try it!

And for more tips to help you become a productive writer and blogger, get your free 4-week trial membership to The Monday Morning Shove, a group coaching program for writers. 

Also, register for my free newsletter, The Morning Nudge.

Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer, writing coach, certified life coach, and the author of over 40 published books.



Terry Whalin said...


What a terrific process to create and plan content and get it out into the world. I do these steps all the time but it's good to stop and think about the process and how I can do it better. Thank you for this article.

author of Book Proposals That $ell, 21 Secrets To Speed Your Success (Revised Edition)

Suzanne Lieurance said...

Hi, Terry,

I think we often make things more difficult than they need to be. Breaking things down into steps makes it easier for me, though.

Happy holidays!


Linda Wilson said...

Hi Suzanne, your tips are very helpful, thank you. Planning ahead is such an important skill. I use my calendar to put down the drop dead dates when I have to have an article completed and posted. I think up the topics while walking my dogs. I suppose this is my way of planning ahead!

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