SEO Writer eCourse Cover Poll

Today's post is a poll of a few covers I designed for a new course I have that will launch soon.

Here are the 5 covers I'm debating over:






6. Just added a 6th to the mix - it's a bit less cluttered:

Please know that these are just test covers, so there may be errors or the spacing may be off a bit, as in #6. There will be extra black space on top and at the bottom.

Please let me know what you think, which you like the best. It's difficult to see something you created in a fresh manner.


It you'd leave the number of the image and a brief explanation of why you like it, it'd be super helpful.




Linda Wilson said...

Karen, I like #2, the second cover. I'm going by experience from being editor of a 15-20 page newsletter. I think all white letters stand out better, the title size in white is bigger and better; my eye is drawn immediately to the title in white, perhaps because the red background with smaller print underneath provides almost an underline.

Linda Wilson said...

Karen, I forgot to say I like the photo of people better than the art in #1, also.

Karen Cioffi said...

Linda, thanks so much for the input. It's very helpful! I'm torn between #2 and #4, but see what you're saying about #2. And, I agree, the people image works better than the other.

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I like # 4. I'm not sure which art I like better. I like the people photo, but I'm not sure it conveys the message?????

Unknown said...

I'm saying number 4. The black on yellow is easier to read than the white or black on red. I don't like the cartoon character of #1. I'm not fond of the 'screen' on either side of the people in 2 and 3. I do like the all black cover of #5, but would be interested in seeing the red lettering and the red band in yellow.

Karen Cioffi said...

Mary Jo, thanks so much for the input. Yeah, finding a good image has been a problem. I didn't want to go with just a woman or just a man - I wanted it to be either gender friendly. I was going for the 'you can do it' feeling with this group image. I may still look around for the right 'people' or 'person' image.

That'll be once I'm set on a design.

T. Forehand said...

I like # 2, it looks very professional. Good luck with this project, you amaze me.

Karen Cioffi said...

Cindy, thanks so much for the input. I'm not sure of the grey screen either, but it breaks up the black somewhat. Boy it's difficult designing. LOL

I've created over 20 versions of the cover - these are the top five. I probably have #5 with the yellow instead of the red. I'll have to look.

Karen Cioffi said...

Terri, thanks so much for your input. #2 does have a bit more professional look to it. It's just tough choosing. And, being that I can change any of the elements, there can be so many more versions.

Unknown said...

I think #4 because you can read the print better. I like the red and black, but it's hard to read.

Karen Cioffi said...

Margaret, thanks so much for the input. I agree with you on that point. The title is sharper in #4, but I think #2 is pretty sharp also. They seem so to be leading the pack.

Anonymous said...

I like #2 and #4. #2 looks very professional, but I like the yellow on #4. I'm not crazy about the picture on each of the covers I chose, but I understand about the difficulty of finding the right one. Best wishes with whichever one you choose to use.

Karen Cioffi said...

Susanne, thanks so much for your input. I think there's a theme going on here. I should look for a better image. :)

Kathleen Moulton said...

I had picked #2 before I read comments. It stands out..crisp and clean looking.

Shirley Corder said...

I definitely prefer the photo, although I wonder if there isn't a better one out there. (Not sure what though so that probably isn't very helpful.) Also think the white type is better, so go with #2.

Anne Duguid Knol said...

I'm a definite #2 too but again like the others iffy about the photo which is too clearly a stock photo for me. But it does the job and is a good positive image...

elysabeth said...

I started to say #2 and then looked at #5 but can't tell much of a difference between the two so those would be my choices - E :)

Anonymous said...

Karen, I like #3 and #4. I think it's because of the colors. They draw my eye/attention. Also, I think the picture with real people resonates more than the 3D stick figure man. Keep in mind that I have no marketing knowledge or experience whatsoever,so this is just my personal opinion. Also, note that on #5 the "s" is missing in the word "weeks".

Nancy I. Sanders said...

How exciting for you! I like #2 the best because of the image with people. And also the top title with second line in all caps. Plus the border on the image. It might be nice with the second line all caps in red, too. You could try that as well. Best wishes with this!

Unknown said...

I like number 4. The yellow pops, and allows you to read everything clearly.

Karen Cioffi said...

Kathleen, thanks so much for the input. All this feedback is so helpful. #2 does seem to have first place.

Karen Cioffi said...

Shirley, thanks so much for your input. Finding the right image is tough. I spent way too long on it, so from the comments here I'll decide what to do.

Karen Cioffi said...

Annie, thanks so much for adding your view. It's the image that is the culprit. It is a stock photo, but does have the positive image I want to convey.

