Searching for a Magic Bullet

By Terry Whalin @terrywhalin

With the rapid expansion of self-publishing (1.6 million books last year), you have to be careful in some regards which company you select, but overall, it is easy to make a book. Selling those books to readers is the major issue for every author—whether they verbalize it or not. Everyone is searching for a magic bullet which catapults them to the bestseller list and sells many books.
Are you ready for the hard truth from my decades in publishing? There is no magic bullet or path to become a bestseller. If such a path existed, every book from every publisher would become a bestseller. There are many well-written books, well-designed books which have dismal sales. What will make the difference?
In this article I want to give you a few of these best practices of bestselling authors. I understand there are many others here's a few critical ones:
1. Bestselling authors understand and maintain a relationship with their readers. These authors spend time to cultivate and nurture this relationship. They devote lots of attention to building an active email list.  I've read the articles where people say email is over but this long-term tool is key because each author controls their own email list for things like frequency, tone and building these relatinships through email. There are many tools for building this list like ConvertKit, MailChimp, AWeber and many others. As an author, pick one, learn to use the tool then actively use it repeatedly with your readers.
2. Bestselling authors create multiple paths to their email list. Whether these authors are on a podcast or a radio program or a guest blog post or a teleseminar or ????, they have created a “gift” or a “freebie” which is something attractive to their readers. Their readers can only gain access if they give this author their first name and email address. Some authors collect even more detailed information. These freebies are called lead magnets and take creativity and effort to create, then maintain. Check my link to see some of what I've created and get ideas. Every author needs to be creating these multiple paths of connection which lead to your email list.
3. Bestselling authors understand and use various forms of media like radio and podcasts. They have built relationships with effective publicists who can book these events for them.
4. Bestselling authors build an active presence on various forms of social media. Yes these platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are “rented” and nothing they control. They understand they have to be wise (read careful) about what they post so they don't get cancelled yet they find tools like Hootsuite or Buffer, then use those tools consistently to reach their readers—and guide them back to their email list.
5. Bestselling authors understand the power of advertising and invest in Facebook Ads, Amazon Ads, etc. Yet they hire the right people to help them or learn the inside scoop about it before investing into it. For example, bestselling self-published author Mark Dawson has a course which is only open a few times a year (follow this link to see it or at least get on his notification email list) or watch some of these testimonial videos of his students.
6. Bestselling authors are always learning and growing in their craft and various tools to reach new readers. It's something I've built into each of these various aspects.
Instead of searching for a magic bullet, I encourage you to mirror some of these practices for your writing life. Just pick one or two and begin taking action. My brief list is not exhaustive so let me know some other aspects in the comments below.

Instead of searching for a magic bullet, this prolific editor and author gives a series of practices from studying bestselling authors. Get ideas for your writing life here. (ClickToTweet)

W. Terry Whalin is an acquisitions editor at Morgan James Publishing. His work contact information is on the bottom of the second page (follow this link).  He has written for over 50 magazines and more than 60 books with traditional publishers.  His latest book for writers is 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed. Get this book for only $10 + free shipping and over $200 in bonuses. He lives in Colorado and has over 190,000 twitter followers


Karen Cioffi said...

Terry, thanks for this great information on some of the best practices of bestselling authors. It's a sure thing that every author out there wants a bestseller. I love #6 the most. It's essential for writers to keep learning and growing.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

May I add a quick tip, here, Terry. If an author thinks a specific promotion isn't working, it may be a good idea to move on to something else and you have given a great list for possibilities available to do that. But don't give the one you think isn't working entirely. You have an investment. Maybe you're just starting to miss the tipping/point (magic bullet point) where your past work is starting to take--sort of like an inoculation. Just cut back and, sure, find another to fill the void. I have seen too many authors give up on writing altogether when I thought their contact lists etc were reaching that magic bullet point! Basically this process fits with the old marketing advice, once is never enough. Repetition and persistence are very strong words!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Terry Whalin said...


Thank you for this comment. The commitment to keep learning and growing is important for every writer.



Thank you for this wise comments. Persistence and repetition is critical for us in this process.


deborah lyn said...

Thank you Terry! This is a powerful list of best practices from bestselling authors. Your suggestions make the list and choices doable. You are so right, there is no magic bullet. We have to work the package and keep learning.

Terry Whalin said...

Deborah Lyn,

Thank you for this feedback. Yes each of us have to work to find the right path for our books. It is not an easy journey but the success of others has left traces for us.


lastpg said...

Terry, I have saved a copy of your terrific article for my file. You've given great advice, which I will strive to follow. I will share your article. Thank you.

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