Midwest Review's Selected Titles for Writers

Midwest Review’s Top Books for Writers
In a recent article in his newsletter, Jim Cox, founding guru of the Midwest Review, includes his suggested titles for writers and I'm flattered (and glad to be one of them). I thought the readers of this Writers On The Move blog might want to select one or two for the betterment of their careers in 2014.
Jim said, "There are a lot of excellent how to instruction manuals and guides available to the novice publisher and the newly self-published author on what has been termed 'guerilla marketing' strategies offering a wealth of tips, tricks, techniques, and strategies for those of limited financial means. You will find them reviewed and listed at:

"There you will find such informative and "every author/publisher should read this" titles like:

"1001 Ways to Market Your Books by John Kremer
52 Ways To Sell More Books! by Penny C. Sansevieri
The Author's Guide To Publishing And Marketing by Tim Ward & John Hunt
Book Marketing De-Mystified by Bruce Batchelor
Book Promotion Made Easy by Eric Gelb
Brilliant PR by Cathy Bussey
The Complete Guide To Book Publicity by Jodee Blanco
The Economical Guide To Self-Publishing by Linda F. Radke
The Frugal Book Promoter: 2nd Edition, by Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Grass Roots Book Marketing by Rusty Fischer
Grassroots Marketing For Authors And Publishers by Shel Horowitz
Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World by Shel Horowitz
Grumpy's Guide To Global Marketing For Books by Carolyn Mordecai
Maverick Marketing by Lisa Messenger & Mel Carswell
Maximum Exposure Marketing System by Tami DePalma & Kim Dushinski
Mosquito Marketing for Authors by Michelle Dunn
Musings Of An Online Bookseller by John Landahl
Online Book Marketing by Lorraine Phillips
Publicize Your Book! by Jacqueline Deval
Publishing For Profit by Thomas Woll
Red Hot Internet Publicity by Penny C. Sansevieri
Sell More Books! by J. Steve Miller & Cherie K. Miller
Sell Your Book Like Wildfire by Rob Eager
Selling Books as Premiums & Incentives by Marilyn & Tom Ross
The Selling Of An Author by Bruce E. Mowday
Simple Guide to Marketing Your Book, by Mark Ortman
The Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing for Profit! by C. Pinherio & Nick Russell
Why, When, Where, & How To Write, Publish, Market, & Sell Your Book by Bill Thurwanger
Write, Publish & Market Your Book by Patrika Vaughn
You Can Market Your Book by Carmen Leal

"There are a lot more titles where these came from. I take a justifiable pride in the Midwest Book Review web site as having the largest writing/publishing bibliography data bases in all the world!"

Naturally, I thought I'd pass his suggestions on to you. I always say, "One book on the writing and marketing of books is never enough."

Subscribe to Jim's newsletter at http://www.midwestbookreview.com.
You'll also find my personal list of helpful books for writers in the Appendix of The Frugal Editor, 2nd Edition, (presently only as an e-book).
Blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson. She has a large section of Resources for writers on her Web site at http://howtodoitfrugally.com.


Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Carolyn,
Thank you for sharing this great list. I am enjoying Wired for Story that you recommended.

Celebrate you.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Joan, thanks for coming by. Glad you liked Wired for Story. I met the author when we were both presenters at a writers conference. Turns out she taught at UCLA, too. She gave me a book. And that's a good example of how much good giving a book away can do! I think she is now on most of my recommended lists and Wired definitely helped me with a final rewrite of This Land Divided, now being shopped by my agent Terrie Wolf.

Karen Cioffi said...

Thanks for the list, Carolyn. I already have your book, The Frugal Book Promoter, 2nd Edition and the Red Hot Internet Publicity by Penny C. Sansevieri. Lots of other great titles to look into.

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Carolyn,
You're welcome. How neat that you met the author of Wired for Story in person and that she gave you a copy of the book. Glad that book helped with your final rewrite of This Land Divided. Good luck with its publication!

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