Happy Christmas

Christmas Eve and those of us who have everything under control can relax and look forward to a more--or less--peaceful day. Me? I'm still winding tinsel round the bannisters and hanging cards, wrapping parcels and eyeing in despair the muddy mess that was my kitchen floor. Yep--feeling just like the cross-eyed penguin in the front row right.

And it struck me that maybe how we cope with Christmas is how we cope with our writing life. I'm a deadline junkie, always flying in at the last possible moment when I know in my heart how much easier everything would be with better planning and, more importantly, sticking to a plan.

Happy. Happy Christmas if you're ready and set to go and scanning this post at leisure.

Happy, Happy Christmas if you're like me in the manic throes of preparation.

And Happy, Happy Holiday if you're managing to take the time out to catch up with your writing life.

My dear husband keeps asking what I want for Christmas. Dare I ask for the day off to plan a new novella?

What's your life lesson from the run up to Christmas? Whatever you're doing, have a wonderful day. And remember, even the disasters will be marvelous fodder for your writing.

 Anne Duguid is a freelance content editor with MuseItUp Publishing and she tries to pass on helpful writing,editing and publishing tips at Slow and Steady Writers 


Karen Cioffi said...

Annie, I love that image! Did you create it? And, I think we do manage special occasions and holidays the same as we do our everyday life and our writing life.

Have a wonderful day!

Anne Duguid Knol said...

Brilliant isn't it--came from openclipart.org Click on the picture and it takes you to the site. Sometimes the serendipity of last minute decisions makes them seem worthwhile lol

Mary Jo Guglielmo said...

I'm taking two days off. Plan on spending some of it just having fun and maybe a little writing.

Shirley Corder said...

Annie, I too love the image. Normally I would be the same little guy as you. But this year has been so different for my husband and I. We've had no family contact except on Skype, but we got to speak to every member of our family that way. Otherwise, it's been quiet and peaceful and . . . wonderful! So I identify with the penguin behind you. Floating peacefully past the chaos of most years!

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