Be Who You Are and Take the Risk

You are creative.

You have a voice.

You can write in a way no one else can.

But are you getting lost in the mechanics and not writing from your gut?

Don't get me wrong. I am all for learning the particulars - the basics of word usage, writing tight, grammar rules, etc. But don't let these things overshadow your creative yearnings!

When I think about famous painters or composers over the centuries, rules were broken and personal style took precedence. Can you imagine if they all started and ended with cookie cutter methods?

Get the basics down, but let your style shine. You are the only one that can find this balance. 

If no two snowflakes are alike, no two finger prints, doesn't that spell U N I Q U E?


There are many ways to tell something and you are going to tell it the way no one else can. And you may use some unconventional ways to do it.

Going with our gut is risky. Sometimes we're wrong. But there is something that wells up inside of us that says go for it! We might fall flat on our face. But it was worth the sheer enjoyment of putting ourselves out there. That's because you know what you're good at. And even if everyone won't applaud your work, there is someone out there who will.

You just have to find them.

What writing project are you struggling with? Could it because you are trying to be someone you are not? 


After raising and homeschooling her 8 children, Kathy has found time to pursue freelance writing. You can find her passion to bring encouragement and hope to people of all ages at When It Hurts -


Joan Y. Edwards said...

Thanks for reminding us to follow our hearts when writing.

Never Give Up

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

It's always easier to right from your heart than your head.

Shirley Corder said...

Thanks Kathy for this reminder. You ask what you're struggling with at the moment and YES! It's because I'm trying to follow what a critique partner feels is the "right approach". Whether to go with my gut or follow the "correct" approach is a problem for me right now!

Kathleen Moulton said...

Thanks for you comments, ladies. : )

Shirley, what a dilemma, huh? I find myself in that place at times, too. Let us know how it goes.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

Kathy, I'm on my way home from Europe but couldn't resist popping in on this topic. I think the fear of risk holds more writers back than many other things--even writers' block! It's associated with fear of failure and fear of success. I cover both of these extensively in The Frugal Book Promter ( ) because I have to get them over the really big on--Fear of Marketing--before they can pitch in and do what is right for their books!

Kathleen Moulton said...

Well, Carolyn, I think I shall check out your book. Thanks!

T. Forehand said...

Perfect for me today as I get caught up in the rule of writing and don't get the writing done. Thank.

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