February Blogging Prompts

Hearts abound for the month of February. In addition to Valentine's Day, February is American Heart Month. 

There's a lot to write about hearts, the literal and physical kinds.

Let's try something different for this month's blogging prompt article. Write a list of everything related to "heart," and see what ideas for posts come out of it.

For example: 
  • Heart Health (food and exercise)
  • Heartfelt (what do you truly believe in)
  • Heart-to-Heart (advice to share)
  • Heart Shaped (what comes in that shape: candy hearts, cakes, jewelry; what )
  • Heart Break (lessons from loss)
  • Songs with heart (favorite "heart" song")
  • What you Heart (Love) about What you Do
  • Sweethearts (love)
  • The Color Red
February Holidays: February is Black History Month, Canned Food Month and Creative Romance Month. The third week in February is 3rd Week International Flirting Week. Plus, Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17, International World Thinking Day is the 22nd, and Tell a Fairy Tale Day is the 26th. 

February Food Holidays: February is Celebration of Chocolate Month, National Fondue Month, National Heart Healthy Month, National Hot Breakfast Month, and National Snack Food Month. Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day is February 11, Drink Wine Day is the 18th, and Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day is the 23rd. Who knew? 

Bonus: February is also the height of awards season, wrapping up with the Oscars on February 22. Whether you are a movie-lover, screenwriter, or a writer of film-related content, take any and all opportunities to write about your award-season movie favs.

Put some heart into your blog and blog with heart!


Debra Eckerling is the author of Purple Pencil Adventures: Writing Prompts for Kids of All Ages. She's a writer, editor and project manager/goal coach, as well as founder of Guided Goals and Write On Online, a live and online writers’ support group. She is an editor at Social Media Examiner. Debra is also a speaker/moderator on the subjects of writing, networking, goal-setting and social media.


Shirley Corder said...

Clever article, Debra - and some excellent suggestions too.

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, Shirley!

Karen Cioffi said...

Deb, great blogging ideas. Great for writing ideas also! Thanks for sharing.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

You always have the resources we need, Deb! Content on blogs is so important. That and humor!
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Multi Award-Winning Author of the HowToDoItFrugally series for writers including the second editions of the Frugal Book Promoter (http://bit.ly/FrugalBookPromo and The Frugal Editor (http://bit.ly/FrugalEditorKind )The latter is e-book only.for the time being.

Debra Eckerling said...

Thanks, Karen. Glad you like them!

Debra Eckerling said...

Agreed. Plus, Humor = so true! Thanks, Carolyn!

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