Book Review || Persistence by Jordan Rosenfeld

Jordan Rosenfeld is the author of –  A Writer’s Guide To Persistence: How to Create a Lasting and Productive Writing Practice,   Reviewed by Deborah Lyn Stanley

I bought Jordan Rosenfeld’s Persistence book a couple of years ago and it has had a significant influence on my writing practice. I kept a notebook to record the volume of important points that caught my attention in each chapter. The book builds strategically from Chapter 1 through Chapter 25. The journey changed and strengthened my practice.

I particularly enjoyed the process of defining “Why I Write” then developing “My Writer’s Code Agreement”. The closing message is worth keeping; Persistence means you don’t ever give up, you consider no effort wasted, you keep writing, and you go on resolutely.

The Goal of the book is to impress writers with the importance of creating a productive writing practice that will last. It’s a strategic plan that’s consistent, unlocks your direction, and authenticity, for your essential pathway.

I whole-heartedly recommend this book. It’s unique, it’s complete, and it will inspire you no matter what your experience level is.

Thank you Jordan Rosenfeld, much appreciated!


Other books by Jordan Rosenfeld:
•    Writing the Intimate Character: Create Unique, Compelling Characters Through Mastery of Point of View by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    How To Write A Page-Turner: Craft a Story Your Readers Can’t Put Down by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    Make a Scene Revised and Expanded Edition: Writing a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time by Jordan Rosenfeld
•    Writing Deep Scenes: Plotting Your Story Through Action, Emotion, and Theme by Martha Alderson and Jordan Rosenfeld

Deborah Lyn Stanley is an author of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts. 

Visit her My Writer’s Life website at:   

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Facebook: Deborah Lyn Stanley, Writer



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Suzanne Lieurance said...

This looks like a must-have read for all writers. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, Deborah.


Terry Whalin said...

Deborah Lyn,

Looks like a great book for writers. Persistence is an important quality for every writer.


Karen Cioffi said...

Deborah, sounds like a great book to prompt writers to keep writing. Persistence is so important. Thanks for sharing.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

I am glad you shared this, Deborah Lyn. I did some networking.
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Jams and Books said...

Sharing on Twitter and Pinterest. Thank you very much. I haven't read this one.

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