7 Writing Goals for 2017

Writing is like exercise. The best way for writers to improve their craft is to keep writing: write more, write different, and write outside of your comfort zone.

Here are 7 writing goals that can help you in 2017:

1. Journal Regularly.
It seems like any and all of my advice begins with journalling. It can help you improve your writing and organize your thoughts, while developing your tone, style, and voice. Set aside some time (at least 15 minutes, at least once a week) to share your thoughts and brainstorm ideas in your journal. You never know what you'll create when you just allow your pen (or keyboard) to flow.

2. Start or Refresh Your Blog. blog is the best way to showcase your expertise as a writer, and within your niche, so potential customers and clients can find you online. Even if you only blog once a week, on a consistent day and time, you are getting who you are and what you know out there.

3. Submit. Don’t keep your writing to yourself. Enter a contest. Pitch an agent. Write an article and query a dream publication. If you already do this, double your efforts in the new year.

4. Write in a Different Style or Genre. Are you a technical writer? Explore fiction. Do you write screenplays? Try an essay. While it's great to have a niche where you excel, it's also fun to try something different.

5. Try a Different Length or Format. Similar to above ... If you write short blog posts, try writing long. If you tend to write lengthy content, write something concise. Or write a book (fiction or non-fiction). That will certainly expand your writing repertoire.   

6. Write What You Avoid. Choose something you have been meaning to write that you somehow keep avoiding. Then, do it!

7. Have Fun! People sometimes forget that writing is supposed to be fun. If you love what you are writing, there’s a greater likelihood that others will love it too. Bring your passion through your words to your audience.

Try one of these goals or all of them. My goal is to set you all up for success in the new year. Here’s to a fabulous 2017!
What do you think? What are your writing goals for 2017? Please share them in the comments. 

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Debra Eckerling is a writer, editor and project catalyst, as well as founder of Guided Goals and Write On Online, a live and online writers’ support group. 

She is author of Write On Blogging: 51 Tips to Create, Write & Promote Your Blog and Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages and host of the Guided Goals Podcast.

Debra is an editor at Social Media Examiner and a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting, and social media.


Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

I especially like "write what you avoid. "It is funny how writing with the opposite hand you are used to writing with or starting a piece with the point of view you have never used before can put you into a creative – – and successful – – place.

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, Carolyn! I totally agree!

Karen Cioffi said...

Debra, great list of writing tips. I think #3 is especially important. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Karen Cioffi said...

Great tip, Carolyn!

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, Karen.

Absolutely! I think the fun bonus challenge with #3, for someone who has been submitting, is to try somewhere or something new.

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