Books to Give You Aha Moments in Writing

Image Copyright © 2014 Joan Y. Edwards

"Books to Give You Aha Moments in Writing" by Joan Y. Edwards

Get out your favorite book on how to write. Which one(s) gave you an "Aha Moment" in writing? Here are four books on the craft of writing that I highly recommend because they gave me several "aha" moments while reading them. I know they will offer wonderful learning opportunities for you, too.

1. James N. Frey. How to Write a Damn Good Novel:—Step/dp/0312010443
James N. Frey explains in an easy to read and comprehend voice. It’s easy to learn the writing process with his book. He teaches you how to tell a story and how to correct problems. He asks, “What are you trying to prove about human nature?” He explains Egri’s theory that a premise is character, conflict, and conclusion. He explains how to choose the right viewpoint for telling your story. He tells when to use flashbacks and when to leave them out. He gives several ways to gain benefits from a critique group. He shows you with examples of premise and dialogue using popular stories and movies. He also shows you by making up a character or story right before your eyes.

2. Karl Iglesias. Writing for Emotional Impact-Advanced Dramatic Techniques to Attract, Engage, and Fascinate Readers

This book impresses upon writers the importance of presenting the emotions of the characters for readers to relate to on a personal level and shows you how to do it. I think following the reading of this book by the reading of the Emotion Thesaurus, or vice versa is a good plan.

3. Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. The Emotion Thesaurus

This book gives you body language for different emotions. It tells you how to show the emotions in body movements, and how people might be feeling inside, too.

4. Noah Lukeman. The First Five Pages-A Writer’s Guide To Staying Out of the Rejection Pile:”

Noah Lukeman explains the importance of getting a firm grip on the attention of readers in the first five pages. If you don't, editors, agents, and readers may not finish your book. The First Five Pages reveals the necessary elements of good writing, whether it be fiction, nonfiction, journalism, or poetry, and points out the ingredients of great first five pages:
  •  A good opening with a catchy, hook
  •  Frugal use of adjectives and adverbs
  •  New, colorful metaphors and similes
  •  Clear, crisp dialogue
  •  Well-developed characterizations and appropriate lively settings
  •  Good pacing and progression of story
If you need more books to help you with writing skills, here is a post on my blog with 28 Craft Books to Help You Get a Grip on Writing.

Celebrate you.
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards
Copyright © 2014 Joan Y. Edwards

Flip Flap Floodle, delightful picture book that teaches children to believe in themselves and Never Give Up - even mean ole Mr. Fox can't stop this little duck.

Joan’s Elder Care Guide, Release December 2014 by 4RV Publishing



Magdalena Ball said...

I liked Lukeman and Frey's books too. Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg is another excellent writing guide.

Karen Cioffi said...

Timely post for me. I moved last Thursday and just unpacked my 'writing' books today. I like Hooked by Les Edgerton. Two others I've found helpful are Story Engineering by Larry Brooks and Second Sight by Cheryl B. Klein.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

Thanks Joan. I now have a few new books to add to my reading list.

Shirley Corder said...

Thank you Joan. We cannot usually buy writing books here in S.Africa. We have to order them and then pay a fortune in import duties. (Praise the Lord now for the Kindle!) Some years ago, I travelled to Sandy Cove Christian Writers Conference. An American writing group collected writing books for me and presented me with a LARGE SUITCASE filled with 32 kgs of books. WHAT a gold mine -- if a real challenge to stagger home with them. So I have a bookcase full of some excellent writing books, and you've motivated me to start reading through them again. Thank you!

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Magdalena,
Thank you for writing. I'm glad you liked Lukeman and Frey's books, too. Thanks for telling me about Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.

Celebrate you ad your gift of sharing information with others.
Never Give UP

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Karen,
Thanks for writing. I'm glad the post was timely for you. Thanks for sharing Hooked by Les Edgerton, Story Engineering by Larry Brooks and Second Sight by Cheryl B. Klein.

I'll check them out.

Never Give up
Keep your sweet self going

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Mary Jo,
Thank you for writing. You're welcome. I'm glad you liked the books enough to add them to your reading list.

Celebrate reading and learning
Never Give UP

Joan Y. Edwards said...

Dear Shirley,
WoW! How nice of a writing group to send you a suitcase full of books. What a blessing. I'm glad I motivated you to read through some of these books you received again. I usually learn something different the second time through a book.

Never Give Up

Unknown said...

Hey Joan, Thanks from me as well. The one on Writing for Emotional Impact looks very interesting. I'm heading over to Amazon to purchase it via your link.

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