Getting Organized

Writers’ come in many shapes and sizes, so are writing spaces. Some are neat and tidy, or chaotic with papers spread on every surface.  My writing friend is so proud and liberated when his desk and office are organized that you’d think it was always that way. However, in the middle of a project, files and papers are scattered in disarray—but not so for him—he knows what is where.

No matter what your style, we need some kind of order to free our thoughts and stimulate our creativity.

We aspire to write daily and need “our space” to do so productively. But, we have a lot of stuff we need to keep where we can find it, and not forget it exists: our research, our reference and reading library, our notebooks and journals, our article clippings, and our inspiration photos.

I’ll admit that when I’m overloaded and need a break, I like to futz around re-organizing and freshening-up my office. The trouble is sometimes I forget where I filed the book, the folder, or the research I need for a project. So, a digital and paper filing plan is essential.

Tips you might find helpful:

•    Make the plan simple, one that’s easy to maintain, and adjustable when you discover something is not efficient.
•    Make a practice of uncluttering your writing area often.
•    Designate a space for pending items—bills, memos, etc., to handle later. Vertical trays, hung on a wall next to your desk might be a workable solution.
•    Set-up a Waiting for Response folder to follow-up on outstanding correspondence.
•    The tools you use every day are for the surface of your desk, but use drawers or closet space for supplies not used daily.
•    The bookcase is not the catchall. Group books by category for ease in locating.

The Bullet Journal: Is a great for organizing your do list and appointment, today and in the future 4-6 months out.

Great Tips to Organize Your Office Space

How to Organize Your Office and Boost Your Productivity 

Deborah Lyn Stanley is a writer of Creative Non-Fiction. She writes articles, essays and stories. She is passionate about caring for the mentally impaired through creative arts. Visit her web-blog: Deborah Lyn Stanley : MyWriter's Life .  “Write your best, in your voice, your way!


Karen Cioffi said...

Deborah, great tips on being organized as a writer - it really does help with productivity!

Suzanne Lieurance said...

Hi, Deborah,

For me, the key is like you said - decluttering my writing space often. I have such a small desk that I must contantly keep it cleaned off or I'd be buried in papers. It's so much nicer and easier to work in a straightened space, though.

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