Procrastination Styles - Results from Survey

Last month I asked our readers to complete the procrastination style survey .  Thanks to everyone who participated in this survey.  We had over 100 respondents!  The pie chart below breaks-out  the percentage  for each procrastination style.  

  • Many respondents indicated their procrastination style was a combination of styles.
  • The largest group of respondents were Dreamers, followed by Crisis-makers, then Perfectionists.  

  • 25% of  respondents were male; 75% female

  • The only category that appeared to have a correlation related to gender was defier.  A greater percentage of males were defiers than females.

  • 44% of the respondents were under 30
  • 39% of the respondents were over 50
  • Over-givers crossed all age groups except 20 and under.

Although different forces drive each procrastination style, structure is the one tool that helps keep any procrastinator on track.  Scheduling and tracking your writing time on your calendar can increase your productivity.  Start with manageable time expectations--something you know you can achieve.  This sets the stage to keep your personal commitments.   Slowly build your time commitment.  This structure will keep you focused.  

Try this for two or three weeks, and see if it impacts your writing.  I'd love to hear from anyone who tries this strategy or already schedules their writing time.

Mary Jo Guglielmo is writer and intuitive life coach. For more information check out:  


Magdalena Ball said...

Interesting results, Mary Jo. I suspect that, for many people, their procrastination covers a range of styles rather than just one. Over-giver sounds pretty familiar to me!

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

25% of the respondents checked more than one style.

Shirley Corder said...

Interesting survey and results Mary Jo. Thanks for sharing this. My initial reaction to the question Are you ... 1,2,3,4,5,6? is "Yes." :-)

Karen Cioffi said...

Mary Jo, interesting survey. I wouldn't have thought that crisis-maker would be the largest group. I'd fall into the perfectionist and over-giver category. Both really do cut into writing time.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I know what you are saying Shirley. Each area of my life has it's own driving force behind any procrastination.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

The largest was dreamer, followed by crisis-maker, then perfectionist. I think for some people the perfectionist is closely connected to the crisis-maker.

Debbie A Byrne said...

Very interesting. I am also a combo of styles.

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