Marketing Is Engaging With Readers, Be Findable


Promotion and Marketing is about the reader; it’s engagement. We aim to draw readers’ attention to our books and articles. How do we reach each other? It starts with a commitment to be findable. Writers must have a web presence. We must be searchable.

Further, when found, we must deliver consistent content.

Readers have little time for complicated searches, so stay findable with content value. Make good use of Keywords in your post and book titles. Be bookmarked, making it easy for readers to keep coming back.

Tips for search-ability:
1.    Optimize your use of Metadata, Keywords, & Descriptions for Search Engines
    a.    Metadata is information about your book, the title, sub-title, sales description, categories & author bio.
    b.    Keywords refer to a word or phrase that is associated with your book or your blog post. To develop a list of keywords, write a list of all the words and phrases that you consider associated with your post or book. Be as specific as possible. Your reader will appreciate this as they search the internet. (For social media, we can use hashtags # for more group visibility.)
    c.    Develop your keyword or phrase list by searching Amazon with your keyword ideas and note the results. This will help you target your best keywords.
    d.    Use your keywords in titles, too
    e.    Once you have selected your keywords, incorporate them into your Metadata information.

Tips to stay connected with your readership:
1.    Develop and maintain an author’s website
2.    Include a Blog on your website, post often—at least every 2 weeks
    a.    For additional traffic, would guest posting work for you? Maybe you could trade guest posts with a writing friend. Your byline will appear with a short bio and a link to your website/blog when you guest write for another’s blog.
    b.    Things to consider: Do the themes of the blogs enhance each other? Would your readership find value in both your blog and the guest’s? Don’t send your reader away: rather build-up both sites.
    c.    Start by noting the blogs you follow.
3.    Get involved with Social Media platforms that suit you and your themes and link back to your website URL each time you post
4.    Create a newsletter, send it to your email list and post a link on your social media pages
5.    Expand your book’s availability by including an audiobook
6.    Consider creating a Podcast series, start with the theme most meaningful to you
7.    Consider Books2Read  and Universal Book Links  as a vehicle for readers to find your books. Universal Book Link (UBL) is a single URL that you can use to promote your books/eBooks.

Marketing is Engagement with Your Readers
Deliver Content

Book List:
* How to Market a Book by Joanna Penn

Deborah Lyn Stanley is an author of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts.
Visit her My Writer’s Life website at:   
Visit her caregiver’s website:
    Mom & Me: A Story of Dementia and the Power of God’s Love

Facebook: Deborah Lyn Stanley, Writer

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Terry Whalin said...

Deborah Lyn,

Great article and packed with lots of actionable ideas for every author. From my years in publishing, I've not found a magic bullet. Our consistent action to reach readers and grow readers is the key--and not giving up (which many unfortunately do).

author of 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed

Karen Cioffi said...

Great tips on how to use marketing to get exposure for you and your books. Tips like being searchable by having a website and being on social media. And, how you can use Amazon to be more searchable.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Amen! We need more of this kind of information on marketing. Marketing is NOT “buy my book!” More on marketing including other disciplines under its umbrella in my #TheFrugalBookPromoter. And subscribe to this blog for more marketing and writing wisdom from #WritersontheMove associates.

lastpg said...

Thank you for a terrific article, Deborah. These are all suggestions I need to do. The information will help me get where I need to go. I saved your article, and will share it.

deborah lyn said...

Thank you for your comments and sharing! best always, deborah

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