Pick Two Things and Do Them

Do you have a laundry list of writing and marketing things you've had to get done, but just haven't had the time?

Today is the day to start to tackle that list.

Just pick TWO things and WRITE THEM DOWN.

Maybe it's to do a video for your marketing.

Maybe it's to write a new blog post for your author website.

Whatever those two things are that you've picked, take care of them today!

Don't procrastinate.

Before you know it, your to-do list will be manageable.


Terry Whalin said...


What a terrific graphic and solid message today in this article. Thank you. So many people "think" about writing but don't write and don't take action and accomplish anything. Great reminder and I hope readers will do something active and take action.

Straight Talk From the Editor

Karen Cioffi said...

Terry, glad you like it. I'm hoping it will motivate writers to take some kind of action. I love the Will Rogers quote, "Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there."

Melinda Brasher said...

I do this (only I usually do 3). So useful.

Karen Cioffi said...

Melinda, that's great. I do it sometimes but I'm not consistent enough.

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