5 Things that Stop Authors from Blogging ... And the Easy Fixes

Are you an author? Well, why aren't you blogging? 

Before I debunk the top-tier excuses for a lack of blog presence, let me cover the reasons why blogging is essential for authors.

Blogging is a great way to: 

1. Develop your Platform. Whether you hope to be published traditionally or self-publish, you need to develop your platform. A publisher will look at your online presence, along with the material for your book, while evaluating your potential.  And if you publish yourself, you need that web presence. 

2. Set Yourself Up as an Expert. You are an author. You know things. This is true for non-fiction and fiction, no matter what genre. Show that you know of what you speak via your blog.

3. Share the Work of Others. You can interview other authors, share news and articles from your peers. This is another way to add value ... and keep your readers coming back for more.

4. Communicate with Your Audience. When you have exciting news and upcoming events, a blog is one of the best ways to share the deets with your readers. Yes, you can and should post on social media. Just direct people back to your blog, as it;s the hub for everything that's going on in your author-life.

5. Develop Your Voice and/or Content. Test out material. Blog a book. Share ideas. Use your blog to tease upcoming content, while seeing what resonates with your audience. 

Now that you have all these great reasons to blog, I have to ask the question: So why not blog?

Here are some common excuses ... along with easy fixes.

1. No Time. If someone tells me they have no time to blog, I simply say, "Schedule the time. "  You can blog weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, twice a week. The solution to the time problem is to look at your schedule, see what is feasible, and do that. 

Only have an hour a week to blog. Write short posts (300 words). Have a little more time, batch your content (write a few posts ahead of time), so you can take a week off when you need to. Stop overthinking. Don't spend hours on a short post. Commit the time. And start blogging.

2. No Energy. This one is a little more challenging, but also has a simple solution: blog on subjects you are passionate about. When you work on things that excite you, you'll find the energy. Besides, the more you love what you blog about, the more it will ooze out of you and engage your readers.  

3. Too Expensive. There are plenty of low and no-cost blogging platforms. You can use Medium or LinkedIn Publisher for free. Yet that is blogging on a social media, and it's best to give your content its own platform. While Blogger and WordPress have free blog options, they will put .blogger.com and .wordpress.com after your blog title, I believe it's worth the investment to upgrade to a more professional-looking custom URL. 

4. Not Enough/Too Many Ideas. Before you start your blog, take time for a little D*E*B Method introspection. Determine the Mission for your blog. What do you hope your blog accomplishes? What is your expertise? And how do they fit together in creating a mission for your blog? 

Next, Explore your Options. What can you write about? What types of posts, length, etc. Once you start brainstorming the ideas will keep flowing. As long as your ideas align with your mission, your blog will keep going in the right direction.

5. Who Cares What I Have to Say? You are an author. Your audience should care. Give your unique spin on your genre, topic, experience, etc. Engage your readers and they will keep coming back.

The bottom line is this... you need to blog. You owe it to yourself and your readers. So create the best home you can for your author blog!

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So, what is your blog link? Why are - or aren't - you blogging? Please share your advice in the comments.

Debra Eckerling is the author of Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals. A writer, editor, and project catalyst, as well as founder of the D*E*B METHOD and Write On Online, Deb works with individuals and businesses to set goals and manage their projects through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and online support. She is also the author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages, host of the #GoalChat Twitter Chat and #GoalChatLive on Facebook, and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.


Terry Whalin said...


Thank you for this practical article and the easy fixes to our excuses. I've been blogging weekly for years and call my blog: The Writing Life. It has over 1500 searchable entries (scroll down and the search tool is in the right-hand column). Yes it takes consistent effort but I have an active readership and it is well-worth the time in my view.

author of 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed

Debra Eckerling said...

Good for you, Terry! Keep up the awesome blogging!

deborah lyn said...

Debra, over the top helpful article! Thank you!
Listing the benefits of blogging and Listing the common excuses are right on point. Here are my favorites and why I've just got to tell others about your article:
We need a web presence, Show we know what we are talking about, Keep our readers coming back for more, Communicate and further develop as a writer.
Schedule time, go with the subjects we're passionate about, there's plenty of low cost opportunities for blogging, your readership cares what you say and wants to hear it.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

I especially like that you mention #SharingwithWriters as a reason to blog. With that in mind, your readers may be interested in How To Blog a Book by Nina Amir. It's published by Writers Digest and keeps selling even though it's a been around for a while. After your readers have read this, Deb, they will be thoroughly convinced that having a blog is a must!
MMMMMM. And your book, too, on setting goals. It will help nonbloggers figure out how to plan for and use a blog.

Karen Cioffi said...

Debra, this is an important article for authors. Blogging is essential and having your own website is just as important. It's like your home online - you have your own unique address and can invite visitors over by giving them something to read. This builds your readership and your brand.

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, all, for your comments!

Deborah, appreciate your enthusiastic response!

Carolyn H-J, Agreed! Nina Amir is a fantastic resource. Plus, appreciate your shoutout to my book!


lastpg said...

Thank you for the helpful tips on blogging, Debra. I've saved the article to help in my own blogging efforts, and shared you article.

Debra Eckerling said...

Excellent! Happy to hear it! And Happy Blogging!

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