Tips From A Psychologist On Handling These Trying Times

Everyone is struggling through shelter-ins, isolation, social distancing, loss of income, and an array of other frightening and unusual events, like being unable to find toilet tissue, disinfectant wipes, masks, and so on.

For me, being in a hot spot definitely adds to the worry. Everyday I hear about more and more people I know or know of who have it. And, it's definitely not just seniors! So, everyone please be careful.

To help with this craziness, Dr. Valerie Allen offers some great advice and tips on how to handle the stress we're all under.

Dr. Allen was a guest contributor on Writers on the Move multiple times as an author, but I didn't know she was also a psychologist.

As I subscribe to her mailing list, she sent along a PDF on how we can help ourselves and has graciously allowed me to share it:


You can find out more about Dr. Allen at:

Write, Publish, Sell! 2 Ed
Beyond the Inkblots: Confusion to Harmony

I hope this helps you and PLEASE SHARE!

Karen Cioffi



Terry Whalin said...

Dr. Allen,

The writing life is full of stress and I'll take all the tips I can get in this area. Thank you.

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Linda Wilson said...

Me, too! I must admit the good part of all this for me is the down time I rarely get in my normal life. Now I have plenty of time to write! But I do need to be a manager, as it would be easy to slip into putting work off to watch TV or read a book. So I structure each day to get the most out of the time I've been given. I even use a timer when motivation wanes--1/2 hr to clean, Bringgg! followed by 1/2 hr to write, etc. It works!

Karen Cioffi said...

Thank you, Dr. Allen, for offering such sound advice for everyone feeling stress in these trying times.

Karen Cioffi said...

Linda, good for you. That's a great way to keep on track!

deborah lyn said...

Thank you, Dr. Allen for your advice and tips so needed during this crisis time.

SamarthApp said...

Thank you, Dr. Allen "MOODS, EMOTIONS, AND SOCIAL DISTANCING" are most important part of everyone in this time.

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