I love that word when it comes to anything, but mostly when I can learn something new.
Hillsdale College is offering a free online course, Great Books 101 - Ancient to Medieval. If you need a refresher course or are unfamiliar with some or all of these classics, consider digging into some writing from our past.
Along with video and audio lectures by Hillsdale's professors, you will find the reading excerpt, a short quiz, and discussion opportunities with fellow students. After a final exam at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.
The books offered are:
Homer, The Iliad
Homer, The Odyssey
Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
Virgil, The Aeneid
The David Story
The Book of Job
St Augustine, Confessions
Dante, Inferno
Chaucer, Canterbury Tales
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Our minds are like sponges and sometimes they get a bit dried up. When we find the time to keep learning, our minds are refreshed. Who knows where it will take us? A word, a thought, or perspective will expand our knowledge base and creativity. As I have been reading these classics, I have had fresh ideas for my own writing.
I hope you take time to get a little learning in this year and reap the benefits!
Kathleen, great topic. It's rare for these classics to be brought up and they're excellent reads. Thanks for reminding us to read them or reread them for ideas and inspiration.
Thank you for this information, Kathleen. I agree that we have to keep on learning and expanding our reading interests.
These online courses are great - I've done several through Coursera and found them very valuable. My favourite was ModPo run by the PennU - on Modern and Contemporary american Poetry and it was exceptional. The course had a big impact on my writing.
Thanks for the tip Kathy. Classics are always great to revisit. I have also done some Coursera courses and found them interesting.
You're welcome! I just finished the course and loved every minute of it.
You're welcome, Shirley. The course taught me so much about people and how we are not much different than those who lived centuries ago. Good fodder for writing!
Such a privilege to sit in the comfort of our homes and learn!
You're welcome, Mary Jo. I will have to check out the Coursera courses.
I shall certainly be looking into that course, Kathleen, and Coursera. Here in the UK we have FutureLearn.com, also free, where I've just started a course in Forensic Psychology. It's already come in useful for one of my novella plots.
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