Guesting 101: How to Be a Good Guest on a Blog, Podcast, or Video Show

Writers must be promoters. After all, how else are new readers going to find us? 

One of the best ways to get introduced to new audiences is to be a guest for other writers. This could be a blog interview, guest post, podcast, or video show (pre-recorded or live). Traditional media is good too, but that's another article altogether. They introduce you to their community and vice versa.

Many people use guest appearances to get referrals for other guesting opportunities. Finish a show and ask the host if they have any recommendations or intros for you. The key to leverage that strategy is to be a good guest.

Here are Tips for Being a Good Guest ... and Tips for Hosts too

For Hosts: 
- Set Expectations. Send instructions - specs on your needs/what your guest can expect - ahead of time. Send connection requests on Facebook and LinkedIn. Ask for their short bio, headshot, and social media profile links (and follow their accounts). This will make compiling posts and sharing easier. 

For Guests:
- Follow the Instructions. This includes requests for your profile and social media info, as well as word count and deadlines. Also, if you are being recorded, be early, especially if it's a live broadcast. Follow your host's social media accounts, comment on posts; be an active member of their community.

For Hosts:
- Send a Calendar Invite. This is essential for audio or video recording appointments, especially live shows. However, you can send an invite as a reminder for the due date of a guest post or interview. 

For Guests: 
- Test Your Tech. Super-important for recording is to have good lighting, a nice background, and earbuds or a microphone (there's too much external noise when you use the computer speakers). 

For Hosts: 
- Make the Content Easy to Share. Send links for live events to your guests beforehand, so they can pass them along to their communities. That way, their people can watch in real-time. Also, send links - with custom images - to your guests after their blog post, podcast, or video interview goes up. 

For Guests:
- Share the Content. Also, keep an eye out for comments and respond to them.

For Hosts:
- Thank your Guests. Let them know you appreciate their time.  

For Guests: 
- Thank your Hosts. Let them know you appreciate their time. Also, if it's a podcast, leave a positive, thoughtful review.  

For Hosts and Guests: 
- Continue the Relationship. Stay in touch. Continue to comment on each others' posts. Ask how you can support each other. Suggest a blog or show swap. And see if they know of any good fits for your blog or show, as well as recommendations or introductions for you. 

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I host the Sunday night #GoalChat Twitter chat, Monday #GoalChatLive show (broadcast on Facebook and LinkedIn), and Thursday Podcast, called The D*E*B Show (which is the podcast version of my Live). I do blog posts recaps of each ep - along with links to my guests' websites and information they mention. It's a lot of work, but the idea is to create content that benefits everyone.

You want any guest relationship to be win-win.  

One thing is certain: All guests leave an impression. It's up to you what that impression is, so make it a good one.  

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What's your best tip for being a good guest? Please share in the comments.

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If you need some help setting and achieving your goals, please reach out!

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Debra Eckerling is the award-winning author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals and founder of the D*E*B METHOD, which is her system for goal-setting simplified. A writer, editor, and project catalyst, Deb works with entrepreneurs, executives, and creatives to set goals and manage their projects through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online support. She is also the author of Write On Blogging and Purple Pencil Adventures; founder of Write On Online; Vice President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Women's National Book Association; host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat, #GoalChatLive on Facebook and LinkedIn, and The DEB Show podcast. She speaks on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.


deborah lyn said...

Thank you Debra for these inspiring and strategic tips!
You have fine tuned the art of information delivery to writers via your Goal Chats, Interviews and Guest postings. WOW Thank You! May your audience grow even larger!

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, Deborah, for your kind words and good wishes. Much appreciated!

lastpg said...

It's been really neat seeing how your business has blossomed, all to help people be more productive and successful. I haven't been a live guest (or host) yet and hope to be in the future. I am saving your post to help me know how to conduct myself. Thanks so much!

Debra Eckerling said...

Thank you very much!

To start as a guest, watch and engage with shows you like. Then, reach out...

Oh, I think I will cover that next month ... how to find and get booked on blogs, podcasts, and live shows. Thank you for that topic inspiration. Best of luck and, remember, you can do it!

Karen Cioffi said...

Debra thanks for these helpful tips on being a guest and even being a host. It's important to be professional and make a good impression. And, I agree with Deborah, your success is inspirational!

Debra Eckerling said...

How sweet! Thank you, Karen! And thanks for all you do.

As a host, nothing sours a relationship like an unprofessional guest ... When you make things easy for your host - and vice versa - they will do whatever they can to support you and your business/writing!

Terry Whalin said...


What a great perspoective you have on this topic as a host to help everyone--the host, the guest and the listeners/ readers have a valuable experience. Thank you.


Kayleen Reusser said...

These are really helpful tips. I've been a guest on a few podcasts which I think went well and yet I read all of ideas to see if I could up my game. The only thing I could think of was to send a hand-written card of thanks to my host. It can be hard to find an address -- sometimes I come right out and ask and explain the request. They always provide it.
I'm signing up for your other offers. Thanks for this informative post. God's blessings.

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks for your comment, Terry. I appreciate it!

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks for your comment, Kayleen! So glad you found this helpful.

I love the idea of a handwritten thank you note. Way to go the extra mile.

To your success,

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