I've looked at so many images and really hate to spend more time on it. I've already neglected putting the finishing touches on the ecourse. LOL Is that putting the cart ahead of the horse?

Karen Cioffi said...

Elysabeth, Thanks so much for your view. The title in 2 and 5 are pretty different. It's 3 and 5 that are really close. The only difference is the word "WRITER" is all caps in #5. :) It's just the subtle little details.

Karen Cioffi said...

Latrisha, thanks so much for your input. That's what it's all about - drawing in the visitor. The cover, if working right, should be like a magnet. That's why the personal opinion is so important.

That's why these comments are so VERY helpful.

Karen Cioffi said...

Nancy, thanks so much for your input. I agree that the all caps works better. The great thing and worse thing about designing the image is I can go on and on and on . . . There are so many variations or completely revising. It's like writing the book, you need to stop at some point, and say okay, enough. :)

Karen Cioffi said...

Andrea, thanks so much for your opinion. I think the yellow pops too. And, the color lends to sharper text. Although most like #2, I lean a bit more toward #4 also.

Karen Cioffi said...

Oh, Latrisha, forgot to say thanks for spotting the missing "s." :)

Helen Henderson said...
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Helen Henderson said...

These comments are coming from a reader, an editor, and a marketing person. While the color on #4 pops out, it also overwhelms the text. While I personally didn't like the group of people (it reminded me of a cheesy telemarketing seminar that pitched to me and your work is definitely FIRST-CLASS) I do acknowledge the group of five is more effective than the hurdler in #1. The black text on red in #1 also gets lost. Of them all, I found #2 the most balanced as far as color, balance, and readability The one drawback is that on my computer, then line "as part of..." looks to be a smaller size than the two lines it goes to. And if you match size as you did in #5 it goes cover to cover in a distracting move. Maybe delete the "as part of" line. It adds more emphasis on the rest of the tagline. Of course, that suggestion doesn't work if you want to emphasize the freelance part.

After all that, I vote #2. Good luck on your decision. You might have to spin a dial to see where the needle lands. Helen

Anonymous said...

Karen, now that you've added cover #6, that is my choice. It looks very professional and you don't have to worry about the right people picture for the cover.

JJ said...

They all have such subtle differences, but I prefer #3. The SEO WRITER is in red and larger than the other text, which attracts attention. I like the photo, too. I definitely do not like #4 with the yellow. Red is a power color and yellow is not, in my book.

Linda Wilson said...

Karen, I like #6 the best and like the image better than the others. Can you simplify the wording? Here's my attempt: Super-Charge and Optimize your search engine articles with this quick and easy guide from Karen Cioffi, The Writing Doctor (do you need the word "article" here?) Make it part of your Freelance Writing Portfolio Today!

Karen Cioffi said...

Helen, thanks so much for you input. That people image doesn't really work and I most likely won't use it. While having a people image is usually conversion effective, I just can't seem to find the right one.

The "As part of..." is smaller than its connected text, but I'll be revising that text anyway. The content on the cover is much too wordy for quick, easy reading.

And, thank you for the compliment, "your work is definitely FIRST-CLASS!"
I sure do appreciate it! :)

Karen Cioffi said...

Juliana, thanks so much for the input. When I created #3 I really like it, but was told that the red text on black isn't as visible as white on black, so kind of put it on the back burner.

It's so difficult to design a cover that everyone will like. I do agree that yellow isn't a power color at all, but it sure it bright. :)

Thanks for the food for thought!

Karen Cioffi said...

Linda, thanks so much for your viewpoint. After all the comments about the people image, I designed something different - no stick figures, no people. I think it works.

And, thanks sooo much for the tips on the text. I know it was too wordy, but was focusing on the design, so didn't think about it. Your suggestions are right on the mark.

Back to the designing board. :)

P.S. I can't wait until the cover is done and I can move on. :)

Linda Wilson said...

Yes Karen, you've been working this cover hard! It will look great because of all your hard work. Good for you! It's been a pleasure and a privilege to offer you suggestions!

Mayra Calvani said...

My favorites are the first and the 6th. Great work, Karen!

Karen Cioffi said...

Mayra, thanks so much for your input. I do think #6 eliminates the cheesy people image and gives a professional look.

Phyllis Turner said...

#3 is my favorite. I like the SEO Writer being in red and larger text as someone else mentioned. The whole thing just looks clean. The people are a little cheesy maybe and the yellow and black makes me think of the "For Dummies" books which can be good or bad depending on the persons view of these books. No picture at all makes it look a little "low budget." I'm not sure if low budget is the word I'm looking for but having a picture with real people helps me to think it's something maybe I could learn to do. Good luck with choosing...tough choices.

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