What to Write About? Hmm

Sometimes it’s a challenge to figure out what to write about. This is often called writers block.

Even though there are a plethora of subjects that call out to you, what do you actually know about?

I personally think you can write about anything, whether you know the topic or not. Thank goodness for Google.

Here are some tips on how to get the writing muse on board. 

Write to Done (1) offers 20 quotes that might get your creative juices flowing. The main point I got from this article is to write about yourself. No one can write a true story about your feelings and life. You are the only person who could truly act in your own book.

I like what Neil Gammon had to say: “The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So, write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.”

Makes sense doesn’t it?

Have you ever Brainstormed? This is a fun way to get those juices flowing.

1. Draw a circle in the middle of a sheet of paper.

2. Put the main idea in it, like what you’d want your genre to be: murder; thriller; romance, etc. Whatever you are thinking of.

3. Now draw three lines up from the main circle and three lines down.

4. Put circles around the end of those lines. Then think of your genre. Let’s choose ‘romance’ just to make it interesting for me.

5. One of the lines I drew out from the main circle may say: “Settings,” the next circle could say “Titles,” and the third, “Characters.” The bottom ones could be, “Mannerisms,” “Dialog,” and “Plot.”

6. From each of these circles you could extend more lines and circles and connect more information like under “Minor Characters," you could put a place or state or country.

Work with each circle drawing off more ideas as you go. Before long, you might have a beginning for a story. It’s a fun way to get those brain cells working.

Other tips to get a story going: 

- Google “How do you brainstorm for a novel?”
- Do you have a short story you can expand into a novel?
- Have you read a book and thought you could write a better ending? Pursue doing that.
- Does something on the news catch your interest?
- Maybe something in the local newspaper?

Whatever catches your interests, write it down and pursue the subject. You never know where it will take you. Have fun and enjoy it. 

(1) https://writetodone.com/stuck-for-ideas-20-quotes-what-to-write-about/ 

Linda Barnett-Johnson is a Virtual Assistant for authors and enjoys writing poetry, short stories, articles about writing and making up quotes. Many of her articles and poetry have been published. She’s a former editor, former assistant editor of Long Story Short ezine, former administrative director of Long Story Short School of Writing. You can locate her website here: www.lindabarnett-johnson.com She also posts new books, writing articles and author interviews on her blog: http://lindabarnett-johnson.blogspot.com/ Always looking for guest bloggers that would post writing tips, articles and anything to do with writing.


Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Even people like me who never seen to suffer from writers block need a boost like this now and then, @Linda-Barnett-Johnson!

Linda Wilson said...

You've made discovering a new idea fun. Thank you for this great post!

Karen Cioffi said...

Linda, I agree. A writer can write about anything if s/he is willing to do the research. And, there is so much information streaming our way every day, every hour, every minute, making ideas easy to come by. Thanks for sharing!

Linda Barnett-Johnson said...

Thank you Carolyn. I love helping people.

Linda Barnett-Johnson said...

Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate it.

Linda Barnett-Johnson said...

Thanks Karen Research is so important and so easy on the internet. It's a great tool for authors, writers and anyone needing instant information. Great for students too.

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