10 Tips for Becoming the Writer You Wish to Be

by Suzanne Lieurance

No matter what kind of writer you wish to become, follow these tips and you'll find the road to success is much shorter, so you'll reach your writing goal(s) faster.

Tip #1. With whatever type of writing you want to do, level up your knowledge and skills so you reach your goal faster.

For example, if you want to write a novel, be sure you understand the structure of novels and all the components needed for a marketable novel.

If you want to write for children, be sure you understand how to write a children's story that people (including editors and agents) will want to read and buy.

Tip #2. It’s easier to stay motivated when you have a clear picture of where you want to be at the end of the process.

For that reason, write down no more than 3 major writing goals and be sure these goals are very specific and clearly defined.

Tip #3. It’s okay to have gigantic goals.

As long as you break those goals into small, achievable steps, they are reachable.

Tip #4. It’s okay to slow down your progress as long as you never stop.

Remember, with writing, slow and steady wins the race.

Some weeks, the writing will go smoothly and you'll get a lot of work done.

Other weeks, the writing will be slow and you will feel that you're not making any progress.

But just keep going.

Even a little progress is better than none, or, worse yet, giving up!

Tip #5. Learn to ignore naysayers.

Once you stop listening to them, your opportunities for growth will skyrocket.

Tip #6. When your work is critiqued (either by your editor, your agent, or your critique group) listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to reply.

Make a few notes about their feedback, then give yourself time to consider what was said about your work.

Tip #7. Practice being be bold and confident as a writer.

The more deeply you feel like a good writer, the more you will become one.

Tip #8. Recognize your writing weaknesses and your writing strengths.

Make the most of your strengths and work to improve your weaknesses.

Tip #9. Sometimes the best writing opportunities are just outside your comfort zone.

Don’t be afraid to take a chance and write something that seems a bit of a stretch for you.

Tip #10. Celebrate your small successes along the way to your ultimate goal.

This is really important because you'll stay more motivated to keep moving towards your long-term writing goals this way.

Okay, so start with just one of these tips today and start moving closer to becoming the writer you wish to be.

Try it!

For more writing tips, be sure to visit writebythesea.com and get your free subscription to The Morning Nudge. Once you're a subscriber, you'll also have access to our Private Resource Library for Writers, filled with all sorts of helpful materials.

Suzanne Lieurance is the author of over 35 published books, a freelance writer, and a writing coach.


Terry Whalin said...


Thank you or these terrific tips. I especially like where you encourage writers to keep moving forward--even if slowly.


Karen Cioffi said...

Very helpful article. I agree with Terry's choice, the best tip is to keep moving, even if it's at a slower pace.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Terry and Karen, I think this one is most needed by the largest number of writers;
Tip #6. When your work is critiqued (either by your editor, your agent, or your critique group) listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to reply.
@suzanneLieurance, gray article!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

deborah lyn said...

Thank you Suzanne! These tips are really helpful. I like all of them.
* Level up your knowledge & skills
* Create a clear picture of where you want to be
* Slow is OK just don't stop!
* It's right to ignore naysayers
* Seek to understand critique comments, don't think you have to reply
* Practice being a bold & confident writer -- know your strengths and weaknesses -- reach outside your comfort zone -- & celebrate your successes
WOW Suzanne, Thank you

lastpg said...

Great tips, Suzanne. You've given us terrific ideas to stay motivated even when the chips are down, which does happen. Publishing can be a roller coaster ride. Your tips help smooth that ride out!

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