Five Ways to Find the Inspiration to Write

by Suzanne Lieurance

Sometimes it’s tough to start writing, or to finish something you started writing weeks, or even months, earlier.

You just don’t have the inspiration needed to get any work done.


Fortunately, it's easier than you think to find a source of inspiration that will motivate you and keep you on the right path towards your writing goals.


Here are five quick and easy ways to find the inspiration to write:


1.    Use motivational quotes and affirmations.


It seems that no matter how many times you read or hear your favorite quote, it resonates with you almost as much as the very first time you heard it. 


Adding to your collection will bring you an ever-flowing well of new inspiration.

My favorite quote comes from Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right."

But you should probably start with the affirmation, “I am a writer.”


It’s simple and direct and signals to your subconscious (when repeated over and over, daily) that you are already who you want to be—a writer!


2.    Find inspirational imagery.


Sometimes you come across inspiration by spotting something in nature, like a beautiful sunset or freshly fallen snow. 


Other times you may be inspired by a photograph, an image in a book, or a painting at an art gallery. 


An image can also remind you of your destination, which will motivate you to work ever more swiftly with laser-like focus to reach your goal.


For example, if your goal is to earn enough money as a writer to one day live at the beach, then find a beautiful photo of the beach and tack it above your writing desk, where you will see it each time you sit down to write.


Once you find an image like this that inspires you, rely upon it during stressful or difficult times as a visual reminder to keep moving forward.


3.    Confide in strangers.


It might seem surprising that a source of inspiration can be to talk to strangers when out and about. 


There's an understood confidentiality clause with strangers. 


Because of the anonymity factor, people may become comfortable with someone they may never see again.


Plus, someone you meet by chance can bring you a new perspective on old challenges. 


The next time you're out, try striking up a friendly conversation and share your thoughts about writing and the fact that you are a writer.


4.    Let your neighbors inspire you with their stories.


When you hear someone's story of personal triumph or hardship, while you’re standing in line at the neighborhood post office or sitting in the waiting room at your local doctor's office, you just may be able to relate to this person.


Because you are neighbors or friends, it's as if you have an instant connection. 


Their story could very well be yours, with a few different details. 


Seek out their stories and let them inspire you!


5.    Watch motivational videos.


Websites like YouTube offer a plethora of motivational and inspirational videos. 


Some videos, such as the late Randy Pausch's poignant "Last Lecture," has inadvertently inspired millions, even though it was originally intended for a much more personal audience.


People often use YouTube to tell their stories, share successes, and offer advice or encouragement. 


When facing a challenge, or if you need some words of wisdom from someone who's "been there, done that," you'll surely find inspiration here.


The next time you feel like you need some extra inspiration, try these sources. 


You may be surprised at how well they can help to get you working towards your goals and being the writer you’ve always wanted to be.


And, for more tips, articles, and other resources for writers, subscribe to Coaching Monthly magazineThe July issue is all about Inspiration.

Suzanne Lieurance is the award-winning author of over 40 published books, a speaker, and a writing coach who 
lives and writes by the sea on Florida’s Treasure Coast. Learn more at 





Karen Cioffi said...

Suzanne, this is a wonderful post. I love numbers 1 and 2 and find lots of inspirational quotes on social media. And I do use affirmations. There's so much information on how what we think becomes what we are; affirmations help keep the vision of what you want to be and do in the forefront. That Henry Ford quote is one of my favorites.

Suzanne Lieurance said...

Thanks, Karen. Yeah, "thoughts become things" so you need to think about what you want, not about what you don't want.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Inspiration stories are always helpful. Take one a day or as needed, sayeth the writing doc!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

deborah lyn said...

Terrific suggestion list Suzanne! I love imagery, and adopting stories from neighbors or others we know, best.
Also, I've had wonderful conversations with strangers. The last one was a beginning quilter's how-to question --- if I use such & such then...

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Yep! Deborah Lyn, something as simple as quilting can lead to much. It was literally an identifying activity of the culture I grew up in and became a symbol of the lives of women in my first novel. Thank you for the nudge!

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